Pathophysiology of Skeletal Muscle Flashcards
Plasticity of skeletal muscle: exercise
- muscle is extremely …
- adapts to changes in functional demand: fill in blanks
- muscle is extremely plastic
- adapts to changes in functional demand:
Endurance exercise responds to total … activity
Endurance exercise responds to total contractile activity
Resistance training responds to … and …
Resistance training responds to loading and stretch
Muscle plasticity: adaptations
- adaptations:
- s…
- e.g. size, capillarisation
- … properties
- e.g. fibre type transitions
- s…
- adaptability occurs from … into maturity
- adaptations:
- e.g. size, capillarisation
contractile properties
- e.g. fibre type transitions
- adaptability occurs from embryogenesis into maturity
… = The formation and development of a network of capillaries to a part of the body
Capillarisation = The formation and development of a network of capillaries to a part of the body
Structural adaptation
- Total … of muscle fibres … at birth:
- e.g. 200,000 – biceps brachii
- But - muscles can grow: H…
- synthesis of myofilaments
- addition of sarcomeres
- satellite cell activation
- angiogenesis & vascularisation
- some muscles enlarge by between 15-50%
- Total number of muscle fibres fixed at birth:
- e.g. 200,000 – biceps brachii
- But - muscles can grow: hypertrophy
- synthesis of myofilaments
- addition of sarcomeres
- satellite cell activation
- angiogenesis & vascularisation
- some muscles enlarge by between 15-50%
Structural adaptation
- Total number of muscle fibres fixed at birth:
- e.g. 200,000 – biceps brachii
- But - muscles can grow: hypertrophy
- synthesis of myofilaments
- addition of sarcomeres
- satellite cell activation
- angio… & vascularisation
- some muscles enlarge by between ..-..%
- Total number of muscle fibres fixed at birth:
- e.g. 200,000 – biceps brachii
- But - muscles can grow: hypertrophy
- synthesis of myofilaments
- addition of sarcomeres
- satellite cell activation
- angiogenesis & vascularisation
- some muscles enlarge by between 15-50%
Structural adaptation
- Total number of muscle fibres fixed at birth:
- e.g. 200,000 – biceps brachii
- But - muscles can …: hypertrophy
- … of myofilaments
- addition of ….
- satellite cell activation
- angiogenesis & vascularisation
- some muscles enlarge by between 15-50%
- Total number of muscle fibres fixed at birth:
- e.g. 200,000 – biceps brachii
- But - muscles can grow: hypertrophy
- synthesis of myofilaments
- addition of sarcomeres
- satellite cell activation
- angiogenesis & vascularisation
- some muscles enlarge by between 15-50%
Effect of endurance exercise
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (… force, … contractile frequencies)
- … fibre diameter (slight), blood supply ( oxidative capacity), mitochondrial content
- will express increased in oxidative enzymes
- fibres become slower
- gradual transformation of type IIX to type IIA (or to type I?)
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (low force, high contractile frequencies)
- Increased fibre diameter (slight), blood supply ( oxidative capacity), mitochondrial content
- will express increased in oxidative enzymes
- fibres become slower
- gradual transformation of type IIX to type IIA (or to type I?)
Effect of endurance exercise
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (low force, high contractile frequencies)
- Increased fibre … (slight), blood supply ( oxidative capacity), … content
- will express increased in oxidative enzymes
- fibres become …
- gradual transformation of type IIX to type IIA (or to type I?)
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (low force, high contractile frequencies)
- Increased fibre diameter (slight), blood supply ( oxidative capacity), mitochondrial content
- will express increased in oxidative enzymes
- fibres become slower
- gradual transformation of type IIX to type IIA (or to type I?)
Effect of endurance exercise
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (low force, high contractile frequencies)
- Increased fibre diameter (slight), … supply ( oxidative capacity), mitochondrial content
- will express increased in … enzymes
- fibres become slower
- gradual transformation of type … to type … (or to type I?)
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (low force, high contractile frequencies)
- Increased fibre diameter (slight), blood supply ( oxidative capacity), mitochondrial content
- will express increased in oxidative enzymes
- fibres become slower
- gradual transformation of type IIX to type IIA (or to type I?)
Effect of endurance exercise
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (low force, high contractile frequencies)
- … fibre diameter (slight), blood supply ( oxidative capacity), mitochondrial content
- will express increased in oxidative enzymes
- fibres become …
- gradual transformation of type IIX to type IIA (or to type I?)
- e.g. distance running, cycling or swimming (low force, high contractile frequencies)
- Increased fibre diameter (slight), blood supply ( oxidative capacity), mitochondrial content
- will express increased in oxidative enzymes
- fibres become slower
- gradual transformation of type IIX to type IIA (or to type I?)
Non-endurance exercise
- conversion to type II…
- from type II…
- greater muscle force & strength
- Increase in type II… fibre size due to increase in numbers of sarcomeres & myofilaments
- results in much larger muscles (bulk)
- conversion to type IIX
- from type IIA
- greater muscle force & strength
- Increase in type IIX fibre size due to in numbers of sarcomeres & myofilaments
- results in much larger muscles (bulk)
Non-endurance exercise
- conversion to type IIX
- from type IIA
- … muscle force & strength
- Increase in type IIX fibre size due to increase in numbers of sarcomeres & myofilaments
- results in much larger muscles (…)
- conversion to type IIX
- from type IIA
- greater muscle force & strength
- Increase in type IIX fibre size due to in numbers of sarcomeres & myofilaments
- results in much larger muscles (bulk)
Ice and Heat - Exercise
- Ice - To reduce swelling by reducing …
- After an acute injury (s..)
- After exercise in overuse injury
- Heat - To relax and loosen tissues
- Use before activities that irritate chronic injuries (s…)
- Increases blood flow
- Ice - To reduce swelling by reducing perfusion
- After an acute injury (Sprain)
- After exercise in overuse injury
- Heat - To relax and loosen tissues
- Use before activities that irritate chronic injuries (Strain)
- Increases blood flow
Ice and Heat - Exercise
- Ice - To reduce swelling by reducing perfusion
- After an … injury (Sprain)
- After exercise in overuse injury
- Heat - To relax and loosen tissues
- Use before activities that irritate … injuries (Strain)
- Increases blood flow
- Ice - To reduce swelling by reducing perfusion
- After an acute injury (Sprain)
- After exercise in overuse injury
- Heat - To relax and loosen tissues
- Use before activities that irritate chronic injuries (Strain)
- Increases blood flow
Ice and Heat - Exercise
- Ice - To reduce swelling by reducing perfusion
- After an acute injury (Sprain)
- After exercise in overuse injury
- Heat - To … and … tissues
- Use before activities that irritate chronic injuries (Strain)
- … blood flow
- Ice - To reduce swelling by reducing perfusion
- After an acute injury (Sprain)
- After exercise in overuse injury
- Heat - To relax and loosen tissues
- Use before activities that irritate chronic injuries (Strain)
- Increases blood flow
A … is an injury to a ligament, whereas a … is an injury to a muscle or tendon
A sprain is an injury to a ligament, whereas a strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon
A sprain is an injury to a …, whereas a strain is an injury to a … or …
A sprain is an injury to a ligament, whereas a strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon
Aspirin and Musculoskeletal Pain
- Aspirin is an … - So is ibuprofen
- Reduces … and …
- Used for musc-skel pain
- Chronic diseases
- Osteoarthritis
- Sports injuries
- Combined with ice
- Often after exercise
- Chronic diseases
- Aspirin is an NSAID - So is ibuprofen
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Used for musc-skel pain
- Chronic diseases
- Osteoarthritis
- Sports injuries
- Combined with ice
- Often after exercise
- Chronic diseases
Aspirin and Musculoskeletal Pain
- Aspirin is an NSAID - So is ibuprofen
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Used for musc-skel pain
- … diseases
- Osteoarthritis
- … injuries
- Combined with ice
- Often after exercise
- … diseases
- Aspirin is an NSAID - So is ibuprofen
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Used for musc-skel pain
Chronic diseases
- Osteoarthritis
Sports injuries
- Combined with ice
- Often after exercise
Chronic diseases
Aspirin and Musculoskeletal Pain
- Aspirin is an NSAID - So is ibuprofen
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Used for musc-skel pain
- Chronic diseases
- Os…
- Sports injuries
- Combined with …
- Often … exercise
- Chronic diseases
- Aspirin is an NSAID - So is ibuprofen
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Used for musc-skel pain
- Chronic diseases
- Osteoarthritis
- Sports injuries
- Combined with ice
- Often after exercise
- Chronic diseases
Aspirin and Musculoskeletal Pain - Mechanism
- Inhibits …
- Reduces synthesis of prostaglandins
- Part of … acid pathway
- Arachidonic acid and prostaglandins have many effects
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- Stomach bleeding
- Ulcers
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- Inhibits COX
- Reduces synthesis of prostaglandins
- Part of arachidonic acid pathway
- Arachidonic acid and prostaglandins have many effects
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- Stomach bleeding
- Ulcers
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
Aspirin and Musculoskeletal Pain - Mechanism
- Inhibits COX
- Reduces synthesis of …
- Part of arachidonic acid pathway
- Arachidonic acid and prostaglandins have many effects
- …-… adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- Inhibits COX
- Reduces synthesis of prostaglandins
- Part of arachidonic acid pathway
- Arachidonic acid and prostaglandins have many effects
Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- Stomach bleeding
- Ulcers
Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
Aspirin and Musculoskeletal Pain - Mechanism
- Inhibits COX
- Reduces synthesis of prostaglandins
- Part of arachidonic acid pathway
- Arachidonic acid and prostaglandins have many effects
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- … bleeding
- U..
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- Inhibits COX
- Reduces synthesis of prostaglandins
- Part of arachidonic acid pathway
- Arachidonic acid and prostaglandins have many effects
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
- Stomach bleeding
- Ulcers
- Gastro-intestinal adverse effects of chronic aspirin
Testosterone has anabolic & androgenic effects
- Anabolic effects of testosterone:
- … protein synthesis
- … catabolism (by opposing cortisol & glucocorticoids)
- … fat: increase BMR, increase differentiation to muscle (rather than fat cells)
- Anabolic steroid abuse
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
- Anabolic effects of testosterone:
- Increases protein synthesis
- Decreases catabolism (by opposing cortisol & glucocorticoids)
- Reduces fat: increase BMR, increase differentiation to muscle (rather than fat cells)
- Anabolic steroid abuse
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
Testosterone has anabolic & androgenic effects
- Anabolic effects of testosterone:
- Increases protein synthesis
- Decreases … (by opposing cortisol & glucocorticoids)
- Reduces …: increase …, increase differentiation to muscle (rather than … cells)
- Anabolic steroid …
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
- Anabolic effects of testosterone:
- Increases protein synthesis
- Decreases catabolism (by opposing cortisol & glucocorticoids)
- Reduces fat: increase BMR, increase differentiation to muscle (rather than fat cells)
- Anabolic steroid abuse
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
Anabolic steroid abuse
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (…, liver, heart, … changes)
- Male – testes …, sterility, baldness
- Female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- Male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- Female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
Anabolic steroid abuse
- Used to increase … size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- Male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- Female – breast/uterus atrophy, … changes, … hair, … of voice
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- Male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- Female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
Anabolic steroid abuse
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- Male – … atrophy, sterility, baldness
- Female – …/… atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- Male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- Female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
Anabolic steroid abuse
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- … … required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- Male – testes atrophy, s…, b…
- Female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
- Used to increase muscle size and strength
- Large doses required – leads to damaging side effects (kidney, liver, heart, mood changes)
- Male – testes atrophy, sterility, baldness
- Female – breast/uterus atrophy, menstrual changes, facial hair, deepening of voice
Effect of spaceflight
- Exposed to … … (long-term exposure)
- … in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type 1 (slow) fibres to Type IIA/IIX fibres (Faster fibres)
- Lose slow fibres, gain fast fibres
- Decrease in relative muscle mass - all muscles undergo some atrophy, but predominantly weight bearing muscles
- Exposed to zero gravity (long-term exposure)
- Decrease in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type 1 (slow) fibres to Type IIA/IIX fibres (Faster fibres)
- Lose slow fibres, gain fast fibres
- Decrease in relative muscle mass - all muscles undergo some atrophy, but predominantly weight bearing muscles
Effect of spaceflight
- Exposed to zero gravity (long-term exposure)
- Decrease in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type … (slow) fibres to Type …fibres (Faster fibres)
- Lose slow fibres, gain fast fibres
- Decrease in relative muscle mass - all muscles undergo some atrophy, but predominantly weight bearing muscles
- Exposed to zero gravity (long-term exposure)
- Decrease in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type 1 (slow) fibres to Type IIA/IIX fibres (Faster fibres)
- Lose slow fibres, gain fast fibres
- Decrease in relative muscle mass - all muscles undergo some atrophy, but predominantly weight bearing muscles
Effect of spaceflight
- Exposed to zero gravity (long-term exposure)
- Decrease in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type 1 (…) fibres to Type IIA/IIX fibres (… fibres)
- Lose … fibres, gain … fibres
- Decrease in relative muscle mass - all muscles undergo some atrophy, but predominantly weight bearing muscles
- Exposed to zero gravity (long-term exposure)
- Decrease in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type 1 (slow) fibres to Type IIA/IIX fibres (Faster fibres)
- Lose slow fibres, gain fast fibres
- Decrease in relative muscle mass - all muscles undergo some atrophy, but predominantly weight bearing muscles
Effect of spaceflight
- Exposed to zero gravity (long-term exposure)
- Decrease in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type 1 (slow) fibres to Type IIA/IIX fibres (Faster fibres)
- Lose slow fibres, gain fast fibres
- Decrease in … … mass - all muscles undergo some …, but predominantly … bearing muscles
- Exposed to zero gravity (long-term exposure)
- Decrease in weight bearing in bones and muscles, over time, transition of Type 1 (slow) fibres to Type IIA/IIX fibres (Faster fibres)
- Lose slow fibres, gain fast fibres
- Decrease in relative muscle mass - all muscles undergo some atrophy, but predominantly weight bearing muscles
Effect of bed-rest
- Muscles of posture are not being consistently used
- Transition of type … fibres to type …
- Weight-bearing muscle …
- Decrease muscle protein synthesis
- Myofibrillar breakdown
- Decreased strength (due to ¯ size)
- Loss of type … fibres
- Treat by resuming minor activity early, Add physiotherapy to prevent contractures.
- Muscles of posture are not being consistently used
- Transition of type I fibres to type IIA
- Weight-bearing muscle atrophy
- Decrease muscle protein synthesis
- Myofibrillar breakdown
- Decreased strength (due to ¯ size)
- Loss of type I fibres
- Treat by resuming minor activity early, Add physiotherapy to prevent contractures.
Effect of bed-rest
- Muscles of posture are not being consistently used
- Transition of type I fibres to type IIA
- Weight-bearing muscle atrophy
- Decrease muscle protein …
- … breakdown
- Decreased … (due to ¯ size)
- Loss of type … fibres
- Treat by resuming minor activity early, Add physiotherapy to prevent contractures.
- Muscles of posture are not being consistently used
- Transition of type I fibres to type IIA
- Weight-bearing muscle atrophy
- Decrease muscle protein synthesis
- Myofibrillar breakdown
- Decreased strength (due to ¯ size)
- Loss of type I fibres
- Treat by resuming minor activity early, Add physiotherapy to prevent contractures.
Effect of bed-rest
- Muscles of posture are not being consistently used
- Transition of type I fibres to type IIA
- Weight-bearing muscle atrophy
- Decrease muscle protein synthesis
- Myofibrillar breakdown
- Decreased strength (due to ¯ size)
- Loss of type I fibres
- Treat by resuming minor activity early, Add … to prevent ….
- Muscles of posture are not being consistently used
- Transition of type I fibres to type IIA
- Weight-bearing muscle atrophy
- Decrease muscle protein synthesis
- Myofibrillar breakdown
- Decreased strength (due to ¯ size)
- Loss of type I fibres
- Treat by resuming minor activity early, Add physiotherapy to prevent contractures.
Summary Fibre Types
Dont need to memorise
- If limb immobilised for long periods:
- Process of growth is …
- … are removed in series from myofibrils
- Resulting in … of muscle called a contracture
- Patients with paralysed limbs must have physical therapy to prevent contractures occurring
- If limb immobilised for long periods:
- Process of growth is reversed
Sarcomeres are removed in series from myofibrils
- Resulting in shortening of muscle called a contracture
- Patients with paralysed limbs must have physical therapy to prevent contractures occurring
- If limb immobilised for long periods:
- Process of growth is reversed
- Sarcomeres are removed in series from myofibrils
- Resulting in shortening of muscle called a contracture
- Patients with … limbs must have … … to prevent contractures occurring
- If limb immobilised for long periods:
- Process of growth is reversed
- Sarcomeres are removed in series from myofibrils
- Resulting in shortening of muscle called a contracture
- Patients with paralysed limbs must have physical therapy to prevent contractures occurring
Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleate
- They develop as …
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the … fuse
- The … are peripheral
- The multinucleate cells do not divide
- Mitosis with multiple nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- Fibre enlargement
- Increased vascularisation
- They develop as myoblasts
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the myoblasts fuse
- The nuclei are peripheral
- The multinucleate cells do not divide
- Mitosis with multiple nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- Fibre enlargement
- Increased vascularisation
Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleate
- They develop as myoblasts
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the myoblasts fuse
- The nuclei are peripheral
- The … cells do not divide
- … with multiple nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- Fibre enlargement
- Increased vascularisation
- They develop as myoblasts
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the myoblasts fuse
- The nuclei are peripheral
- The multinucleate cells do not divide
- Mitosis with multiple nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- Fibre enlargement
- Increased vascularisation
Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleate
- They develop as myoblasts
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the myoblasts fuse
- The nuclei are peripheral
- The multinucleate cells do not divide
- Mitosis with multiple nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- … enlargement
- Increased …
- They develop as myoblasts
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the myoblasts fuse
- The nuclei are peripheral
- The multinucleate cells do not divide
- Mitosis with multiple nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- Fibre enlargement
- Increased vascularisation
Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleate
- They develop as myoblasts
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the myoblasts fuse
- The nuclei are …
- The multinucleate cells do not divide
- Mitosis with … nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- Fibre enlargement
- … vascularisation
- They develop as myoblasts
- Which are mononucleate
- Then the myoblasts fuse
- The nuclei are peripheral
- The multinucleate cells do not divide
- Mitosis with multiple nuclei usually impossible
- Skeletal muscles are enlarged by:
- Fibre enlargement
- Increased vascularisation
Muscle Regeneration
- During … and … of damaged muscle tissue
- previous quiescent myogenic cells, called satellite cells, are activated
- These proliferate, differentiate and fuse onto extant fibres
- They contribute to forming multinucleate myofibers
- During inflammation and degeneration of damaged muscle tissue
- previous quiescent myogenic cells, called satellite cells, are activated
- These proliferate, differentiate and fuse onto extant fibres
- They contribute to forming multinucleate myofibers
Muscle Regeneration
- During inflammation and degeneration of damaged muscle tissue
- previous … myogenic cells, called … cells, are activated
- These proliferate, differentiate and fuse onto extant fibres
- They contribute to forming multinucleate myofibers
- During inflammation and degeneration of damaged muscle tissue
- previous quiescent myogenic cells, called satellite cells, are activated
- These proliferate, differentiate and fuse onto extant fibres
- They contribute to forming multinucleate myofibers
Muscle Regeneration
- During inflammation and degeneration of damaged muscle tissue
- previous quiescent myogenic cells, called … cells, are activated
- These proliferate, differentiate and fuse onto … fibres
- They contribute to forming … myofibers
- During inflammation and degeneration of damaged muscle tissue
- previous quiescent myogenic cells, called satellite cells, are activated
- These proliferate, differentiate and fuse onto extant fibres
- They contribute to forming multinucleate myofibers
Myosatellite cells
- … cells in muscle
- Also called “satellite cells”
- NOT related glial satellite cells
- Essential for … & …
- Most are quiescent
- Activated by mechanical strain
- Activation —> proliferation & differentiation
Progenitor cells in muscle
- Also called “satellite cells”
- NOT related glial satellite cells
- Essential for regeneration & growth
- Most are quiescent
- Activated by mechanical strain
- Activation —> proliferation & differentiation
Myosatellite cells
- Progenitor cells in muscle
- Also called “satellite cells”
- NOT related glial satellite cells
- Essential for regeneration & growth
- Most are q…
- Activated by mechanical …
- Activation —> p… & d…
- Progenitor cells in muscle
- Also called “satellite cells”
- NOT related glial satellite cells
- Essential for regeneration & growth
- Most are quiescent
- Activated by mechanical strain
- Activation —> proliferation & differentiation