Effects of Age and Diet on Endocrine Function Flashcards
Effects of age on endocrine function
- look at … status
- …/… levels
- … axis i.e. menopause, ‘andropause’
- GH-IGF system - what is this?
- … levels
- … function
- look at nutritional status
- Insulin/glucose levels
- Gonodal axis i.e. menopause, ‘andropause’
- GH-IGF system - growth hormone / IGF system
- Cortisol levels
- DHEA - dehydroepiandrosterone
- Thyroid function
Effects of diet on endocrine function
- Starvation
- … Nervosa
- …/glucose levels
- L… levels
- … axis
- GH-IGF system - what is this
- C… levels
- … function
- Starvation
Anorexia Nervosa
- insulin/glucose levels
- leptin levels
- Gonodal axis
- GH-IGF system - Growth hormone IGF system
- Cortisol levels
- Thyroid function
Different perspectives on age, diet and endocrine function
- Evolutionary perspective is what?
- Hormonal function:
- …pause exists
- ‘andropause’
- ‘somatopause’
- ‘adrenopause’
- Hormonal function:
- Cultural perspective is what?
- Anti-aging results in … google hits
- Pharma perspective is what?
- Evolutionary perspective
- We are outliving our natural lifesan
- Hormonal function:
- menopause
- ‘andropause’
- ‘somatopause’
- ‘adrenopause’
- Cultural perspective is what?
- Anti-aging results in 3,000,000 google hits
- Pharma perspective is what?
- enourmous market - especially compared to endocrine market for testosterone / GH
Is 80 the new 60?
“Just because that happens doesnt mean that it’s health or inevitable … there must be a supplement or hormone that I can take to counteract it”
who said this?
healthy 76 yo compaining of loss of flexibility (yoga expert)
‘Medicalisation’ - Aging and endocrine function
- Increased … expectancy may not equate to increased … expectancy
- ‘Usual ageing’ what does this mean?
- physiological?
- pathological?
- optimal?
- Hormonal influence
- dwarfed by other influences, what are these? (4)
- Balance of … and … of treatment
- risks - esp … risk in elderly
- … - GH/testo not … active
- … involved
- Increased life expectancy may not equate to increased health expectancy
- Usual ageing
- physiological?
- pathological?
- optimal?
- Hormonal influence
- dwarfed by other influences, what are these? (4)
- Genetic
- Environmental
- Psychosocial
- Co-morbidities
- Balance of benefit and harm of treatment
- risks - esp cancer risk in elderly
- hassle - GH/testo not orally active
- Costs involved
- dwarfed by other influences, what are these? (4)
Association and Causation - Aging and endocrine function
- Similar ‘phenotypes’ between …/… deficiency and aging
- Increased … mass, increased … fat
- Sarco…
- Decreased bone … density
- Decreased …/mood
- Increased risk of … disease
- BUT:
- Phenotypes are non-… and high …
- Similar ‘phenotypes’ between Hypogonadism/GH deficiency and aging
- Increased fat mass, increased visceral fat
- Sarcopaenia
- Decreased bone mineral density
- Decreased QOL/mood
- Increased risk of CV disease
- BUT:
- Phenotypes are non-specific and high prevalence
Age: Nutritional status
- Weight
- increases from mid-…s
- Plateau after age of … onwards
- Lean body mass
- declines by approx …-…% / decade from mid …s
- Diet
- trend towards (decrease or increase?) intake total energy and protein with increasing age
- Weight
- increases from mid-30s
- Plateau after age of 50-70
- Lean body mass
- declines by approx 6-8% / decade from mid 30s
- Diet
- trend towards decreased intake total energy and protein with increasing age
Age: Insulin/glucose
- As you get older what happens to levels of insulin and glucose?
- What happens to insulin resistance?
- What happens to peripheral glucose uptake?
- Increased prevalence of … syndrome with increased age
- As you get older what happens to levels of insulin and glucose? insulin and glucose levels increase
- What happens to insulin resistance? - increases
- What happens to peripheral glucose uptake? - decreases
- Increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome with increased age
Metabolic syndrome
- ‘Constellation of closely associated … risk factors’
- These are … (4)
- … resistance is the underlying pathophysiological mechanism
- ‘Constellation of closely associated CV risk factors’
- These are … (4)
- Visceral obesity
- Dyslipidaemia
- Hyperglycaemia
- Hypertension
- These are … (4)
- Insulin resistance is the underlying pathophysiological mechanism
This graph shows that the prevalence of … syndrome goes up by age

metabolic syndrome
What axis is shown?

Gonadal axis
Age: Menopause
- Menopause means what?
- Oestrogen levels:
- Pre-menopausal: there is a …
- Post-menopausal: levels are … meaning levels of LH and FSH are … - why?
- ? What causes menopause
- Average age of menopause is roughly … with a standard deviation of 2 years
- Symptoms of menopause include … (2)
- Symptoms median duration is … years
- Morbidity:
- Increased chance of osteo… increased CHD - what is this? increased sexual …
- Oestrogen levels:
- Menopause means ovarian failure
- Oestrogen levels:
- Pre-menopausal: there is a cycle
- Post-menopausal: levels are very low meaning levels of LH and FSH are constantly high - why? - because of the lack of negative feedback
- ? What causes menopause - brain and ovary are ‘pacemakers’
- Average age of menopause is roughly 50 with a standard deviation of 2 years
- Symptoms of menopause include hot flushes, night sweat
- Symptoms median duration is 7 years
- Morbidity:
- Increased osteoporosis increased CHD (coronary heart disease)increased sexualdysfunction
- Pre-menopausal: there is a cycle
- Oestrogen levels:
Age: Menopause - Post-Menopausal HRT
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Initial observational studies showed benefits (… user bias)
- Some subsequent RCTs showed what?
- However, ratio depends on
- other risk factors
- … of woman and … of use
- greater risk if >…yrs, >…yrs post-MP
- … of HRT (oestrogen, progestogen, route)
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Initial observational studies showed benefits (healthy user bias)
- Some subsequent RCTs showed no benefits and increased risks
- However risk:benefit ratio depends on
- other risk factors
age of woman and duration of use
- greater risk if >60yrs, >10yrs post-MP
- Type of HRT (oestrogen, progestogen, route)
Post-menopausal HRT
- Benefits
- Treatment of menopausal symptoms
- decreased risk of … / fracture risk
- for … of treatment only
- Risks
- increased risk of venous …-…
- increased … cancer risk (esp >5yrs)
- increased … cancer if unopposed oestrogen is used
- Benefits
- Treatment of menopausal symptoms
- decreased osteoporosis / fracture risk
- for duration of treatment
- Risks
- increased risk of venous thrombo-embolism - particularly smokers
- increased breast cancer risk (esp >5yrs)
- increased endometrial cancer - if use unopposed oestrogen used
Post-menopausal HRT - goals of treatment
- Goals have shifted back:
- from … (to prevent disorders associated with post-menopausal oestrogen deficiency, like osteoporosis)
- To … of menopausal …
- … term, … effective dose, … menopausal women
- from replacement (to prevent disorders associated with post-menopausal oestrogen deficiency, like osteoporosis)
- To treatment of menopausal symptoms
- short term, lowest effective dose, younger menopausal women
Male Gonadal Axis
- Gradual testosterone … with increased age
- Wide range of … at all ages
- @ 75 years, mean testosterone is …/… that @ 25years
- … association between libido / erectile dysfunction and testosterone
- Testosterone prescriptions increased by …% over the past decade
- Gradual testosterone decrease with increased age
- Wide range of normality at all ages
- @ 75 years, mean testosterone is 2/3 that @ 25years
- Poor association between libido / erectile dysfunction and testosterone
- Testosterone prescriptions increased by 500% over the past decade
What does this figure illustrate?

The gradual decline in testosterone with age
What is this table showing?

Testosterone range for 95% of healthy men
Age - Male Gonodal Axis
- Clinical hypo…
- … sexual function
- … risk of osteoporosis
- … muscle strength
- are some features of ageing secondary … deficiency
- Would treatment be beneficial or risky?
- Clinical hypogonadism
- decreased sexual function
- increased risk of osteoporosis
- decreased muscle strength
- are some features of ageing secondary androgen deficiency
- Would treatment be beneficial or risky?
Testosterone treatment in older men
- Are there improvements in sexual function?
- most erectile dysfunction in older age is …
- drugs like sildenafil (‘…’) may work
- Little or no evidence of benefit or insufficient data that testosterone improves… (3)
- Potential risks
- … (benign prostatic hypertrophy / cancer)
- … (increased haematocrit)
- ? … risk (MI/strokes)
- There are small improvements in sexual function
- most erectile dysfunction in older age is atherosclerotic
- drugs like sildenafil (‘viagra’) may work
- Little or no evidence of benefit or insufficient data
- physical function, including energy & vitality
- cognitive function
- mood/QOL
- Potential risks
- prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy / cancer)
- erythropoeisis (increased haematocrit)
- ? CVS risk (MI/strokes)
Testosterone treatment in older men (2)
- Bones
- increased bone … … if hypogonadal
- What is the effect on fractures?
- … work, independent of androgen status
- Body composition
- … lean body mass
- … fat mass
- no convincing functional benefits demonstrated
- increased muscle … with supra-physiological doses
- Bones
- increased bone mineral density if hypogonadal
- ? Effect on fractures - unknown
- Bisphosphonates work, independent of androgen status
- Body composition
- increased lean body mass
- decreased fat mass
- no convincing functional benefits demonstrated
- increased muscle strength with supra-physiological doses
What are these quotes discussing treatment of?

Testosterone treatment in older men
What axis is shown here?

GH-IGF-1-Axis - age
- … integrated GH with increased age, … IGF-1 with increased age
- Wide variation in … range

- decreased integrated GH with increased age, decreased IGF-1 with increased age
- Wide variation in normal range
GH treatment in older individuals
- Body composition
- Lean body mass?
- Fat mass?
- Overall are there benefits for this?
- Is there a significant change in
- bone mineral density?
- Lipids?
- Body composition
- Lean body mass? - increases by about 2kg
- Fat mass? - decreases by about 2kg
- Overall are there benefits for this? - no convincing functional benefits demonstrated
- Is there a significant change in
- bone mineral density? - no
- Lipids? - slight improvement in total cholesterol levels (reduced)
Risks of GH treatment in older adults
- What are the potential risks? (2)
- higher IGF-1 is associated with…
- increased risk of type …
- What are the side-effects? (3)
- Potential risks include:
- increased risk of cancer (increased IFG-1) in observational studies is associated with increased risk non-smoking related cancer (i.e. prostate, colon, breast)
- also increased risk of T2 DM
- Side effects:
- soft tissue oedema
- arthralgias
- carpal tunnel syndrome
What is this quote discussing?

Growth hormone
What axis is this?

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Effects of age on cortisol levels
- … trough levels cortisol with increased age
- … average levels with increased age
- phase advance of … rhythm
- time at trough and peak both earlier or later?

Increased trough levels cortisol with increased age
- increased average levels with increased age
- phase advance of diurnal rhythm
- time at trough and peak both earlier
Sapolsky’s glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis
- … hippocampal glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors with increasing age
- … sensitivity to glucocorticoid negative feedback
- Hippocampal … vulnerable to damage
- ‘feed forward cascade’
- volume hippocampus … on MRI - no differences in volume of adjacent structures
- Hippocampus roles include learning and memory
- Therefore cortisol associated with what?
- Decreased hippocampal glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors with increasing age
- Decreased sensitivity to glucocorticoid negative feedback
- Hippocampal neurons vulnerable to damage
- ‘feed forward cascade’
- volume hippocampus decreased on MRI - no differences in volume of adjacent structures
- Hippocampus roles include learning and memory
- Therefore cortisol associated with increased decline of cognitive function
DHEAS is an … androgen
DHEAS is an adrenal androgen

What happens to levels of DHEA with age?
Declining levels with age

DHEA - regulation of action
- regulation of action of DHEA - unclear
- ?stimulated same as cortisol, by …
- ?Action via androgen and/or oestrogen receptors
- ‘…-hormone’
- Potential for adverse effects of treatment (… , … tissue) - not demonstrated
- regulation of action of DHEA - unclear
- ?ACTH - same as cortisol
- ?Action via androgen and/or oestrogen receptors
- ‘pro-hormone’
- Potential for adverse effects of treatment (prostate, breast) - not demonstrated
DHEA - importance in men?
- Overwhelming excess of more potent circulating …
- Contribution to androgenic effects in men ‘…’ at most
- Overwhelming excess of more potent circulating androgens
- Contribution to androgenic effects in men ‘modest’ at most
DHEAS - age
- Levels … with age
- by 70-80, DHEAS is …% of peak
- Observational studies have suggested increased DHEAS is associated with increased … (2) and decreased … (2)
- Decreased DHEA is a non-specific marker of … health
- associations may not be …
- decreased DHEA / DHEA:cortisol ratio found in … (4 conditions/diseases)
- Levels decrease with age
- by 70-80, DHEAS is 5-10% of peak
- Observational studies have suggested increased DHEAS is associated with increased QOL and bone mineral density (2) and decreased cognitive decline and coronary heart disease(2)
- Decreased DHEA is a non-specific marker of ill health
- associations may not be causal
- decreased DHEA / DHEA:cortisol ratio found in cancer, inflammatory disease, T2DM, CV disease
- Is it regulated?
- Is it a drug or supplement?
- Is it readily available?
- Is it well regulated?
- Is it regulated - Yes - FDA
- Is it a drug or supplement - Food Supplement
- Is it readily available? - yes
- Is it well regulated? - no - composition varies - may contain 0-15% of amount stated on packet
DHEA - overview
- Is there evidence of beneficial effects on:
- body composition?
- physical performance?
- insulin sensitivity?
- QOL?
- Are there any adverse effects demonstrated?
- Have studies demonstrated any positive effect of DHEA in aging individuals ?
- evidence for use?
- Is there evidence of beneficial effects on:
- body composition? - no
- physical performance? - no
- insulin sensitivity? - no
- QOL? - no
- Are there any adverse effects demonstrated? - no
- Multiple studies have not demonstrated any positive effect of DHEA in aging individuals
- No evidence for use
What axis is shown?

Thyroid axis
Age: Thyroid function
- Slight … TSH with age
- T4 levels?
- … peripheral T4 -> T3 conversion with age
- … T3 with age
- evidence for beneficial effect of T4 treatment ?
- may do …
- What are 3 risks?
- may do …
- Slight increase TSH with age
- T4 levels? - stay more or less same
- Decreased peripheral T4 -> T3 conversion with age
- Decreased T3 with age
No evidence for beneficial effect of T4 treatment
- may do harm
- risk of osteoporosis, atrial fibrillation
- risk in elderly with atherosclerotic coronaries
- may do harm
Starvation/AN - insulin, glucose and leptin
- What happens to Insulin and glucose levels and insulin sensitivity?
- Leptin is produced by …
- leptin correlates with …
- reports … information to the hypothalamus
- ‘… signal’ signals energy availability
- … leptin = increase food intake, decrease energy expenditure
- decrease leptin = decreased …
- permissive factor for initiation of …
- What happens to Insulin and glucose levels and insulin sensitivity? - glucose and insulin levels decrease, insulin sensitivity increases
- Leptin is produced by white adipose tissue
- leptin correlates with BMI and body fat
- reports nutritional information to the hypothalamus
- ‘starvation signal’ signals energy availability
- decreased leptin = increase food intake, decrease energy expenditure
- decrease leptin = decreased fertility
- permissive factor for initiation of puberty
Starvation/AN - oestrogen/testosterone
- …. LH and FSH
- … oestrogen and testosterone
- … fertility, amenorrhoea
- termed ‘hypothalamic amenorrhoea’
- makes evolutionary sense in times of …
- osteo… - treatment HRT / COCP
- Decreased LH and FSH
- Decreased oestrogen and testosterone
Decreased fertility, amenorrhoea
- ‘hypothalamic amenorrhoea’
- makes evolutionary sense in times of famine
- osteoporosis - treatment HRT / COCP
Links between metabolism and reproduction
- Ob Ob mouse
- hyperphagic and obese
- Also had:
- low …trophins
- incomplete development of … organs
- does not reach … maturity
- fertile?
- … - treatment
- reduced obesity
- Also:
- restored … secretion
- … gonad
- induced …
- restored …
- Ob Ob mouse
- hyperphagic and obese
- Also:
- low gonadotrophins
- incomplete development of reproductive organs
- does not reach sexual maturity
- infertile
Leptin - treatment
- reduced obesity
- Also:
- restored GN secretion
- mature gonad
- induced puberty
- restored fertility
Central mediator: kisspeptin
- A … secretagogue - at the apex of the reproductive axis in the hypothalamus
- KISS1 neurons highly responsive to …, implicated in both + and - central feedback of sex steroids on GnRH production
- Metabolic influences on reproduction:
- mediated by …: permissive effect
- via the kisspeptin system
- puberty and reproduction
- A GnRH secretagogue - at the apex of the reproductive axis in the hypothalamus
- KISS1 neurons highly responsive to oestrogen, implicated in both + and - central feedback of sex steroids on GnRH production
- Metabolic influences on reproduction:
- mediated by leptin: permissive effect
- via the kisspeptin system
- puberty and reproduction

What does this show the permissive effect of?
Permissive effect of leptin on kisspeptin

Starvation/AN: GH/IGF axis
- GH …
- … GH, … IGF-1
- Seen in acute … and in AN
- ? down-regulation hepatic GH receptor and / or post-receptor defect
- Reversible with …
- GH resistance
- high GH, low IGF-1
- Seen in acute starvation and in AN
- ? down-regulation hepatic GH receptor and / or post-receptor defect
- Reversible with re-feeding
Starvation/AN: cortisol
- Left (Individual data) = fed state
- Right (Individual data) = fasting state
- What happens to cortisol in fasting state?

- In fasting state - starvation - stress response - increased cortisol pulses - loss of diurnal trough - get increased pulsatility of cortisol
Starvation/AN: Thyroid function
- TSH and T4 … limit of normal
- … T4 conversion to T3 - (active)
- … T4 conversion to rT3 (inactive)
- Consequences?
- TSH and T4 lower limit of normal
- Less T4 conversion to T3 - (active)
- More T4 conversion to rT3 (inactive)
- Consequences?
- lower basal metabolic rate
- conserve energy
Do you treat issues with thyroid function during starvation/ anorexia nervosa with thyroxine?
- no - treat starvation / AN
- body is trying to conserve energy
With increasing age: decrease or increase
- E2/T levels …
- DHEA levels …
- FSH (women) levels …
- GH/IGF-1 levels …
- Cortisol levels …
- T3 levels …
- Insulin/glucose levels …
- E2/T - decrease
- DHEA - decrease
- FSH (women) - increase
- GH/IGF-1 - decrease
- Cortisol - increase
- T3 - decrease
- Insulin/glucose - decrease
During starvation/AN: high or low
- E2/T levels …
- Leptin levels …
- FSH/LH levels …
- GH levels …
- IGF-1 levels …
- Cortisol levels …
- T3 - active levels .. inactive levels..
- E2/T - low
- Leptin - low
- FSH/LH - low
- GH - high
- IGF-1- low
- Cortisol - high
- T3 - low active, high inactive