ch 13 pt 4 overview of brain anatomy Flashcards
What is the limbic system?
The emotional brain
What is hippocampus function?
Helps form long-term memories
What is amygdaloid body?
Emotional memory
What is fornix?
Tracts that connect with other limbic structures
What is reticular formation?
Loosely organized gray matter of brainstem
Sensory component =
Reticular activating system
Higher-order mental functions
Learning, memory, reasoning, multiple brain regions
What is Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Electrodes attached to head to record brain activity
Alpha and beta waves common in
Delta and theta waves common in
Non-REM sleep
Slower frequency brain waves
REM sleep
Brain is active, eye move, memorable dreaming
What is cognition?
Mental processes of awareness, knowledge, memory, perception, and thinking.
What are the types of memory?
Sensory, short-term, long-term
Brain areas involved in memory need what
Olfactory nerve
Optic nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Controls 4 eye muscles and adjusts to lighting
Trochlear nerve
Superior oblique nerve muscle 1 eye muscles
Trigeminal nerve
Sensation of face scalp and teeth
Abducens nerve
Controls lateral rectus muscle and abducts eye
Facial nerve
Facial expression and conducts taste sensations
Vestibulocahlear nerve
Hearing and sense of balance
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Receives taste and touch from tongue, swallowing movements
Vagus nerve
Carries nerve impulses to and from the thorax and abdomen
Accessory nerve
Transmits impulses to muscles of the back
Hypoglossal nerve
Movement of the tongue