Bacteria Fast Facts Flashcards
Staph aureus
Coag + (red sea) Beta hemolytic Catalase + (cat) Protein A - binds IgG Fc Ferments mannitol - yellow ("gold")
Gram pos cocci in clusters (grapes)
Nares, axilla, groin
Preformed food poison toxin - 2 to 6 hrs
Staph epidermidis
Coagulase - (jello)
Catalase + (cat)
Urease + (plumber cleaning w/ spray bottle)
Novobacin sensitive (plumber shows naval)
Skin - contaminates blood cx
Prosthetics, biofilms
Staph saprophyticus
Coagulase - (jello)
Catalase + (cat)
Ureas + (spray bottle on counter)
Novabacin resistant (beauty not showing naval)
Female genital flora
Common in UTIs of young women
Strep pneumo
Alpha hemolytic (alpha knight tournament) Encapsulated (armor) Lancet - shaped diplococci IgA protease (IgA shield) Optochin sensitive (no helmet) Bile acid soluble (no bile boots)
MOPS - meningitis, otitis, pneumonia, sinusitis (most common cause of ea)
Rusty sputum
Strep viridans
Alpha hemolytic (alpha knight tournament) Not encapsulated Optochin resistant (helmet) and not bile acid soluble (boots)
Oropharynx flora –> dental caries and damaged heart valves
“Live in mouth b/c not afraid of-the-chin”
Strep Pyogenes
Beta- hemolytic (baking light)
Gram pos cocci in chains
Bacitracin sensitive (basset hound eating pies)
Hyaluronic acid capsule (HA - hot apple pie)
M protein
ASO titer
Honey-crusted lesions (impetigo)
Scarlet fever (toxic shock like but skin - strawberry pie)
Rheumatic fever
PSGN (complex mediated)
Strep agalacticae
Beta-hemolytic (space light)
Bacitracin resistant
Hippurate + (stuffed hippo)
Colonizes vagina –> baby pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis (give PCN to mom)
CAMP factor - inc area of hemolysis around staph aureus
Strep bovis
Colonizes gut but can enter blood –> endocarditis
Associated w/ colon cancer
Can grow in 6.5% NaCl (resist the 6.5%) and are bile resistant
Normal colon flora
“Do U heart trees?” - UTI, endocarditis, biliary tree infection
Bacillus anthracis
Spore-forming rod
Poly - D polypeptide capsule
Edema factor - inc cAMP
Lethal factor - MAPK protease
PAINLESS black eschar or pulmonary (wide mediastinum and shock)
Bacillus cereus
Spore forming rod
Spores survive in rice (reheated rice syndrome)
emesis or non-bloody diarrhea w/in hrs
C tetani
Obligate anaerobe
Tetanspasmin - GABA/glycine SNARE protease
Trismus - lockjaw
Sardonicus - raised eyebrows and open grin
C botulinum
Obligate anaerobe
Heat-labile toxin is pre-formed in cans OR spores in honey - Ach SNARE protease (flaccid paralysis)
4 Ds - diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, dyspnea
C perfringens
Obligate anaerobe
Alpha toxin - myonecrosis (gas gangrene)
Spores in undercooked food –> ingested –> heat labile toxin –> food poisoning
C diff
Spore- forming
Obligate anaerobe
Toxin A - enterotoxin (bind brush border - fluid secretion)
Toxin B - cytotoxin (actin depolymerization)
Inc risk - clindamycin and amp
Dx by toxins in stool (PCR)
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Club-shaped rod
diph toxin - inhibit EF2 synthesis (encoded on beta prophage)
Bull neck and gray pharnyeal membranes
Blue and red granules + pos Elek test
Facultative intracellular rod
Unpasteurized dairy and deli meats (grows in fridge)
Rocket tails (actin repolymerization to move cell to cell)
Tumbling motility
Meningitis in neonates and elderly
Tx - amp
Gram pos Long branching filaments Aerobe (air bellow) Acid fast (chaps) In soil
Pulm in immune-compromised
Skin in immune -competent
Can spread to CNS
Tx - sulfa (eggs)
Actinomyces israelii
Gram pos
Long branching filament
Anaerobe (soldier in gas mask)
Oral, GI, reprod flora
Abscesses, dental carries, PID
Yellow sulfur granules (desert sand)
Tx - PCN (solider writing letter w/ pencil)
M tuberculosis
Acid fast b/c mycolic acid wall
Primary - hilar nodes and ghon focus in lower lobes
90% heal … if reactivates –> local upper lung cavities (more O2) / granuloma
10% do not heal … bacteremia –> miliary Tb (vert, liver, lymph nodes, adrenals, joints, bone)
Pott disease - vertebrae
PPD test or interferon gamma release assay (IGRA)
M avium
AIDS when < 50 count
Azithromycin prophylaxis
M marinum
hand infection in aquarium handlers
M leprae
Acid fast
Grows in cool temps (extremities)
Armadillo reservoir
Lepromatous - diffusely over skin, lion face, can break out of macrophage –> humoral response (can be lethal)
Tuberculoid - limited hairless plaques and T cell response
Tx = dapsone + rifampin (deputy + rifle) and add clofazimine if lepromatous