B&K.4+5_P.008 Flashcards
खारी f.
खारी f. idem or ‘m. (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’ ) a measure of grain (commonly khāri-, = 18 droṇa-s or about 3 bushels;it is also reckoned at 1 1/2 śūrpa- or 3 droṇa-s;also at 46 gauṇī-s or 4096 pala-s, or at 4 droṇa-s) (rī- )’
चूर्ण m.
चूर्ण m. cūrṇaḥ चूर्णः र्णम् [चूर्ण् कर्मणि अच्] 1 Powder. -2 Flour. -3 Dust; तत्राश्मचूर्णान्यपतन् पावकप्रकरा इव Rām.1.171.3. -4 Aromatic powder, pounded sandal, camphor &c; भवति विफलप्रेरणा चूर्णमुष्टिः Me.68. -र्णः 1 Chalk. -2 Lime. -3 Pounding. -Comp. -कारः a limeburner. -कुन्तलः a curl, curly hair; समं केरलकान्तानां चूर्णकुन्तलवल्लिभिः Vikr.4.2. -खण्डः, -ण्डम् 1 gravel, pebble. -2 lime-stone nodule. -पदम् a peculiar exercise, walking backwards and forwards. -पारदः vermilion. -मुष्टिः f. a handful of perfume or powder. -योगः perfumed powder. -राजः It is the king of powders containing eight parts of ‘asafoetida’ and twentyseven parts ‘bdellium’; Mātaṅga. L.11.49.
दर्श्यमानं (?) = (?) ‘the (amount) shown/indicated (by the more powerful enemy in his request)” (?) : ‘He who, being weak, being asked for even a small amount by a more powerful one, (and not by an equal [साम्ना]) and he does not give just the indicated amount: he gives a bushel of powder/flour over and above (पुनर् )’ (?)
कर्षमात्रम् FROM
कर्ष mn. a weight of gold or silver (= 16 māṣa-s = 80 Rettis = 1/4 pala- = 1/400 of a tulā- = about 176 grains troy;in common use 8 Rettis are given to the māṣa-, and the karṣa- is then about 280 grains troy) ; karṣaḥ कर्षः [कृष्-अच् घञ् वा] 1 Drawing, dragging, pulling; Y.2.217. -2 Attracting. -3 Ploughing -4 A furrow, a trench. -5 A scratch. -6 Terminalia Bellerica (Mar. बिब्बा, बेहडा). -र्षः, -र्षम् A weight of gold or silver equal to 16 Māṣas. -Comp. -आपण = कार्षापण q. v.
दुस्तर mfn.
दुस्तर mfn. (see ṣ-ṭ-) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible ; dustara a. hard to cross, get over, or overcome, invincible; -tarana, a. (î) id.; -tarkya, fp. hard to guess; -tyaga, a. hard to abandon or renounce: -tâ, f. abst. n.
परोक्षे (e-) ind.
परोक्षे (e-) ind. behind the back of (genitive case) ; परोक्षे ind. one’s self not being present ; परोक्षेण (eṇa-) ind. out of sight, secretly, mysteriously
चलितवृत्त adj.
चलितवृत्त adj. [ND] ‘whose morals/behavior have strayed/erred/become corrupted’
तारस्वर mfn.
तारस्वर mfn. sounding loud
त्राण n.
त्राण n. trāṇa त्राण p. p. [त्रै कर्मणि क्त, भावे ल्युट् वा] Protected, guarded, preserved, saved. -णम् 1 Protection, defence, preservation; आर्तत्राणाय वः शस्त्रं न प्रहर्तुमनागसि Ś.1.11; R.15.3; Māl.9.26. -2 Shelter, help, refuge. -3 Protecting, preserving. -4 An armour.
√क्रन्द् cl.1 P. A1. kr/andati-, krandate-
√क्रन्द् cl.1 P. A1. kr/andati-, krandate- (varia lectio kradate-fr. krad- ; subjunctive kr/andat-; imperfect tense krandat-and /akrandat-; Aorist 2. sg. kradas-, cakradas-,and /akrān-,3. sg. akrān-and /akrān-; akrandīt- ; parasmE-pada kr/andat-), to neigh (as a horse), roar (metaphorically applied to the clouds and to wind and water) ; to creak (as a wheel) ; to sound, make a noise ; to cry piteously, weep, lament, grieve, be confused with sorrow etc. ; to call out piteously to any one (accusative) (perf. cakranda-) : Causal krandayati- (Aorist /acikradat-,3. plural dan-), to cause to roar ; to cause to weep or lament ; to roar, rave ; to neigh after (accusative) : Intensive P. k/anikrantti- (A1. ntte- ; parasmE-pada k/anikradat-,once k/anikrat- ; parasmE-pada A1. kanikrady/amana- ) , to neigh, roar, rave, cry out ; to creak, crackle ; ([ confer, compare Gothic gre1ta,”to lament.”])
कवलित mfn.
कवलित mfn. swallowed by the mouthful, eaten, devoured ; kavalita कवलित a. 1 Eaten, swallowed up (as a mouthful). -2 Chewed. -3 (Hence) Taken, seized; as is मृत्युना कवलिता.
कवल m. kavalaḥ कवलः लम् [केन जलेन वलते चलति, वल्-अच् Tv.] 1 A mouthful; आस्वादवद्भिः कवलैस्तृणानाम् R.2.5; :9.59; कवलच्छेदेषु संपादिताः U.3.16. -2 A gargle.
THENCE DN X √कवलय् PPP कवलित
kavalayati कवलयति Den. P. To eat, devour; Pt.4; Māl.7.
सर्वस्वहरण n.
सर्वस्वहरण n. सर्वस्वहरण n. the seizure or confiscation of all one’s property
यत्र तत्र
यत्र तत्र = ‘wherever’
“Just a a man with dirty clothes (JUST) sits there where he sits… “
“Just as a man with dirty clothes sits anywhere / any old place…”
पृथुदत्त m.
पृथु adj. pṛthu पृथु a. (-थु or -थ्वी f., compar. प्रथीयस्, superl. प्रथिष्ठ) [प्रथ्-कु संप्र˚ Uṇ.1.28] 1 Broad, wide, spacious, expansive; पृथुनितम्ब q. v. below; सिन्धोः पृथुमपि तनुम् Me.48. -2 Copious, abundant, ample; अव्युच्छिन्नपृथु- प्रवृत्ति भवतो दानं ममाप्यर्थिषु V.4.47. -3 Large, great; दृशः पृथुतरीकृताः Ratn.2.15; अरोधि पन्थाः पृथुदन्तशालिना Śi. 12.48; R.11.25. -4 Detailed, prolix. -5 Numerous. -6 Smart, sharp, clever. -7 Important. -6 Various. -थुः 1 N. of fire or Agni. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -3 Of Mahādeva. -4 N. of a king. [Pṛithu was the son of Vena, son of Anga. He was called the first king, from whom the earth received her name Pṛithvī. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa relates that when Vena who was wicked by nature and prohibited worship and sacrifice, was beaten to death by the pious sages, and when consequently robbery and anarchy prevailed in the absence of a King, the Munis rubbed the right arm of the dead king to produce a son, and from it sprang the majestic Pṛithu, glowing like Agni. He was immediately declared King, and his subjects who had suffered from famine, besought the monarch for the edible fruits and plants which the earth withheld from them. In anger Pṛithu took up his bow to compel her to yield the supply so much needed by his subjects. She assumed the form of a cow and began to flee chased by the King. But she at last yielded and requested him to spare her life, and at the same time promised to restore all the needed fruits, plants &c., ‘if a calf were given to her through which she might be able to secrete milk.’ Pṛithu thereupon made Svāyambhuva Manu the calf; milked the earth, and received the milk into his own hand, from which proceeded all kinds of corn, vegetables, fruits &c., for the maintenance of his subjects. The example or Pṛithu was afterwards followed by a variety of milkers-gods, men, Ṛiṣis, mountains, Nāgas, Asuras &c., who found out the proper milkman and calf from their own number, and milked the earth of whatever they wanted; cf. Ku.1.2.] -थु f. Opium. -Comp. -उदर a. big-bellied, corpulent. (-रः) a ram. -कीर्ति a. far-famed. -जघन, -नितम्ब a. having large or broad hips or slopes; पृथुनितम्ब नितम्बवती तव V.4.26. -दर्शिन् a. far-sighted. -पत्रः, -त्रम् red garlic. -प्रथ, -यशस् a. far-famed, widely renowned. -बीजकः lentils. -रोमन् m. a fish. ˚युग्म the sign Pisces of the zodiac. -शेखरः a mountain. -श्री a. highly prosperous. -श्रोणि a. having large hips. -संपद् a. rich, wealthy. -स्कन्धः a hog.
अणु adj.
अणु adj. aṇu अणु a. (णु-ण्वी f.) [अण्-उन्] Minute, small, little, atomic (opp. स्थूल, महत्); अणोरणीयान् Bg.8.9; सर्वोप्ययं नन्वणुः Bh.3.26. insignificantly small; अण्वपि भयम् Ms.6. 4; अण्वपि याच्यमानः Pt.4.26 asked but an atom, a very small quantity, न कन्यायाः पिता विद्वान् गृह्णीयात् शुल्कमण्वपि Ms.3.51. -णुः 1 An atom, a very small particle (an exceedingly small measure); the mote in a sunbeam, the smallest perceptible quantity; अस्थूलमनण्वह्रस्वमदीर्घं ब्रह्म; अणुं पर्वतीकृ Bh.2.78. to magnify; cf. also ‘To make mountains of molehills.’ -2 An atom of time (व्यञ्जनमर्ध- मात्रा तदर्धम् अणु); it is said to be 54,675, th part of a Muhūrta (48 minutes). -3 N. of Śiva. -4 N. of very small grain such as सर्षप, चीनक &c., अनणुषु दशमांशो$णुष्वथैकादशांशः Līlā. -णु n. the fourth part of a Mātrā. -Comp. -अन्तः [अणुः अन्तो यस्य] a hair-splitting question; (अण्वन्तः सूक्ष्मान्तः सुक्ष्मवस्तुनिर्णयान्तः प्रश्नः Śaṅkara). किमर्थमचारीः पशूनिच्छन्नण्वन्तानिति Br. up. 4.1.1. -तैलम् N. of a medicinal oil. -भा [अण्वी सूक्ष्मा भा प्रभा यस्याः सा] lightning. -मात्र a. [अणुः परिमाणं यस्य अणु-मात्रच्] of the size of an atom. -रेणुः [कर्म.] atomic dust. -रेवती [अणुः सूक्ष्मा रेवतीतारेव] N. of a plant (दन्तीवृक्ष) Croton Polyandrum. -वादः the doctrine of atoms, atomic theory, the theory that all material substances are primarily atoms and secondarily aggregates, and that all atoms are eternal. -वीक्षणम् [ष. त.] 1. minute observation, observation of very minute parts. -2 [अणुः सूक्ष्मो वीक्ष्यते अनेन करणे ल्युट्] an instrument, like the microscope, enabling one to discern the smallest objects. -व्रतानि N. of the twelve smaller vows of laymen adhering to the Jain faith. -व्रीहिः [कर्म.] a fine sort of grain, rice &c.
साम्ना sāmnā with mitigating words SB 4.28.51
सामन् n. (m.only in ;prob. connected with sāntv-; according to to some fr.1. sā-; see 3. sāman-) calming, tranquillizing, (especially) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary, conciliation, negotiation (one of the 4 upāya-s or means of success against an enemy, the other 3 being dāna-, bheda-,and daṇḍa-, qq.vv.; in the beginning of a compound or instrumental case sg. and plural,”by friendly means or in a friendly way, willingly, voluntarily”)