B&K.4+5_P.033 Flashcards
'IV+V. '33.2 '4.0 √संविधा ( सम् + वि + √धा ) P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-
√संविधा ( सम् + वि + √धा )
P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, to dispose, arrange, settle, fix, determine, prescribe ; to direct, order ; to carry on, conduct, manage, attend to, mind etc. ; to use, employ ; to make use of. act or proceed with (instrumental case) ; (with mānasam-) to keep the mind fixed or composed, be in good spirits ; to make, render (two accusative) ; to set, put, lay, place : Passive voice -dhīyate-, to be disposed or arranged etc. : Causal -dhāpayati-, to cause to dispose or manage
उष्ट्री f.
उष्ट्री f. a she-camel
दासेरक m.
दासेरक m. dāseraka m. (young) camel; î, f. female camel.
दासेरक m.
दासेरक m. dāseraka m. (young) camel;
दासेरकी = f. female camel.
अनभिज्ञ adj.
अनभिज्ञ adj. anabhijña अनभिज्ञ a. Ignorant of, unacquainted with, unused to, (usually with gen.); ˚ज्ञः कैतवस्य Ś.5; वृत्तान्तानामन- भिज्ञास्मि K.236; ˚ज्ञः परमेश्वरगृहाचारस्य Mv.2; अनभिज्ञा- स्तमिस्राणां दुर्दिनेष्वभिसारिकाः Ku.6.43
निकट mf(ā-)n.,
निकट mf(ā-)n., being at the side, near ; निकट m. or n. nearness, proximity ( nikaṭam ṭam- ind.near to, towards, with genitive case or compound; ṭe- idem or ‘mf(ā-)n., being at the side, near’,near, at hand; ṭāt-,away from) ; nikaṭa निकट a. Near, close, hard by, proximate. -टः, -टम् Proximity. (निकटे is used adverbially in the sense of ‘near’, ‘at hand’, ‘hard’ or ‘close by’, वहति निकटे कालस्रोतः समस्तभयावहम् Śānti 3.2.). -Comp. -ग, -वर्तिन्, -स्थ a. near, at hand.
निकट mf(ā-)n.,
निकट mf(ā-)n., being at the side, near ; निकट m. or n. nearness, proximity ( nikaṭam ṭam- ind.near to, towards, with genitive case or compound; ṭe- idem or ‘mf(ā-)n., being at the side, near’,near, at hand; ṭāt-,away from) ; nikaṭa निकट a. Near, close, hard by, proximate. -टः, -टम् Proximity. (निकटे is used adverbially in the sense of ‘near’, ‘at hand’, ‘hard’ or ‘close by’, वहति निकटे कालस्रोतः समस्तभयावहम् Śānti 3.2.). -Comp. -ग, -वर्तिन्, -स्थ a. near, at hand.
वाटिका f.
वाटिका f. idem or ‘m. an enclosure, garden, plantation ; वाटिका f. the site of a house ; वाटिका f. a hut
धव m.
धव m. Grislea Tomentosa or Anogeissus Latifolia ; dhavaḥ धवः 1 Shaking, trembling. -2 A man. -3 A husband, as in विधवा. -4 A master, lord. -5 A rogue, cheat. -6 A kind of tree; Anogeissus latifolia; (Mar. धावडा); Rām.1.24.15.
खदिर m.
खदिर m. khadiraḥ खदिरः [खद्-किरच्] 1 N. of a tree, Acacia Catechu; Y.1.32. -2 An epithet of Indra. -3 The moon. -Comp. -कुणः the fruit-time of the Khadira tree. -पत्रिका, -पत्री a sensitive plant. -सारः catechu.
आम्र m.
आम्र m. āmraḥ आम्रः [अम् गत्यादिषु रन् दीर्घश्च Uṇ.2.16.] The mango tree. -म्रम् The fruit of the mango tree. -Comp. -अस्थि The seed of the mango tree. -आवर्त 1 N. of a tree (आम्रातक). -2 inspissated mango juice. (-र्तम्) the fruit of आम्रातक. -कूटः N. of a mountain; सानुमानाम्रकूटः Me.17. -गन्धकः N. of a plant (समष्ठिलवृक्ष; Mar. सुरण). -निशा N. of the plant Curcuma Reclinata (Mar. आंबेहळद). -पञ्चमः A particular Rāga in music. -पाली f. N. of a prostitute famous for her beauty. -पेशी [आम्रस्य पेशीव] a portion of dried mango fruit. -फलप्रपाणकम् A cooling drink made of mangoes. -वण [आम्रस्य वनम् cf. P.VIII.4.5.] a grove of mango trees; सो$हमाम्रवणं छित्त्वा Rām.
जम्बू f.
जम्बू f. equals bu-, the rose apple tree etc.
jambu जम्बु म्बू f. 1 The rose apple tree and its fruit; द्राक्षेक्षुरम्भाजम्बूभिः Bhāg.8.2.13. -Comp. -खण्डः, -द्वीपः, -पर्वतः N. of one of the seven continents surrounding the mountain Meru. -नदी one of the seven heavenly rivers. -प्रस्थः N. of a village; तोरणं दक्षिणार्धेन जम्बूप्रस्थं समागमत् Rām.2.71.11. -मालिन् N. of a Rākśasa killed by हनुमत्.
जम्बू f.
जम्बू f. equals bu-, the rose apple tree etc.
jambu जम्बु म्बू f. 1 The rose apple tree and its fruit; द्राक्षेक्षुरम्भाजम्बूभिः Bhāg.8.2.13. -Comp. -खण्डः, -द्वीपः, -पर्वतः N. of one of the seven continents surrounding the mountain Meru. -नदी one of the seven heavenly rivers. -प्रस्थः N. of a village; तोरणं दक्षिणार्धेन जम्बूप्रस्थं समागमत् Rām.2.71.11. -मालिन् N. of a Rākśasa killed by हनुमत्.
घण्टा f.
घण्टा f. ghaṇṭā घण्टा [घण्ट्-अच्] 1 A bell. -2 A plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a clock. -Comp. -अगारम् a belfry. -कर्णः 1 N. of a demigod under Śiva, (of Skanda or of Kubera) worshipped in the month of Chaitra (also -ईश्वरः). -2 a fabulous demon, Rākṣasa; H.2.; Kathā. 3. -र्णी N. of a goddess. -फलकः, -कम् a shield furnished with small bells. -ताडः a bellman; नॄन्प्रशंसत्यजस्रं यो घण्टाताडोरुणोदये Ms.1.33. -नादः the sound of a bell. -पथः 1 the chief road through a village, a highway, main road; (दशधन्वन्तरो राजमार्गो घण्टापथः स्मृतः Kauṭilya). -2 N. of Mallinātha’s commentary on the Kirātār-junīyam; कर्तुं प्रवेशमिह भारविकाव्यमध्ये घण्टापथं कमपि नूतन- मातनिष्ये Malli. -मुद्रा a particular way of intertwining fingers (before ringing a bell). -रवः 1 a species of hemp (Mar. तुरी, शणपुष्पिका, लघुताग इ.) -2 sound of a bell; घण्टारवः शणसुमे घण्टानादे च पुंसि वा Nm. -वाद्यम् the sound of a clock. -शब्दः 1 bell-metal. -2 the sound of a bell.
दुष्कृतकर्मन् n.
दुष्कृतकर्मन् n. = ‘a hard-to-do job’ (NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DOCTRINE OF KARMA HERE)