ch 19 review guide Flashcards
What are the 5 main parts to the hearts conduction system?
SA node -> AV node -> AV bundle -> left and right bundles -> Purkinje fibers
What is perfusion?
Delivery of blood per time per gram of tissue
In what manner do the ventricles contract?
Pumps blood to major arteries
What cardiac center starts at the medulla and is specific to the parasympathetic system?
Cardioinhibitory center
Both the cardio acceleratory and cardioinhibitory centers innervate what two things?
SA node and AV node
What circulation leads to the lungs where gas exchange will occur?
Pulmonary circulation
What valve will you find in between the right atrium and ventricle?
Tricuspid valve
How many papillary muscles are on the right side of the heart and why?
3 to anchor chordae tendinea
What is the purpose of fibrous pericardium?
Anchors heart and prevents its overfilling
What channels are responsible for rapid depolarization once a nodal cell reaches threshold?
Ca2+ VGC
What is the primary function of the cardiovascular system?
Transporting blood throughout the body
Which component of the cardiovascular system carries blood away from the heart?