Common injuries Flashcards
Golfers elbow
Medial epicondyle from repetitive flexion
Tennis elbow
Lateral epicondyle from repetitive extension (think of backhand)
Unhappy Triad
MCL, ACL, medial meniscus
From lateral force to a planted leg
Baker Cyst
Popliteal fluid in gastrocnemius and semi membranous bursa behind knee
Green stick fracture
Incomplete fracture of only part of width of bone following bending stress in pediatrics
See bent bone
Green twig
Torus fracture
Axial force to immature bone
Simple and subtle buckle fracture of cortex
In pediatrics
Fall on out stretch hand
Scaphoid most commonly fractured
May have avascular necrosis because retrograde blood supply
Which meniscus is more commonly injured?
Humerus fractures by distance along bone
Surgical head - axillary nerve so flat deltoid and minimal abduction
Midshaft - radial so no elbow, wrist or finger extension and problem with sensation on posterior forearm
Supracondylar- median so no wrist flexion, lateral finger flexion, thumb opposition, sensation in median distribution
Erb Palsy
Upper trunk injury from trauma or lateral traction on infant neck in delivery
Ancillary, musculocutaneous and suprascapular nerves
Deltoid, suprapsinatous, infraspinatous and bicep
Waiters tip - pronated, medially rotated and by side
Klumpke Palsy
Lower trunk injury- grabbing a tree to break a fall
Ulnar damage - all intrinsic hand muscles and hypothenar
Complete claw because lumbricals cannot extend fingers
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Compress lower trunk and subclavian vessels (as they pass thru scalene triangle - anterior scalene, middle scalene and first rib)
Can be caused by anomalous cervical rib, scalene muscle anomalies or injury form repetitive overhead arm movements)
Same total claw plus atrophy of hand muscles, ischemic pain and edema
Winged Scapula
Long thoracic nerve lesion (stab in front of chest or axillary node dissection)
Cannot anchor scapula to thoracic cage because serratious anterior not innervated
Distal v Proximal Ulnar Nerve Damage
Distal - at rest the pinky and ring finger cannot extend (ulnar claw) because flexor still intact but lumbricals not
Proximal- less pronounced, when make fist cannot bend pinky and ring into fist
Distal v Proximal Median Nerve Lesions
Distal - at rest index and middle finger bent (median claw) because no lumbricals and unopposed flexors
Proximal - less pronounced, cannot bend middle, index and thumb into fist (popes blessing)
Common Causes of Avascular Necrosis
Sickle cell
The bends
LEgg-Calve-Perthes disease
Gaucher Disease
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
***insufficient medial circumflex femoral artery around femoral head
Nursemaid’s Elbow
Sudden traction on outstretched, pronated arm in kids (ex - falling while holding someone’s hand)
Results in subluxation of radial head as the annular ligament is torn; ligament moves into the space between radial head and humerus at elbow joint
Present w/ arm pronated and extended
Pain when try to manipulate elbow
Piriformis Syndrome
Hypertrophy or muscle injury to piriformis causes compression of sciatic nerve because both run in greater sciatic foramen
Symptoms = butt / posterior thigh pain + pain w/ adduction of flexed thigh and abduction of extended thigh
Piriformis responsible for adduction of flexed thigh and abduction of extended thigh
Osgood Schlatter Disease
Repetitive quad contraction (esp in teen males)
Pain and swelling at tibial tuberosity
Quads attached to patellar ligament which inserts at tibia tuberosity (can separate from tuberosity w/ use)