II-A. Systemic Bacteriology | 13. Lactobacillus genus. Probiotics Flashcards
I. Lactobacillus genus
1. What are the feature of Lactobacillus?
I. Lactobacillus
2. What is Dysbiosis caused by Lactobacillus genus
- Dysbiosis: disruption of the balance of bacteria in the body
- 2 examples: Bacterial vaginosis & Cytolytic vaginosis
I. Lactobacillus
2B. What are the features of Bacterial vaginosis (BV)?
- Bacterial vaginosis (BV): loss of Lactobacilli in the vagina, overgrowth of other anaerobic bacteria, pH ↑
- Vaginal smear: other bacteria attached to epithelial cells: „clue cells”
- Sy: Vaginal discharge, irritation
I. Lactobacillus
2C2. What are the symptoms and therapy of Bacterial vaginosis (BV)?
- Sy: Vaginal discharge, irritation
- Th: vaginal metronidazole, clindamycin
I. Lactobacillus
2D1. What are the features and symptoms of Cytolytic vaginosis?
- overgrowth of Lactobacilli in vagina, pH ↓
- Lysis of epithelial cells – Sy: vaginal discharge, pain
I. Lactobacillus
2D2. What is the therapy for Cytolytic vaginosis?
Th: sodium bicarbonate douche, suppositorium
I. Lactobacillus
3A. The role of Lactobacilli in dentistry?
Lactobacilli have a role in dental caries formation with Streptococcus mutans
I. Lactobacillus
4. Give an example of lactobacillus
Lactobacillus acidophilus
I. Lactobacillus
5. Describe cultivation of Lactobacillus acidophilus?
Cultivation: Rogosa culture media
- take part of normal flora of oral cavity, female genital tract and intestine
- homofermentres – lactic acid (L. casei)
- heterofermenters – lactic acid, etanol, acetate, CO2 (L. acidophilus)
I. Lactobacillus genus
6. What are the features of Lactobacillus genus
- Sugar – lactic acid – damage of enamel - caries
- In vagina as normal flora (Döderlein rods)
- Produce acid – barrier against causative agents
- Lactobact – frezee-dried L. strains
I. Lactobacillus genus
7. Explain the Microbial test in caries assessment
II. Probiotics
1. What are Probiotics?
Beneficial bacteria used to improve or restore normal microbiota in the colon
II. Probiotics
2. Give 3 examples of probiotics
Eg. Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces species
II. Probiotics
3. What is the natural source of probiotics?
Natural source: fermented food (yoghurt etc.)
II. Probiotics
4. What is the Artificial source of probiotics?
pills and solutions with higher conc. of bacteria – often in gastric acid resistant formulation
II. Probiotics
5. When should we use Probiotics?
→ during / after antibiotic treatment
→ after viral gastroenteritis
→ inflammatory bowel disease, allergic diseases?
II. Probiotics
6. What are prebiotics?
Nondigestable fibers that are beneficial for the normal microbiota of the colon