III - A. Virology | 8. Filoviruses Flashcards
I. Filoviruses
1. What are the important species of filoviruses?
Filo-family= Marburg-like and Ebola-like (Marburg and Ebola virus)
- Marburg Virus(haemorrhagic fever)
- Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
I. Filoviruses
2. What are the genetic material and morphology of Filoviruses?
- Genetic material: (-) ssRNA virus family
=> causes viral hemorrhagic fever - Morphology:
- enveloped virus
- filamentous
- helical nucleocapsid
I. Filoviruses
3. How are Filoviruses transmitted?
II. Marburg Virus (haemorrhagic fever)
1. What is the transmission of Marburg Virus?
Direct contact, body fluids,
respiratory droplets, of infected
monkeys (also in fruit bats)
II. Marburg Virus (haemorrhagic fever)
2. What are the symptoms of Marburg Virus?
- fever, lethargy, rashes, diarrhea, neurological, haemorrhages
- Letality: 25-30%
- No therapy control
II. Marburg Virus (haemorrhagic fever)
3. What are the diagnosis and therapy for Marburg Virus (haemorrhagic fever)?
III. Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
1. What is the epidemiology of Ebola Virus?
- First outbreak in Sudan and Congo (1976)
- Source in Africa: fruit bat directly to human or via other animal (gorilla, chimp)
III. Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
2. What are the targets of Ebola viruses?
- Targets in body: hepatocytes, endothelial cells, phagocytes
III. Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
3. What are the symptoms of Ebola Virus?
- fever, sore throat, severe headache, muscle pain, intense weakness, vomiting
- Fever/fatigue (day 7-9) → high fever, vomiting blood (day 10)–> bruising, brain damage
(day 11) → internal bleeding, death (day 12)
III. Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
4. What is the diagnosis for Ebola Virus?
- difficult (liver, semen, blood, feces)
- PCR, ELISA, IgM ELISA few days after symptoms begin
- IgM and IgG later in disease or after recovery
III. Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
5. What is the therapy for Ebola Virus?
- rehydration, Favipiravir (RNA polymerase inhibitor)–> effective in mild cases
III. Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
6. What is the control for Ebola Virus?
III. Ebola Virus: (haemorrhagic fever)
7. Explain ebola virus based on this figure