B&K.4+5_P.020 Flashcards
शिष्टसङ्ग m.
√घृष् cl.1 P. gharṣati- (ind.p. ghṛṣṭvā-; Passive voice ghṛṣyate-)
√घृष् cl.1 P. gharṣati- (ind.p. ghṛṣṭvā-; Passive voice ghṛṣyate-), to rub, brush, polish ; to grind, crush, pound ; A1. to rub one’s self : Causal gharṣayati-, to rub, grind
√ghṛṣ √घृष् I P. (घर्षति, घृष्ट) 1 To rub, strike against; अद्यापि तत्कनककुण्डलघृष्टमास्यम् Ch. P.11; Pt.1.144. -2 To brush, furbish, polish. -3 To crush, grind, pound; द्रौपद्या ननु मत्स्यराजभवने घृष्टं न किं चन्दनम् Pt.3.175. -4 To compete, rival (as in संघर्ष q. v.).
सूर्योपस्थान n.
सूर्योपस्थान n. [ND] = ‘Sun worship/obeisance’ (as part of the ritual of bathing in the Ganges) [~ सूर्यनमस्कार m. (?)]
उपस्थान n. coming into the presence of, going near to (in order to worship), worshipping, waiting on, attendance
पुट m./n.
पुट m./n. puṭaḥ पुटः टम् [पुट्-क] 1 A fold. -2 A hollow space, cavity, concavity; भिन्नपल्लवपुटो वनानिलः R.9.68;11.23; 17.12; M.3.9; अञ्जलिपुट, नासापुट, कर्णपुट &c. -3 A cup made of a leaf folded or doubled; a vessel of leaves; दुग्ध्वा पयः पत्रपुटे मदीयम् R.2.65; Ms.6.28. -6 Any shallow receptacle. -5 The pod or capsule which envelops young shoots. -6 A sheath, cover, covering -7 An eye-lid (पुटी also in all these senses). -8 A horse’s hoof. -9 A cloth worn to cover the privities. -टः 1 A casket. -2 The contracting of anything. -3 A folding of anything so as to form a cup. -टम् 1 A nutmeg. -2 Two vessels joined together for medical purposes. -Comp. -अञ्जलिः the two hollowed hands put together; श्रीकृष्णपुरतः स्थित्वा तुष्टाव तं पुटाञ्जलिः Brav. P.3.9,23. -उटजम् a white umbrella. -उदकः a cocoa-nut. -ग्रीवः 1 a pot, jar, pitcher. -2 a copper-vessel. -धेनुः a not yet full-grown cow with a calf. -पाकः 1 a particular method of preparing drugs, in which the various ingredients are wrapped up in leaves, and being covered with clay are roasted in the fire; अनिर्भिन्नो गभीरत्वादन्त- र्गूढघनव्यथः । पुटपाकप्रतीकाशो रामस्य करुणो रसः U.3.1. -2 digesting. -3 subliming. -भेदः 1 a town, city. -2 a kind of musical instrument (आतोद्य). -3 ‘parting of the eyelids’, opening; पुटभेदो ललाटस्थनीललोहितचक्षुषः U.6.3. -4 a whirl-pool or eddy. -भेदनम् a town, city; स हस्तिनपुरे रम्ये कुरूणां पुटभेदने (वसन्) Mb.1.1.12; पुट- भेदनं दनुसुतारिरैक्षत Śi.13.26.
पुट m./n.
पुट m./n. puṭaḥ पुटः टम् [पुट्-क] 1 A fold. -2 A hollow space, cavity, concavity; भिन्नपल्लवपुटो वनानिलः R.9.68;11.23; 17.12; M.3.9; अञ्जलिपुट, नासापुट, कर्णपुट &c. -3 A cup made of a leaf folded or doubled; a vessel of leaves; दुग्ध्वा पयः पत्रपुटे मदीयम् R.2.65; Ms.6.28. -6 Any shallow receptacle. -5 The pod or capsule which envelops young shoots. -6 A sheath, cover, covering -7 An eye-lid (पुटी also in all these senses). -8 A horse’s hoof. -9 A cloth worn to cover the privities. -टः 1 A casket. -2 The contracting of anything. -3 A folding of anything so as to form a cup. -टम् 1 A nutmeg. -2 Two vessels joined together for medical purposes. -Comp. -अञ्जलिः the two hollowed hands put together; श्रीकृष्णपुरतः स्थित्वा तुष्टाव तं पुटाञ्जलिः Brav. P.3.9,23. -उटजम् a white umbrella. -उदकः a cocoa-nut. -ग्रीवः 1 a pot, jar, pitcher. -2 a copper-vessel. -धेनुः a not yet full-grown cow with a calf. -पाकः 1 a particular method of preparing drugs, in which the various ingredients are wrapped up in leaves, and being covered with clay are roasted in the fire; अनिर्भिन्नो गभीरत्वादन्त- र्गूढघनव्यथः । पुटपाकप्रतीकाशो रामस्य करुणो रसः U.3.1. -2 digesting. -3 subliming. -भेदः 1 a town, city. -2 a kind of musical instrument (आतोद्य). -3 ‘parting of the eyelids’, opening; पुटभेदो ललाटस्थनीललोहितचक्षुषः U.6.3. -4 a whirl-pool or eddy. -भेदनम् a town, city; स हस्तिनपुरे रम्ये कुरूणां पुटभेदने (वसन्) Mb.1.1.12; पुट- भेदनं दनुसुतारिरैक्षत Śi.13.26.
चरणान्तिकम् indc.
चरणान्तिकम् indc. [ND] ‘at or close to the feet/foot (चरण) of someone’
अनुष्ठित adj.
अनुष्ठित adj. anuṣṭhita अनुष्ठित p. p. Done, performed, accomplished &c.; practised, followed, &c.; वीराश्च नियतोत्साहा राजशास्त्रमनुष्ठिताः Rām.1.7.12. विक्रियायै न कल्पन्ते संबन्धाः सदनुष्ठिताः Ku.6.29 brought about; तथानुष्ठिते that being done, thereupon; begun, undertaken; न युक्तं हि त्यक्तुं कार्यमनुष्ठितम् Rām. (used actively) following, practising; Ms.1.127.
यथा भवतामन्नम्
यथा भवतामन्नम् = ‘just as you people (humans) have boiled rice, (we hawks have mice…)’
अन्न n. food or victuals, especially boiled rice; (B&K) ‘cooked food’, esp. ‘boiled rice’
जाति f.
LIKEWISE THERE IS NO WORD जति - AND THE WORD FOR ‘kinsman, relative’ IS ज्ञाति m. “intimately acquainted” (confer, compare Gothic kno1di), a near relation (“paternal relation” and Scholiast or Commentator; confer, compare sam-bandhin-), kinsman
जाति f. jātiḥ जातिः f. [जन्-क्तिन्] 1 Birth, production, सङ्कुलं जल- जातिभिः Rām.3.11.6; Pt.1.38; Ms.2.148; also ‘the time of birth’; cf. जातौ बाल्ये च कौमारे यौवने चापि मानवाः Mb.12.158.11. -2 The form of existence fixed by birth. -3 Race, family, lineage, rank. -4 A caste, tribe or class (of men); अरे मूढ जात्या चेदवध्यो$हं एषा सा जातिः परित्यक्ता Ve.3; (the primary castes of the Hindus are only four :– ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र). -5 A class, genus, kind, species; पशुजातिः, पुष्पजातिः &c. -6 The properties which are peculiar to a class and distinguish it from all others, the essential characteristics of a species; as गोत्व, अश्वत्व of cows, horses &c; see गुण, क्रिया and द्रव्य; जातिक्रियागुणैः Śi.2.47; and cf. K. P.2. -7 A fire-place. -8 Nutmeg. -9 The Jasmine plant or its flower; नागपुन्नागजातिभिः Bhāg.8.2.18; पुष्पाणां प्रकरः स्मितेन रचितो नो कुन्दजात्यादिभिः Amaru.4 (written also as जाती in the last two senses). -1 (In Nyāya) Futile answer. -11 (In music) The seven primary notes of the Indian gamut; जातिभिः सप्तभिर्युक्तं तन्त्रीलयसमन्वितम् Rām.1.4.8. -12 Reduction of fractions to a common denominator. -13 False generalization. -14 A figure of speech (in rhetoric) which consists in so arranging words that they may read the same in Sanskṛit as well as in Prākṛita (संस्कृतप्राकृतयोः समा जातिः); cf. Vb.1.3. -15 A class of metres; see App. -Comp. -अन्ध a. born blind; Bh.1.9. -कोशः, -षः, -षम् nutmeg. -कोशी, -षी the outer skin of the nutmeg. -क्षयः (= जन्मोच्छेदः) the end of birth, spiritual release. जातिक्षयस्यासुलभस्य बोद्धा Bu. Ch.1.74. -गृद्धिः f. to take birth; जातिगृद्धयाभिपन्नाः Mb.5.6.9. -जानपद a. belonging to the castes and to the country; जातिजानपदान् धर्मान् Ms.8.41. -धर्मः 1 the duties of a caste. -2 a generic property. -ध्वंसः loss of caste or its privileges. -पत्री the outer skin of the nutmeg. -फलम् (sometimes जातीफलम् also) a nutmeg; जातीफलं मातुलानीमहिफेनं च पत्रकम् Śiva. B.3.15. -ब्राह्मणः a Brāhmaṇa only by birth, but not by knowledge or religious austerities, an ignorant Brāhmaṇa; (तपः श्रुतं च योनिश्च त्रयं ब्राह्मण्यकारणम् । तपःश्रुताभ्यां यो हीनो जातिब्राह्मण एव सः ॥ –शब्दार्थचिन्तामणि) -भ्रंशः loss of caste; Ms.11.67. -भ्रष्ट a. outcaste. -महः birth-day festival. -मात्रम् 1 ‘mere birth’, position in life obtained by mere birth. -2 caste only (but not the performance of duties pertaining to it); Ms.8.2; 12.114. -3 species, genus. -लक्षणम् generic distinction, a characteristic of a class. -वाचक a. expressing a genus, generic (as a word); गौरश्वः पुरुषो हस्ती. -वैरम् instinctive or natural hostility. -वैरिन् m. a born enemy. -वैलक्षण्यम् inconsistency, incompatibility in kind. -शब्दः a name conveying the idea of a genus, a generic word, common noun; गौः, अश्वः, पुरुषः, हस्ती &c. -संकरः admixture of castes; mixed blood. -संपन्न a. belonging to a noble family. -सारम् nutmeg. -स्मर a. remembering one’s condition in a former life; जातिस्मरो मुनिरस्मि जात्या K.355. -स्वभावः generic character or nature. -हीन a. of low birth, outcaste; रूपद्रव्यविहीनांश्च जातिहीनांश्च नाक्षिपेत्
खरतर adj.
खरतर adj. = COMP. ADJ. ‘sharper, harder’ OR ‘rather sharp, pretty sharp’
khara खर a. [opp. मृदु, श्लक्ष्ण, द्रव) 1 Hard, rough, solid. -2 Severe, sharp, strict, R.8.9; स्मरः खरः खलः कान्तः Kāv.1.59. -3 Pungent, acid. -4 Dense, thick. -5 Hurtful, injurious, cutting, smart (words). -6 Sharpedged; देहि खरनयनशस्घातम् Gīt.1. -7 Hot; खरांशुः &c. -8 Cruel; Rām.6.59.17. -रः 1 An ass, Ms.2.21; 4.115,12,8.37; Y.2.16. -2 A mule. -3 A heron. -4 A crow. -5 A kind of prickly nightshade. -6 A quadrangular mound of earth for receiving the sacrificial vessels. -7 A Daitya or demon in general -8 An attendant of (a) Sūrya, (b) Śiva. -9 N. of a demon, half-brother of Rāvaṇa and slain by Rāma; R.12.42. -1 N. of the 25th year of the sixty years cycle; खरो बालेयवर्षयोः Nm. -रम् ind. In a sharp way; Rām.3. -Comp. -अंशुः, -करः, -रश्मिः the sun. -अब्दाङ्कुरकः lapis lazuli. -उष्ट्रम् ass and camel; सममेषां विवीते$पि खरोष्ट्रं महिषीसमम् Y.2.16. -कण्डूयनम् making worse any evil; Mb.3. -कुटी 1 a stable for asses. -2 a barber’s shop; a barber’s bag तत्वं खरकुटीः पश्य Mbh.IV.1.3. -कोणः, -क्वाणः the francoline partridge. -कोमलः the month of Jyeṣttod;ha. -गृहम्, -गेहम् 1 a stable for asses. -2 a tent. -चर्मा a crocodile; Gīrvāṇa. -णस्, -णस a. sharp-nosed. -दण्डम् a lotus; खरदण्डजलाशयम् Bhāg.4. 6.29. -दला the opposite-leaved fig-tree. -दूषणः the thorn apple. -ध्वंसिन् m. an epithet of Rāma, who killed the demon खर; मध्यं पातु खरध्वंसी Rāma-rakṣā. -नादः the braying of an ass. -नालः a lotus; नार्वाग्गतस्तत्खरनालनाल- नाभिं विचिन्वंस्तदविन्दताजः Bhāg.3.8.19. -पात्रम् an iron vessel. -पादाढ्यः the wood-apple. -पालः a wooden vessel. -प्रियः a pigeon. -यानम् a donkey-cart; Ms.11.21. -लोमन् a kind of serpent; L. D. B. -वृषभः a jack-ass. -शब्दः 1 the braying of an ass. -2 an osprey. -शाला a stable for asses. -सारम् iron. -स्पर्श a. sharp, hot (wind); वायुर्वाति खरस्पर्शः Bhāg.1.14.16. -स्वरा wild jasmine.
सूक्ष्म adj.
सूक्ष्म adj. sūkṣma सूक्ष्म a. [सूच्-मन् सुक् च नेट्; Uṇ.4.184] 1 Subtle, minute, atomic; जालान्तरस्थसूर्यांशौ यत् सूक्ष्मं दृश्यते रजः; मुख्य- क्रमेण प्रयोगव वनैकवाक्यता सूक्ष्मा ŚB. on MS.5.1.15. -2 Little, small; इदमुपहितसूक्ष्मग्रन्थिना स्कन्धदेशे Ś.1.19; R.18.49. -3 Fine, thin, delicate, exquisite. -4 Nice. -5 Sharp, acute, penetrating. -6 Crafty, artful, subtle, ingenious. -7 Exact, precise, accurate, correct. -क्षमः 1 An atom. -2 The clearing-nut plant. -3 An epithet of Śiva. -क्ष्मा 1 Sand. -2 Small cardamoms. -क्ष्मम् 1 The subtle all-pervading spirit, the Supreme Soul. -2 Minuteness. -3 One of the three kinds of power attainable by an ascetic; cf. सावद्य. -4 Craft, ingenuity -5 Fraud, cheating. -6 Fine thread &c. -7 N. of a figure of speech, thus defined by Mammaṭa :– कुतो$पि लक्षितः सूक्ष्मोप्यर्थो$न्यस्मै प्रकाश्यते । धर्मेण केनचिद्यत्र तत्सूक्ष्मं परिचक्षते ॥ K. P.1. -8 The cavity of a tooth. -9 Marrow. -1 The Vedānta philosophy. -Comp. -आत्मन् m. N. of Śiva. -एला small cardamoms. -तण्डुलः the poppy. -तण्डुला 1 long pepper. -2 a kind of grass. -दर्शिता quick-sightedness, acuteness, foresight, wisdom. -दर्शिन्, -दृष्टि a. 1 sharp-sighted, eagle-eyed. -2 of acute discernment. -3 acute, sharpminded. -दलः mustard. -दारु n. a thin plank of wood, a board. -देहः, -शरीरम् the subtile body which is invested by the grosser material frame (= लिङ्गशरीर q. v.). -पत्रः 1 coriander seed. -2 a kind of wild cumin. -3 a sort of red sugar-cane. -4 the gum Arabic tree. -5 a sort of mustard. -पर्णी a kind of basil. -पिप्पली wild pepper. -बीजः the poppy. -बुद्धि a. sharp-witted, acute, shrewd, intelligent. (-द्धिः f.) sharp wit, acute intellect, mental acumen. -भूतम् a subtle element. -मक्षिकम्, -का a mosquito, gnat. -मति, -मतिमत् a. acute-minded. -मानम् a nice or exact measurement, precise computation (opp. सूथूलमान which means ‘broad measurement’, ‘rough calculation’). -शरीरम् (in phil.) a subtle body. -शर्करा small gravel, sand. -शालिः a kind of fine rice. -षट्चरणः a sort of louse. -स्फोटः a kind of leprosy.