reductionism vs holism Flashcards
Reductionism is…
the view that we can understand things by breaking them down into simpler parts.
Holism is…
Athe view that, to understand something, we must look at it as a whole.
As we go down the levels of explanation, we’re explaining Chloe’s behaviour in terms of simpler parts. This means…
Cwe’re using more reductionist explanations.
We’ve now seen that, as we go down the levels of explanation…
Cthe explanations are more reductionist.
The most reductionist level of explanation is a biological explanation, because…
Bit involves explaining behaviour in terms of the simplest parts: tiny genes in the body.
What is the lowest, most reductionist level of explanation in psychology?
Ebiological reductionism
The cognitive approach involves…
using theoretical models to break down behaviour into sequences of mental processes.
The cognitive approach is reductionist to an extent, because…
Cit breaks behaviour down into simpler parts.
The cognitive psychologist Aaron Beck explained depression using a model of a negative triad, which is…
Da psychological level of explanation.
Since reductionism involves explaining complex things in terms of simpler parts, we can say that…
Athe cognitive approach is less reductionist than the behaviourist approach.
When we compare social learning theory to the behaviourist approach, we can say that…
Csocial learning theory is less reductionist than the behaviourist approach.
The psychodynamic approach does use reductionism to an extent, because…
Cit breaks down personality into three simpler parts: the id, ego and super-ego.
. Outline what is meant by the term holism.
Holism is the view that, to understand something, we must look at it as a whole rather than breaking it down into parts.
. Briefly outline the ‘reductionism-holism’ debate in psychology.
The reductionism-holism debate is about whether we should explain behaviours by breaking them down into simpler parts, as supported by reductionism, or if we should understand behaviours by looking at them as a whole, as supported by holism.
All stimulus-response relations and biological processes are…
Dcause and effect relationships.
Reductionist explanations involve cause and effect relationships that can be empirically tested. This means that…
Bthey are falsifiable.
Cthey can be studied using the scientific method.
Humanists argue that…
Dwe shouldn’t break down behaviour into simpler parts.
Awe must focus on all aspects of behaviour.
Cognitive psychologists use these inferences to test theoretical models of mental processes, which are…
Reductionist explanations are scientific because they reduce down to relationships that are empirically testable, and therefore falsifiable.
These relationships are…
Reductionist explanations are scientific because they reduce behaviour down to cause and effect relationships that are empirically testable, and therefore falsifiable.
: falsifiable
Very holistic explanations can’t be studied scientifically, because…
Bthey insist that we shouldn’t break down behaviour into cause and effect relationships.
The principle of parsimony states that if there are several different explanations that completely explain something…
Bwe should choose the simplest explanation.
In psychopathology, we saw that treatments for OCD involve…
Bbiological reductionism.
A second strength of a reductionist approach to psychology is…
Ait can be used to treat symptoms of mental disorders
In the reduction-holism debate, interactionism is the interaction between…
Adifferent levels of explanation.
One advantage of interactionism is that…
Dit fits the evidence we have about the causes of conditions like depression.
More holistic levels of explanation are difficult to test scientifically because…
Dthey don’t break things down into cause and effect relationships.
What is the principle of parsimony?
BIf we have different explanations which completely explain the same thing, we should always choose the simplest one.
Why might interactionism violate the principle of parsimony?
CIt introduces higher levels of explanation.
DIt requires us to use more than one level of explanation.
. Which of the following are strengths of reductionism? | Select all that apply.
DReductionist explanations are scientific and therefore falsifiable.
BReductionism breaks down behaviour into cause and effect relationships that can be empirically tested.
Outline the principle of parsimony.
The principle of parsimony states that if there are several different explanations that completely explain something, we should choose the simplest one.
: Outline two weaknesses of interactionism. [3 marks]
The first weakness is that interactionism is less scientific than very reductionist explanations. The second weakness of interactionism is that it violates the principle of parsimony because it introduces higher levels of explanation and it also requires us to use more than one level of explanation.