my father in law is very nice Flashcards
Mia moglie parla cinque lingue.
My wife speaks five languages.
Mio marito è uscito con un suo collega stasera.
My husband has gone out with a colleague tonight.
To talk about the bride and groom we say “gli sposi”: “lo sposo” is the groom and “la sposa” is the bride. Below is an expression people usually say at weddings:
Viva gli sposi!
(To the happy couple!)
gli sposi
the bride and groom
Mio suocero è molto simpatico.
My father-in-law is very nice.
il suocero / la suocera
the father-in-law / the mother-in-law
Mia cognata e il suo compagno si sposano il prossimo anno.
My sister-in-law and her partner are getting married next year.
il cognato / la cognata
the brother-in-law / the sister-in-law
Mia nuora è molto generosa.
My daughter-in-law is very generous.
la nuora
daughter in law
Mia figlia e mio genero vanno in vacanza la prossima settimana.
My daughter and my son-in-law are going on holiday next week.
mio genero
my son in law