Study aid Virology Flashcards
1. What kind of disease can be caused by adenoviruses (3 examples)?
pharyngitis, pneumonia, pertussis syndrome, pharyngoconjuctival fever, acute
haemorrhagic cystitis, gastroenteritis
- How can parvoviruses spread?
by respiratory droplets
- What kind of disease can be caused by parvoviruses (3 examples)?
erythema infectiosum, hydrops fetalis, aplastic anaemia
- What kind of diseases can be caused by high-risk group papillomaviruses?
cervix cancer, tumour in oral cavity
- What kind of diseases can be caused by low-risk group papillomaviruses?
condyloma acuminatum, warts
- What can HHV1 (Herpes simplex virus 1) cause?
herpes labialis, herpes simplex dermatitis, eczema herpeticum, herpes gladiatorum,
herpetic whitlow
- What can HHV2 (Herpes simplex virus 2) cause?
herpes genitalis, neonatal herpes, encephalitis
- How can HHV1 and HHV2 infections treated?
by acyclovir
- What can VZV (Varicella Zooster virus) cause?
chickenpox and shingles
- How can chickenpox prevented?
By vaccine (live attenuated)
- What can EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) cause?
mononucleosis infectiosa, Burkitt lymphoma, nasopharingeal carcinoma, oral hairy
- What can CMV (Cytomegalovirus) cause?
hepatitis, pancreatitis, pneumonitis, nephritis, myocarditis, encephalitis, chorioretinitis,
oesophagitis, colitis, congenital infections
- What can HHV-6 cause?
encephalitis, pneumonitis, chorioretinitis, exanthema subitum or roseola infantum
- What can HHV-7 cause?
encephalitis, flaccid paralysis, hepatitis, gastritis, lymphadenopathy, diarrhoea, pityriasis
- What can HHV-8 cause?
Kaposi-sarcoma, lymphoma
- How can Hepatitis B virus spread?
by parenteral way, by sexual contact or perinatal
- How can Hepatitis B virus infection treated?
by interferon, by nucleotide analogues
- How can Molluscum contagiosum virus spread and what can cause?
by direct contact and cause benign tumour of the skin
- What can Poliovirus cause?
aseptic meningitis, poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome
- What can Coxsackie A and B viruses cause?
A: herpangina, hand-foot-mouth disease, acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
B: pleurodynia or Bronholm disease, myocarditis, pancreatitis
- What can Rhinoviruses cause?
sore throat, running nose, coughing
- How can Hepatitis A virus spread?
by faecal oral rout, by contaminated food, by contaminated water
- How can Caliciviruses spread and what can cause?
by faecal oral rout, by contaminated water, by aerosol. Can cause diarrhoea vomiting.
- Hon can Rotaviruses spread and what can cause?
by faecal oral rout and can cause diarrhoea and vomiting
- How can Hepatitis E virus spread and what can cause?
by contaminated water, by raw pig and boar meat, rarely by blood transfusion and
transplacental. Can cause acute hepatitis.
- How can spread the causative agent of yellow fever?
by mosquito bite from human to human or from monkey to human.
- How can Hepatitis C virus spread?
by parenteral way, by blood, by tattooing
- Which population is at risk during the Rubella virus infection?
pregnant women because can cause in utero infections (congenital rubella syndrome)
- How can Influenza viruses spread and what can cause (3 examples)?
By respiratory droplets. Symptoms: high fever, fatigue, muscle pain, head ache, sometimes-
gastrointestinal symptoms.
- How can Morbillivirus spread and what can cause?
by respiratory droplets and can cause measles with exanthemas and Koplic spots.
- What kind of complication may develop during measles?
pneumonia, encephalitis and SSPE: subacute sclerotizing panencephalitis
- How can Mumpsvirus spread and what are the symptoms?
by respiratory droplets. Symptoms are: inflammation of salivary gland, pancreatitis, orchitis,
- What is the causative agent of rabies?
Lyssa virus.
- How can rabies prevented?
by vaccine administered post exposure
- What is the treatment of HIV infection?
By combination of nucleotide analogue and protease inhibitors
- How can HTLV-1 spread?
by sexual contact, by blood and transplacental or by breast-feeding
- How can Dengue-fever virus spread?
by mosquito bite.
- List two members of Flaviviruses.
Yellow-fever virus, Dengue-fever virus, tick born encephalitis virus, Zika-virus.
- What does arbovirus mean?
arthropod born viruses.
- List two diseases caused by prions
kuru, fatal familiar insomnia, Creutzfeldt–Jacob-syndrome, bovine spongiform encephalitis