ch 10 pt 4 anatomy Flashcards
What happens when calcium enters at the synaptic knob?
Diffuses into synaptic knob and binds to proteins on surface of synaptic vesicles
Nerve signal travels down axon and does what?
Opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
What occurs when ACh is released from synaptic knob?
Vesicles merge with cell membrane at synaptic knob: exocytosis
What is end-plate potential (EPP)
Na+ diffuses into the cell through the channels; leads to the opening of VGC in sarcolemma
What is excitation-contraction coupling?
Stimulation of the fiber is coupled with the sliding of filaments; when there’s AP and can contract
An action potential is what?
A rapid rise (depolarization) and fall (repolarization) in the charge of the membrane
Na+ diffuses into what?
The cell through voltage-gated channels
Cell repolarizes
Returns to -90mV
Explain how AP travels down
AP goes to T-tubules to open Ca2+ channels, then Ca2+ to cytosol, then to troponin, then conformational change on tropomyosin and reveals actins active site
What triggers crossbridge cycling?
When Ca2+ binds to troponin
What breaks down crossbridge formation?
ATP binds to myosin
What is crossbridge formation?
Myosin binds to actin active site