Prenatal Screening Flashcards
What is screening?

Screening identifies apparently healthy people who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition, enabling earlier treatment or informed decisions.
Fetal anomaly screening programme

Fetal Anomoly Screening Programme
- … pregnancy scan
- Screening for …’s …’s …’s syndromes
- First trimester … test
- Second trimester … test
- ..+.. – ..+.. weeks fetal anomaly scan
- Early pregnancy scan
- Screening for Down’s Edward’s Patau’s syndromes
- First trimester combined test
- Second trimester quad test
- 18+0 – 20+6 weeks fetal anomaly scan
The early pregnancy scan:
Why scan at 10-14 weeks ?
- …-… % of women attending for scan will have miscarried
- Accurate …
- NICE guidance: advise use scan of … in lieu of LMP dates
- crucial for screening tests for …
- reduces need for post dates … of labour
- NICE guidance: advise use scan of … in lieu of LMP dates
- Detect … pregnancy
- determine c…
- Diagnosis of major … anomalies
- s.. b…
- an…
- ex… & gastro…
- … outflow obstruction
- Screening for chromosomal conditions:
- Down’s syndrome -Trisomy …
- Edward’s syndrome- Trisomy …
- Patau’s syndrome –Trisomy …
- 2 - 3 % of women attending for scan will have miscarried
- Accurate dating
- NICE guidance: advise use scan of dates in lieu of LMP dates
- crucial for screening tests for trisomies
- reduces need for post dates induction of labour
- NICE guidance: advise use scan of dates in lieu of LMP dates
- Detect multiple pregnancy
- determine chorionicity
- Diagnosis of major structural anomalies
- spina bifida
- anencephaly
- exomphalos & gastroschisis
- bladder outflow obstruction
- Screening for chromosomal conditions:
- Down’s syndrome -Trisomy 21
- Edward’s syndrome- Trisomy 18
- Patau’s syndrome –Trisomy 13
Screening for chromosomal conditions:
- What 3 ? What Trisomy?
- Down’s syndrome -Trisomy 21
- Edward’s syndrome- Trisomy 18
- Patau’s syndrome –Trisomy 13
Screening for Down’s Edward’s Patau’s syndromes
- First trimester … test
- Second trimester … test
- First trimester combined test
- Second trimester quad test
Down’s syndrome - Trisomy …
- Schematic view of full ….
- Usually we have … pairs of autosomes and two sex chromosomes making a total of … chromosomes.
- People with Downs syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome …
- People with Edwards syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome …
- People with Pataus syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome …

Down’s syndrome - Trisomy 21
- Schematic view of full karyotype.
- Usually we have 22 pairs of autosomes and two sex chromosomes making a total of 46 chromosomes.
- People with Downs syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21.
- People with Edwards syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 18
- People with Pataus syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 13

People with Pataus syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome …
People with Pataus syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 13
People with Edwards syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome …
People with Edwards syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 18
People with Downs syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome …
People with Downs syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21.
Screening Tests vs Diagnostic Tests
- Screening Tests
- identify individuals at ‘high’ or ‘low’ chance of having a baby with the condition screened for
- A low chance result does … trisomy in the baby.
- A high chance result does not indicate that the baby is
- …
- Risk of miscarriage?
- Diagnostic Tests
- give … information on the fetal chromosomes by confirming the presence of an extra chromosome or absence of a chromosome
- Risk of miscarriage?
- Screening Tests…
- …identify individuals at ‘high’ or ‘low’ chance of having a baby with the condition screened for
- A low chance result does not exclude trisomy in the baby.
- A high chance result does not indicate that the baby is definitely affected.
- No risk of miscarriage
- Diagnostic Tests…
- …give definitive information on the fetal chromosomes by confirming the presence of an extra chromosome or absence of a chromosome
- Risk of miscarriage
Pregnancy Screening Timeline

First trimester combined screening
- 3 Modalities:
- Maternal …
- Nuchal … Scan
- Blood Test for markers - P… and B…
- 3 Modalities:
- Maternal Age
- Nuchal Translucency Scan
- Blood Test for markers - PAPPA and BhCG

The chance of having a baby with a trisomy increases with …
The chance of having a baby with a trisomy increases with maternal age.

Nuchal Translucency [NT] Scan
- Can only take measurement when CRL 45- 84mm [equates to 11+2 to 14+1 weeks]
- CRL = crown rump length
- NT is increased in over …% of cases of T21.
- …% of T18
- …% Turners

- CRL 45- 84mm [equates to 11+2 to 14+1 weeks]
- CRL = crown rump length
- NT is increased in over 80% of cases of T21.
- 75% of T18
- 87% Turners
What are the two maternal serum biochemical markers in combined screening?
free B-hCG and PAPP-A

Combined screening:
Maternal serum biochemical markers
- free ß-… & P…-A
- Measure the concentration of the markers in the maternal blood stream. In a pregnancy where the fetus has Downs you tend to see a … levels of … in conjunction with … levels of ….
- In T13/18 both markers tend to be significantly … than average.
- free ß-hCG PAPP-A
- Measure the concentration of the markers in the maternal blood stream. In a pregnancy where the fetus has Downs you tend to see a higher levels of … in conjunction with lower levels of ….
- In T13/18 both markers tend to be significantly lower than average.

Maternal /fetal influencing factors for combined screening
- … age
- … age
- E…
- S…
- I…
- … pregnancy
- W..
- D…
- Past history of … abnormality
- … sex
- Analytical …
- Maternal age
- Gestational age
- Ethnicity - afro caribbean inc PAPPA by up to 60%
- Smoking - inc BHG by 20% and reduces PAPPA by up t 15%
- Multiple pregnancy
- Weight - 3kg error = 5% error in risk calculation
- Diabetes
- Past history of chromosome abnormality
- Fetal sex
- Analytical Imprecision
Combined screening result process
- National cut off for high / low chance = 1 in …
- Higher chance? Phoned within … working days – offer further tests
- Lower chance? Letter within … weeks
- National cut off for high / low chance = 1 in 150
- Higher chance? Phoned within 3 working days – offer further tests
- Lower chance? Letter within 2 weeks

National Standards – Performance thresholds for combined screening

Pregnancy Screening
- We can only offer combined test up to …+… weeks.
- For women booking late, or found to be over 14+1 weeks on scan we have another option – the … test
- We can only offer combined test up to 14+1 weeks.
- For women booking late, or found to be over 14+1 weeks on scan we have another option – the quadruple test

Combined screening result process
- High chance result anything from 1 in … to 1 in …
- Low chance result 1 in … or lower
- High chance result anything from 1 in 2 to 1 in 150
- Low chance result 1 in 151 or lower

Detection rate of combined screening test:
- T21 - …%
- T13/18 - …%
- T21 - 85% (Down’s)
- T13/18 - 80% (Edwards/Patau’s)
Second trimester maternal serum screening: quadruple test
- …+… to …+0 weeks: available to late bookers only
- Only screens for Trisomy …
- Blood test only [… cannot be used after …+… weeks]
- Uses gestational age, maternal age, smoking, weight, ethnicity and …
- 14+2 to 20+0 weeks: available to late bookers only
- Only screens for Trisomy 21
- Blood test only [NT cannot be used after 14+2 weeks]
- Uses gestational age, maternal age, smoking, weight, ethnicity and … maternal serum markers
- NT – nuchal translucency
- The NT scan is not used after … weeks,
- NT – nuchal translucency
- The NT scan is not used after 14 weeks,
The quad test is a blood test measuring … markers in the blood.
The quad test is a blood test measuring 4 markers in the blood.

Second trimester maternal serum screening: quadruple test - Markers
- UE3 unconjugated estriol – … hormone
- AFP alpha fetoprotein – … from …
- … A placental hormone
- … beta human chorionic gonadotrophin- placental hormone
- UE3 unconjugated estriol – placental hormone
- AFP alpha fetoprotein – protein from fetus
- Inhibin A placental hormone
- BHCG beta human chorionic gonadotrophin- placental hormone
Quad test : Detection rates
- DR is similar to singleton pregnancy but the SPR doubles.
- T 21 - DR is …%, Screen positive rate is …%
- DR is similar to singleton pregnancy but the SPR doubles.
- T 21 - DR is 80%, Screen positive rate is 2.5-3.5%

Quad test : Detection rates : Twins
- Monochorionic twins:
- DR …% SPR ..%
- Dichorionic twins:
- DR …-…% SPR …%
- Monochorionic twins:
- DR 80% SPR 3%
- Dichorionic twins:
- DR 40-50% SPR 3%
- The combined test is the preferred screening test for twins.
- Whilst the DR Monochorionic twins is similar to a singleton pregnancy, it is much lower for Dichorionic twins.
- Thus overall the quad test is less useful for dichorionic twins
- Therefore women with twin pregnancies require careful counselling about screening tests
- The … test is the preferred screening test for twins.
- Whilst the DR Monochorionic twins is similar to a singleton pregnancy, it is much lower for … twins.
- Thus overall the … test is less useful for dichorionic twins
- Therefore women with twin pregnancies require … …. about screening tests
- The combined test is the preferred screening test for twins.
- Whilst the DR Monochorionic twins is similar to a singleton pregnancy, it is much lower for Dichorionic twins.
- Thus overall the quad test is less useful for dichorionic twins
- Therefore women with twin pregnancies require careful counselling about screening tests
Higher chance of T13/18/21 on combined or quad screening test ? What next?
- Explain result – … the chance: 1 in 50 = 2%
- Balanced information about the condition
- Three main options:
- 1-Do nothing - … the pregnancy without having further tests
- 2-Diagnostic … testing [CVS / Amnio]
- 3-NIPT – non invasive … testing
- [Available …, planned implementation on NHS in June 2021]
- Explain result – reframe the chance: 1 in 50 = 2%]
- Balanced information about the condition
- Three main options:
- 1-Do nothing - continue the pregnancy without having further tests
- 2-Diagnostic invasive testing [CVS / Amnio]
- 3-NIPT – non invasive prenatal testing
- [Available privately, planned implementation on NHS in June 2021]
Prenatal diagnosis / Diagnostic invasive test
- Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS …+ weeks
- Amniocentesis …+ weeks to term
- Around …-…% risk of miscarriage
- [higher in …]
- Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS 11+ weeks
- Amniocentesis 15+ weeks to term
- Around 0.5 -1% risk of miscarriage
- [higher in twins]

NIPT: Non-invasive prenatal testing Screening for aneuploidy
- Cell free fetal DNA [cff DNA] in maternal blood from … weeks
- Pregnancy specific
- Test maternal blood from … weeks
- Aneuploidy: Screening for T… sensitivity and specificity over 99%
- Marketed as Harmony, SAFE, Panorama, NIFTY test
- Cell free fetal DNA [cff DNA] in maternal blood from 5 weeks
- Pregnancy specific
- Test maternal blood from 10 weeks
- Aneuploidy: Screening for T21 sensitivity and specificity over 99%
- Marketed as Harmony, SAFE, Panorama, NIFTY test
Combined Screen Test / NIPT
- Results either:
- > 99% chance baby has Downs
- [should be confirmed by invasive test if considering terminatin]
- < 1 in 10,000 chance baby has Downs

NIPT Advantages
- … detection rates, … screen positive rates
- Reduction in invasive diagnostic testing [… effective] hence reduction in … caused by invasive testing [CVS/amniocentesis]
- A further option for women
- High detection rates, low screen positive rates
- Reduction in invasive diagnostic testing [cost effective] hence reduction in miscarriage caused by invasive testing [CVS/amniocentesis]
- A further option for women
NIPT Disadvantages
- Screening test: Not … […]
- Confirm screen positive results with … test
- Not suitable for …
- NHS – planned implementation as a 3 year evaluative roll out commencing June 2021
- Likely to be offered to anyone with … chance result on first or second trimester screening with … or … pregnancy
- Screening test: Not diagnostic [false positives / false negatives]
- Confirm screen positive results with invasive test
- Not suitable for everyone
- NHS – planned implementation as a 3 year evaluative roll out commencing June 2021
- Likely to be offered to anyone with high chance result on first or second trimester screening with singleton or twin pregnancy
18+0 to 20+6 week fetal anomaly ultrasound scan
- Specifies screening for … conditions where:
- the baby may benefit from … before or after birth
- birth is advisable in an … hospital/ centre and/or to … treatment after the baby is born
- the baby may … shortly after birth
- Specifies screening for 11 conditions where:
- the baby may benefit from treatment before or after birth
- birth is advisable in an appropriate hospital/ centre and/or to optimise treatment after the baby is born
- the baby may die shortly after birth
11conditions screened at mid trimester scan

11 conditions screened at mid trimester scan are:
- Anencephaly - DR is 98%
- Open spina bifida DR is 90%
- Cleft lip DR is 75%
- Diaphragmatic hernia DR is 60%
- Gastroschisis DR is 98%
- Exomphalos DR is 80%
- Serious cardiac anomalies includes the following: DR is 50%
- Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA)
- Atrioventricular Septal Defect (AVSD)
- Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)
- Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
- Bilateral renal agenesis DR is 84%
- Lethal skeletal dysplasia DR is 60%
- Edwards’ syndrome (Trisomy 18) DR is 95%**
- Patau’s syndrome (Trisomy 13) DR is 95%**
**Detections rates will be reviewed once sufficient data is received following implementation of screening as part of the combined screening strategy
NCARDRS - What is this?
National Congenital Abnormality and rare Disease registration Service

Trisomy 21:
- Associated with some level of learning disability – …% in mainstream primary school. Cannot predict … pre-birth.
- Some health conditions are more …
- Typical life expectancy is …+
- Associated with some level of learning disability – 80% in mainstream primary school. Cannot predict severity pre-birth.
- Some health conditions are more common
- Typical life expectancy is 60+
Trisomy 21: Parents Understanding
- Most parents report … experience [Bertrand 2017]
- …% felt outlook on life more positive
- Over …% expressed love for their child
- …% regretted having their child
- …% of people with Down’s say they enjoy their life [Skotko et al 2011]
- Most parents report positive experience [Bertrand 2017]
- 79% felt outlook on life more positive
- Over 99% expressed love for their child
- 7% regretted having their child
- 99% of people with Down’s say they enjoy their life [Skotko et al 2011]
Condition diagnosed - E.g. Trisomy 21
- Options
- Continue
- Continue and …
- Termination [medical / surgical] [Trisomy 21: …%]
- Support
- Termination under Grounds …
- There is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously …
- Options
- Continue
- Continue and adoption
- Termination [medical / surgical] [Trisomy 21: 90%]
- Support
- Termination under Grounds E
- There is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped
- To put termination for fetal anomaly into context – in 2018 there were over 200,000 abortions in England and Wales, of which around …% were under Ground E
- To put termination for fetal anomaly into context – in 2018 there were over 200,000 abortions in England and Wales, of which around 2% were under Ground E

Condition diagnosed - such as Trisomy 21
- Additional Support
- Antenatal Screening Co-Ordinator / midwife
- National support groups:
- Antenatal Results and Choices [ARC],
- Downs syndrome association [DSA]
- Soft U.K. [Tri 13 and 18], Unique, Contact-A- Family
- Meet other parents [Specialist Health Visitor / local groups]
- Obstetric / neonatal / paediatric /surgical teams
- Genetic counselling
- Additional Support
- Antenatal Screening Co-Ordinator / midwife
- National support groups:
- Antenatal Results and Choices [ARC],
- Downs syndrome association [DSA]
- Soft U.K. [Tri 13 and 18], Unique, Contact-A- Family
- Meet other parents [Specialist Health Visitor / local groups]
- Obstetric / neonatal / paediatric /surgical teams
- Genetic counselling
Pre–screening test information: what should we be discussing?
- Prior to entering a screening programme
- Tests are …
- What are we screening for?
- What the test will …
- … of tests
- … results – higher / lower chance
- Options if … chance result
- Options if a condition is …
- Contact for further information
- Prior to entering a screening programme
- Tests are optional
- What are we screening for?
- What the test will not tell you
- Timing of tests
- Communicating results – higher / lower chance
- Options if higher chance result
- Options if a condition is diagnosed
- Contact for further information
National patient information leaflets: Screening tests for you and your baby
National screening leaflets are available – these are all digital now. Take time to look at the leaflet – there is also a video for parents.