B&K.4+5_P.058 Flashcards
लम्पट adj.
लम्पट adj. lampaṭa लम्पट a. 1 Greedy, covetous, hankering after; दधिभक्तलम्पट इव Ratn.2. -2 Lustful, libidinous, dissolute, addicted to licentious pleasures; देशे देशे लम्पटाः पर्यटन्तः Viś. Guṇā.143. -टः A libertine, profligate, rake.
आसन्न mfn.
आसन्न mfn. nearby, proximate
आसन्न mfn.
आसन्न mfn nearby, proximate
आसन्नवस्तुना प्रहरन्ति
आसन्नवस्तुना प्रहरन्ति = ‘they attack/strike/hurl with (any) nearby object’
√प्रहृ = प्र + √हृ P. A1. -harati-, te-, to offer (especially praise, 1. sg. proper -harmi-). ; to thrust or move forward, stretch out ; to put into, fix in (locative case) ; to hurl, throw, discharge at (locative case). etc. ; to throw or turn out ; to throw (into the fire) ; to strike, hit, hurt, attack, assail (with accusative locative case dative case or genitive case; A1.also, “to fight with each other”) etc.: Causal A1. -harayate-, to stir up, excite, rouse : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to take away, ; to wish to throw ; to wish to strike or assail (see jihīrṣu-,p.659
उल्मुक m.
उल्मुक m. ulmukaḥ उल्मुकः A firebrand, torch. प्रकाशिताग्राः पार्थेन ज्वलदुल्मुक- पाणिना Bm.1.89.
ऊर्णा f.
ऊर्णा f. (less correctly spelt urṇā-) () wool, a woollen thread, thread
अश्वकुटी f.
अश्वकुटी f. a stable for horses
kuṭī कुटी 1 A curve. -2 A cottage, hut; प्रासादीयति कुट्याम् Sk.; Ms.11.73; पर्ण˚, अश्व˚ &c. -3 A vessel with openings used for fumigation. -4 A nosegay -5 A kind of perfume (मुरा). -6 Spirituous liquor. -7 A bawd, procuress. -8 A bower (लतागृह); कुटीषु गोपीरुचि- रासु यो$र्कभूतटीषु गोपाल इति श्रुतो$चरत् Viś. Guṇā.461. -Comp. -चकः a religious mendicant of a particular order; चतुर्विधाभिक्षवस्ते कुटीचकबहूदकौ । हंसः परमहंसश्च यो यः पश्चात् स उत्तमः ॥ Mb.; Bhāg.3.12.42. -चरः a kind of ascetic who entrusts the care of his family to his son and devotes himself solely to religious penance and austerities. कुटीरः kuṭīrḥ रम् ram कुटीरकः kuṭīrakḥ कुटीरः रम् कुटीरकः [कुटीशमीशुण्डाभ्यो रः P.V.3.88] A hut, cottage; U.2.29; Amaru.56 (प्रक्षिप्तश्लोक in the note). -रम् 1 Sexual intercourse. -2 Exclusiveness.
शालिहोत्र m.
शालिहोत्र m. Name of a muni- and writer on veterinary subjects ; शालिहोत्र m. “receiving offerings of rice”, a poetical N. for a horse
वसा f.
वसा f. vasā वसा [वस्-अच्] 1 The marrow of the flesh, fat, marrow; adept, suet; निर्वान्त्यद्यापि नैते स्रुतबहलवसावाहिनो हव्य- वाहाः Mu.3.28; R.15.16; Ve.1.27; शुद्धमांसस्य यः स्नेहः सा वसा परिकीर्तिता Suśr. -2 Any oily or fatty exudation. -3 Brain. -Comp. -आढ्यः, -आढ्यकः the Gangetic porpoise. -केतुः a particular comet. -छटा the mass of the brain. -पायिन् m. a dog. -मेहः a kind of diabetes. -रोहः a mushroom.
॰आवह adj.
॰आवह adj. āvaha आवह a. (As last member of comp.) Producing, leading or tending to, bringing on; क्लेशावहा भर्तुरलक्षणा$हम् R.14.5; so दुःख˚, भय˚, क्षय˚ &c. -हः 1 N. of one of the seven winds or bands of air, usually assigned to the भुवर्लोक or atmospheric region between the भूर्लोक and स्वर्लोक. -2 One of the seven tongues of fire.
विकारण adj.
विकारण adj. vikāraṇa विकारण a. Causeless; तस्मात् स्यात् कलहो यत्र गृहे नित्यं विकारणः Pt.5.75.
हर्म्य n.
हर्म्य n. (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’ f(ā-).;said to be fr. hṛ-,”to captivate or charm the mind”;but rather connected with2. ghṛ-and gharma-,and perhaps originally signifying “the domestic fire-hearth”) , a large house, palace, mansion, any house or large building or residence of a wealthy person ; harmyam हर्म्यम् [हृ-यत् मुट् च] 1 A palace, mansion, any large or palatial building; हर्म्यपृष्ठं समारूढः काको$पि गरु- डायते Subhāṣ.; बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्या Me.7; Ṛs.1.28; Bk.8.36; R.6.47; Ku.6.42. -2 An oven, a fire-place, hearth. -3 A fiery pit, abode of evil spirits, the infernal regions. -Comp. -अङ्गनम्, -णम् the court-yard of a palace. -तलम्, -पृष्ठम्, -वलभी f. the upper room of a palace. -स्थलम् the room of a palace.
दशन m.
दशन m. ( daṃś-) (n. ) a tooth etc. (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’ f(ā-). ; दशन m. a bite a peak
कषाय adj.
कषाय adj. kaṣāya कषाय a. 1 Astringent, Ś.2. -2 Fragrant, स्फुटित- कमलामोदमैत्रीकषायः Me.31; U.2.21; Mv.5.41. -3 Red, dark-red; चूताङ्कुरास्वादकषायकण्ठः Ku.3.32. -4 (Hence) Sweet-sounding, Māl.7; cf. also सगद्गदं बाष्पकषायकण्ठः Bu. Ch.1.68. -5 Brown. -6 Improper, dirty. -यः, -यम् 1 Astringent flavour of taste (one of the six rasas): see कटु; यो वक्त्रं परिशोषयति जिह्वां स्तम्भयति कण्ठं बध्नाति हृदयं कषति पीडयति च स कषायः Suśr. cf. also ‘बध्नातीव च यः कण्ठं कषायः स विकास्यपि’ । Ibid. -2 The red colour. -3 A decoction with one part of a drug mixed with four, eight, or sixteen parts of water (the whole being boiled down until one quarter is left); Ms.11.153. -4 Plastering, smearing; कर्णार्पितो लोध्रकषायरूक्षे Ku.7.17; anointing. -5 Perfuming the body with unguents; शिरोरुहैः स्नानकषायवासितैः Ṛs.1.4. -6 Gum, resin, extract or exudation from a tree. -7 Dirt, uncleanness. -8 Dulness, stupidity; विगतभयकषायलोभमोहः Mb.12.179.26. -9 Attachment to worldly objects; Ch. Up.7.26.2; भक्त्या निर्मथिताशेषकषायधिषणो$र्जुनः Bhāg.1.15.29. -1 Decay, ruin. -यः 1 Passion, emotion. -2 Kaliyuga. -Comp. -कृत् m. the लोध्र tree (Symplocos racemosa) -वसनम् The yellowish-red garment of monks, mendicants.
कटु adj.
कटु adj. kaṭu कटु a. (टु or ट्वी f.) 1 Pungent, acrid; (said of a rasa or flavour; the rasas are six; मधुर, कटु, अम्ल, तिक्त, कषाय, and लवण); कट्वम्ललवणात्युष्णतीक्ष्णरूक्षविदाहिनः । आहारा राजसस्येष्टा दुःखशोकाभयप्रदाः ॥ Bg.17.9. -2 Fragrant, exhaling strong odour; सप्तच्छदक्षीरकटुप्रवाहम् R.5.48. -3 Ill-smelling, having a bad smell. -4 (a) Bitter. This sense is found qiven to the words कटु and कटुक in Prākrit and later sanskrit works; cf. अतिकटुः कारवेल्लादिः अतितीक्ष्णो मरिचादिः; अमृततरङ्गिणी on Bg.17.9,-नीलकण्ठ gives the same sense. -5 caustic (words); Y.3.142. (b) Disagreeable, unpleasant; श्रवणकटु नृपाणामेकवाक्यं विवव्रुः R.6.85. -6 Envious. -7 Hot, impetuous. -टुः 1 Pungency, acerbity (one of the six flavours). -2 N. of several plants. -टुः f. A medical plant (कटुरोहिणी). -टु n. 1 An improper action. -2 Blaming, reviling, scandal. -Comp. -अङ्गः 1 the श्योनाक tree (Mar. टेटृ). -2 N. of the king Dilīpa. -उत्कटम् ginger. -उदरी N. of a plant (Mar. वाघांटी). -कन्दः, -दम् 1 ginger, the fresh root or the plant. -2 garlic. -कीटः, -कीटकः a gnat, mosquito. -क्वाणः the टिट्टिभ bird. -ग्रन्थिः, -थि n. dried ginger; so ˚भङ्गः, ˚भद्रम् dried ginger or ginger. -चातुर्जातकम् an aggregate of four pungent substances, as of cardamoms, the bark and leaves of Laurus Cassia and of black pepper. -छदः the तगर tree. -ज a. prepared from acid substances. -तिक्तकः 1 the भूनिंब tree. -2 the शण tree. -तिक्ता = कटुतुम्बी. -तुम्बी a kind of bitter gourd. -तैलः White mustard; अभ्यङ्गः कटु तैलेन निर्वातस्थानबन्धनम् । Śālihotra of Bhoja 26. -त्रयम् a compound substance of ginger, black and long pepper. -दला = कर्कटी plant. -निष्प्लावः grain not inundated. (Mar. कडवा वाल). -पत्रः 1 N. of a medicinal plant (Mar. पित्तपापडा). -2 सितार्जक tree. -पत्रिका N. of a tree कारी. -पाक, -पाकिन् a. producing acid humors in digestion. -फलः a sort of cucumber. (-ला) N. of two plants, पटोल and श्रीवल्ली -बीजा long pepper. -भङ्गः, -भद्रः Dry ginger. -मञ्जरिका the अपामार्ग tree. -मोदम् a certain perfume. -ख a. having a harsh sound. (-वः) 1 a frog. -2 a harsh word or sound. -रोहिणी the कट्की plant. -विपाक a. producing acid humors in digestion -स्नेहः the mustard seed plant.