IA. General Microbiology | 1. History of medical microbiology. Classification of the microbes. The structure, the size and the shape of bacterial cell. Flashcards
I. History of Medical Microbiology
1. Name 9 important people
- Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
- Edward Jenner
- Ignaz Semmelweis
- Joseph Lister
- Louis Pasteru
- Endre Hogyes
- Robert Koch
- Paul Ehrlich
- Alexander Fleming
I. History of Medical Microbiology
2. What is the role of Anton Von Leeuwenhoek in History of Medical Microbiology?
1st man who saw microbes – 1973 1st report
I. History of Medical Microbiology
2. What is the role of Edward Jenner in History of Medical Microbiology?
Edward Jenner → 1st vaccine in 1796
I. History of Medical Microbiology
3. What is the role of Ignaz Semmelweis in History of Medical Microbiology?
Ignaz Semmelweis → hand washing with chlorine in 1847 which caused death rate to decrease
by 15-20% – died before his knowledge was recognized
I. History of Medical Microbiology
4. What is the role of Joseph Lister in History of Medical Microbiology?
Determined disinfect by carbolic acid in modern surgery in 1867
I. History of Medical Microbiology
6. What is the role of Louis Pasteur in History of Medical Microbiology?
Fermentation, pasteurization and developed vaccine against rabies
I. History of Medical Microbiology
7. What is the role of Endre Hogyes in History of Medical Microbiology?
Improved rabies vaccine (Hungarian)
I. History of Medical Microbiology
8A. What is the role of Robert Koch in History of Medical Microbiology?
Robert Koch → Discovered causative agent of anthrax disease cycle, TB and Cholera
○ 1905 Nobel Prize
○ Introduced solid media culture
○ Koch’s Postulate (Microbe = Disease)
I. History of Medical Microbiology
8B. What is Koch’s Postulate (Microbe = Disease)?
- The bacteria must be present in every case of disease
- The bacteria must be isolated from the host with the disease and grown in pure culture
- The specific disease must be reproduced when a pure culture of the bacteria is inoculated into a healthy susceptible host
I. History of Medical Microbiology
9A. What is the role of Paul Ehrlich in History of Medical Microbiology?
● The bacteria must be recoverable from the experimentally infected host.
● Paul Ehrlich → father of chemotherapy (treating infections with chemicals)
I. History of Medical Microbiology
9B. Give the formula of Chemotherapeutic Index?
I. History of Medical Microbiology
9B. Give the formula of Chemotherapeutic Index?
I. History of Medical Microbiology
10. What is the role of Alexander Fleming in History of Medical Microbiology?
Alexander Fleming → Discovered Penicillin – 1st antibiotics in 1928
● 1st clinical use – 1942
- Nobel Prize – 1945
II. Classification of Microbiology
1. Give the Classification of Microbiology
6 types
- Agricultural
- Aquatic
- Environmental
- Industrial
- Medical
- Space
II. Classification of Microbiology
2. Give the classification of medical microbiology
Medical Microbiology - average sizes of microorganisms
1. Bacteriology – bacteria 1μm
2. Virology – virus: protein and nucleic acid 100nm
3. Mycology – Fungi (eukaryote) 10μm
4. Parasitology – Protozoon (eukaryote) 10-100 μm
– Helminthology (worms) 100μm - 15m
5. Prion – protein only (not living)
II. Classification of Microbiology - Medical Microbiology
2A. What are average sizes of microorganisms in Bacteriology?
Bacteriology – bacteria 1μm
II. Classification of Microbiology - Medical Microbiology
2B. What are average sizes of microorganisms in Virology?
virus: protein and nucleic acid 100nm
II. Classification of Microbiology - Medical Microbiology
2C. What are average sizes of microorganisms in Mycology?
Fungi (eukaryote) - 10μm
II. Classification of Microbiology - Medical Microbiology
2D. What are average sizes of microorganisms in Parasitology?
- Protozoon (eukaryote) 10-100 μm
- Helminthology (worms) 100μm - 15m
II. Classification of Microbiology - Medical Microbiology
2E. What are the types of microorganisms in Prion?
Prion – protein only (not living)
II. Classification of Microbiology
3. What is the resolution power of light microscope?
- resolution power of light microscope → 250nm
III. Bacterial Cell
1. What are the essential components of the bacterial cell (prokaryotic)?
- nucleus
- ribosome
- cytoplasm
- cytoplasm membrane (inner)
- periplasmic space
- cell wall
- outer membrane (Gram -)
III. Bacterial Cell
2. What are the characteristics of plasma membrane?
- Between plasma and cell wall
- Phospholipid bilayer
- Selective permeability, transport process, glucose uptake, product of enzyme
III. Bacterial Cell
3. What are the accessory components?
- plasmid
- spore
- capsule
- fimbriae or pili
- flagella