Zelar Flashcards
Ela zelou pelos documentos importantes durante toda a reunião.
She cared for the important documents throughout the meeting.
A mãe sempre zelou pela saúde e bem-estar dos filhos.
The mother always cared for the health and well-being of her children.
Ele zela pela segurança da casa todas as noites antes de dormir.
He ensures the safety of the house every night before going to sleep.
O síndico zelou pela manutenção do prédio durante o inverno.
The building manager oversaw the maintenance of the building during the winter.
Ela zelou pelos investimentos da empresa com responsabilidade.
She managed the company’s investments responsibly.
Eles zelaram pelo patrimônio histórico da cidade com muito cuidado.
They took care of the city’s historical heritage with great care.
O professor zela por que todos os alunos compreendam a matéria.
The teacher ensures that all students understand the subject.
Ele zelava por uma relação harmoniosa entre os colegas de trabalho.
He strived for a harmonious relationship among his coworkers.
O comitê zelou para que as decisões fossem justas e equilibradas.
The committee ensured that the decisions were fair and balanced.
Ela zela pelo companheiro e não gosta de vê-lo conversando com estranhos.
She is jealous of her partner and doesn’t like seeing him talking to strangers.
Ele sempre zelou pelos amigos, especialmente quando recebiam mais atenção.
He has always been jealous of his friends, especially when they received more attention.
O gato zelava pela atenção do dono, afastando outros animais.
The cat was jealous of the owner’s attention, keeping other animals away.
Zelei para que todos os convites fossem entregues a tempo.
I ensured that all the invitations were delivered on time.
Ela zelou para que as regras fossem respeitadas durante o evento.
She ensured that the rules were followed during the event.
O gerente zelou para que os prazos fossem cumpridos pela equipe.
The manager ensured that the deadlines were met by the team.