II-A. Systemic Bacteriology | 26. Bacteroides. Fusobacterium. Porphyromonas. Prevotella. Actinobacillus Flashcards
I. Obligate anaerobes
1. What are the features of Obligate anaerobes?
- anaerobes could be found on almost all habitats of the microbiota
I. Obligate anaerobes
2. What are the natural habitats that you can find anaerobes?
I. Obligate anaerobes
3. What are Obligate anaerobes you can find on skin?
skin (pl. Propionibacterium, S. saccharolyticus)
- especially in sebaceous glands, hair follicles, sweat glands
I. Obligate anaerobes
4. What are Obligate anaerobes you can find in oral cavity?
oral cavity (Veillonella, Peptostreptococcus, Lactobacillus)
- crypts of tonsils and tongue
- gingival sacs, plaques
I. Obligate anaerobes
5. What are Obligate anaerobes you can find on vagina?
I. Obligate anaerobes
6. What are Obligate anaerobes you can find in GI tract?
Bacteroides, Clostridium, Clostridioides, Lactobacillus
I. Obligate anaerobes
7. What are the most common Gram-negative anaerobes of the human microbiota?
- Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas
- Fusobacterium
- Veillonella
- Pepto- streptococcus
I. Obligate anaerobes
8. What are the most common Gram-positive anaerobes of the human microbiota?
- Actinomyces
- Lactobacillus
- Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Arachnia
- Propionibacterium
- Clostridium
II. Bacteroides genus
1. What are the main features of Bacteroides genus?
- thin rods, parts of GI normal microbiota
- most common culturable anaerobe genus in the GI
II. Bacteroides genus
2. What is the most important species of Bacteroides genus?
Bacteriodies fragilis
* present in 10^11 CFU / g stool!
II. Bacteroides genus
3. What are the diseases caused by Bacteroides genus?
endogenic infections (the source is usually the patients own microbiota)
* peritonitis
* wound infections
* biliary tract infections (cholangitis, cholecystitis)
II. Bacteroides genus
4. How do we do laboratory identification for Bacteroides genus?
culturing + biochemical reactions (old-fashioned)
III. Prevotella genus
1. What are the important species of Prevotella genus?
Prevotella melaninogenicus, P. bivia, P. disiens
III. Prevotella genus
2. What are the features of P. melaninogenicus?
- thin rods or coccobacilli
- might be isolated from upper respiratory tract infections and oral abscesses
III. Prevotella genus
2. What are the features of P. bivia, P. disiens?
could be found in female genital tract
IV. Porphyromonas genus
1. What is the feature of Porphyromonas genus?
part of normal oral microbiota
IV. Porphyromonas genus
2. What is the important species of Porphyromonas genus?
Porphyromonas gingivalis
IV. Porphyromonas genus
3. What is the feature of Porphyromonas gingivalis?
- might be isolated from oral abscesses, periodontitis
- gingipain pruduction (protease): might be an important factor in Alzheimer’s?!
IV. Fusobacterium genus
1. What is the feature of Fusobacterium genus?
part of normal oral microbiota
IV. Fusobacterium genus
2. What is the important species of Fusobacterium genus?
Fusobacterium nucleatum
IV. Fusobacterium genus
3. What are the features of Fusobacterium genus?
- might be isolated from oral abscesses, periodontitis
- produces H2S, butiric- and propionic acid
IV. Fusobacterium genus
4. What is the disease caused by Fusobacterium nucleatum?
acute nectorising, ulcerative gingivitis (Plaut-Vincent angina)
- fuso-spirochetosis (F. nucleatum + Treponema vincenti)
- painful, bleeding gums
- unilateral ulcerative tonsillitis
- halithosis (odorous breath)
V. Laboratory diagnosis for Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium
1. What is Laboratory diagnosis for Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium?
V. Laboratory diagnosis for Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium
2. How do we culture for Laboratory diagnosis of Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium?