determinism vs free will Flashcards
Determinism is…
the view that we never have control over our behaviour.
A scientific approach to psychology involves…
Cmaking reliable predictions.
Astudying cause and effect.
We can only make reliable predictions about behaviour if
We can only make reliable predictions about behaviour if determinism is true.
Another feature of science is falsifiability, which means that…
Bit must be possible to disprove a hypothesis.
If we assume free will…
Awe can’t make predictions, because there’s no way to know how people will decide to act.
Free will is unfalsifiable because…
it doesn’t allow for predictions about behaviour.
Determinism is unfalsifiable because…
Bwe can only falsify claims about specific causes for behaviour.
Cwe cannot falsify the general idea that behaviour has a cause.
. A scientific approach to psychology emphasises causal explanations. Explain how this relates to Free Will and Determinism. [6 Marks]
A scientific approach to psychology emphasises causal explanations. For psychology to be considered scientific, it needs to follow the experimental method. A key part of the experimental method is testing cause and effect relationships. For example, the hypothesis that the suprachiasmatic nucleus causes changes in melatonin levels throughout the day could be tested by removing the suprachiasmatic nucleus. If this does not have an effect on melatonin levels, then the hypothesis that there is a cause and effect relationship between the suprachiasmatic nucleus and melatonin will have been falsified. In this way, cause and effect relationships are vital to the status of psychology as a science, because without cause and effect relationships, it is impossible to test hypotheses, meaning that they are unfalsifiable. Since free will is incompatible with cause and effect, free will is unfalsifiable. If our decisions are made by free will, then they don’t have any other cause. Therefore, we cannot test the causes of our decisions. If this were true, then all psychological explanations of our decisions would be unfalsifiable. So free will is incompatible with a scientific approach to psychology. Furthermore, determinism is also unfalsifiable, because although we could test and falsify any specific claim about what causes our decisions, we cannot test or falsify the claim that our decisions are caused by something. There would always be the possibility that our decisions are caused by something else, that hasn’t yet been tested or even discovered. Therefore, while free will is incompatible with a scientific paradigm because it makes any cause and effect analysis of our decisions impossible, it is also true that a cause and effect analysis of determinism is impossible.
The _______ approach argues that the fact that free will matches our experience is a good enough reason to assume that we have free will.
The humanistic approach argues that the fact that free will matches our subjective experience is a good enough reason to assume that we have free will.
Other psychologists argue that we should base our theories on ____, not subjective, criteria.
Other psychologists argue that we should base our theories on objective or scientific , not subjective, criteria.
Determinists argue that free will is
If someone believes that they have free will, then they will have…
Aan internal locus of control.
if someone believes in determinism, they will have an locus of control.
If we treat people as if they have free will, then they will be likely to believe that they have free will, and develop an .
And Benassi et al showed that people with an internal locus of control were less likely to develop symptoms of .
So, if we treat people as if they have free will, then they will have better mental health! So, people will be better-off!
And this is an argument in favour of assuming .
If we treat people as if they have free will, then they will be likely to believe that they have free will, and develop an internal locus of control .
And Benassi et al showed that people with an internal locus of control were less likely to develop symptoms of depression .
So, if we treat people as if they have free will, then they will have better mental health! So, people will be better-off!
And this is an argument in favour of assuming free will .
Assuming free will can blame people for behaviour that wasn’t their .
Assuming free will can unfairly blame people for behaviour that wasn’t their fault .
Could have been caused by environmental or biological factors
Even if determinism is true, our legal system could keep working as normal as long as it is based on providing a .
Even if determinism is true, our legal system could keep working as normal as long as it is based on providing a deterrent .
Determinism means that… legal implication
Cwe cannot punish criminals on the basis that they deserve punishment.
Dwe can still punish criminals as a deterrent.
Ano one is ever responsible for their actions.
What is soft determinism ?
Soft determinism is the view that our choices are constrained or limited by biology and the environment, but we have free will to choose within those options.
Which of the approaches assumes soft determinism?
CSocial learning theory.
DCognitive approach.
is when we have full control over our behaviour. * is the view that we never have control over our behaviour. * is the view that our choices are constrained by our biology and environment, but that we have free will to choose within those options. * Psychic determinism is the view that behaviour is caused by the . * Environmental determinism is the view that all behaviour is caused by . * is the view that all behaviour is caused by biological factors. This debate is about whether psychology should free will, hard determinism, or soft determinism.
Free will is when we have full control over our behaviour. * Hard determinism is the view that we never have control over our behaviour. * Soft determinism is the view that our choices are constrained by our biology and environment, but that we have free will to choose within those options. * Psychic determinism is the view that behaviour is caused by the unconscious mind or unconscious . * Environmental determinism is the view that all behaviour is caused by environment or our environment . * Biological determinism is the view that all behaviour is caused by biological factors. This debate is about whether psychology should assume free will, hard determinism, or soft determinism
. In an essay on Free Will vs. Determinism, you could cover the following evaluation (AO3) points:
* If we assume free will, we cannot study and or make , both of which are necessary for a scientific approach to psychology.
* Psychologists successfully do both of these things, which suggests that free will is .
* Determinism does not match our experience of freely making our own decisions.
* Determinism may lead to an external locus of control and et al found that people with an external locus of control are more likely to suffer from .
* Assuming can unfairly blame people for behaviour that wasn’t their fault.
If we assume , then it does not make sense to send people to prison on the grounds that they deserve punishment.
* is still compatible with the legal system, if punishments are used as a .
If we assume free will, we cannot study cause and effect or make predictions , both of which are necessary for a scientific approach to psychology. * Psychologists successfully do both of these things, which suggests that free will is false . * Determinism does not match our subjective experience of freely making our own decisions. * Determinism may lead to an external locus of control and Benassi et al found that people with an external locus of control are more likely to suffer from depression . * Assuming free will can unfairly blame people for behaviour that wasn’t their fault. If we assume determinism , then it does not make sense to send people to prison on the grounds that they deserve punishment. * Determinism is still compatible with the legal system, if punishments are used as a deterrent .
There may be a benefit, in treatments and therapy, if people believe they have free will.
. Write an evaluation paragraph in relation to the above statement. [4 marks]
People who believe in their own free will may have better mental health, because of their locus of control. Benassi et al. found that people with an external locus of control were significantly more likely to develop depressive symptoms. This could be used as an argument for assuming free will, because it seems difficult to have an internal locus of control unless you assume free will. Therefore, if people believe they have free will, they can avoid negative thoughts of feeling powerless, and are more likely to feel like they can improve and take control of their lives. So free will’s compatibility with successful therapy outcomes is a reason for psychologists to assume free will, at least when communicating with those in therapy.