General Bacteria Features Flashcards
Aerobes (3)
-Need oxygen to generate ATP
Nocardia, Pseudomonas, Tb
All have air bellow
Anaerobes (4)
- No catalase or superoxide dismutase so susceptible to oxidative damage
- Foul smell, hard to cx, produce CO2 and H2 in tissue
- Colonize gut but pathological everywhere else
Clostridium, Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Actinomyces
Facultative Anaerobes
- Use fermentation and other methods for ATP but not killed by oxygen
- Staph, strep and enteric gram pos bac
Obligate Intracellular (3)
Rickettsia (rackets IN stadium)
Chlamydia (ship stuck IN island)
Coxiella (Curly Q ram IN barn)
Facultative Intracellular (8)
Salmonella, Neisseria, Brucella, Mycobacterium, Listeria, Francisella, Legionella, Yersinia pestis
“some nasty bugs may live FacultativeLY
Encapsulated (8)
Strep Pneumo (conjugate and non conjugated vaccines)
H flu (conjugate vaccine)
N meningitidis (conjugate vaccine)
E coli
Klebsiella pneumonia
Group B strep
**At risk if asplenia or sickle cell
Urease Positive (8)
Urea spray bottles
- Proteus (God of restroom)
- Cryptococcus (cleaning sarcophagus)
- H pylori (cleaning helicopter)
- Ureaplasma
- Nocardia (cleaning bar)
- Klebsiella (dino)
- Staph epidermis and saprophyticus (clean kitchen for beauty and plumber)
Catalase Positive (10)
CAT - degrade H2O2 b/f MPO can act on it (problem for those w/ CGD)
Aspergillus (on farm)
Candida (on playground)
E Coli
B cepacia
H pylori
4 Bacteria that Produce Pigments
1- Actinomyces israelii - yellow sulfur granules (yellow desert sand)
2- Staph aureus - yellow pigment (“gold”)
3- Pseudomonas aeruginosa (areugala is green - green rings in tub)
4- Serratia marcescens - red pigment (red dino)
Which 3 bacteria have an IgA protease?
-Cleaves IgA to allow bacteria to adhere to and colonize mucous membranes
Strep pneumo, H flu, Neisseria (similar to encapsulated)
Gram Pos By Structure
Bacilli/Rods - aerobic (Listeria, Bacillus, Corny) & anaerobic (Clostridium)
Cocci - Staph and Strep
Branching Filaments - aerobic (Nocardia) & anaerobic (Actinomyces)
Staph v Strep (how are they further broken down?)
Staph = catalase pos
- S aureus is coag + (red sea)
- S epidermis is coag - but novobiocin sensitive (plumber shows navel)
- S sapro is coag - but novobiocin resistant (beauty does not show navel)
Strep = catalase neg
-Separate based on hemolysis
Strep Hemolysis
Beta - complete
- Strep pyogenes (group A which is Bacitracin sensitive - Basset hound eating baked goods)
- Strep agalactiae
Alpha - partial (GREEN) - alpha knight tournament
- Strep viridans (helmet and boots - bile and optochin resistant)
- Strep pneumo (no helmet or boots so sensitive; but has armor for capsule)
Gamma - no hemolysis / grows in bile
-Enterococcus (strep D - resist the 6.5% NaCl) and non-enterococcus
Gram Neg by Structure
Diplococci - Neisseria (mening ferments maltose - malt liquor in dorm)
Coccobacilli - H flu, Pasteurella, Brucella, Bordetella, Francisella (“ellas”)
Comma-shaped rods - H pylori (pilot), Vibrio cholera (dictator), Campylobacter (camper)
Bacilli/Rods -
-Lactose fermentors v non-fermentors
Which Bacteria Ferment Lactose?
E Coli (mlkshake)
Klebsiella/Enterobacter/Serratia (milk on tray in hospital of dino video)
How to divide non-lactose fermenting gram neg rods
Oxidase pos - Pseudomonas (wearing ring)
Oxidase neg divided by H2S production on TSI agar …
- pos for Salmonella (turns black - salmon on black plate) and Proteus
- neg for Shigella and Yersinia