New Grammar - Futuro Composto do Conjuntivo Flashcards
Quando tiveres terminado o relatório, envia-o.
When you have finished the report, send it.
Assim que tiverem chegado, começaremos a reunião.
As soon as they have arrived, we will start the meeting.
Depois que tiveres lido o livro, empresta-o ao Pedro.
After you have read the book, lend it to Pedro.
Logo que tivermos resolvido o problema, avisaremos todos.
As soon as we have solved the problem, we will inform everyone.
Enquanto não tiveres concluído a tarefa, não podes sair.
Until you have completed the task, you cannot leave.
Quando tiver terminado de cozinhar, chamarei os convidados.
When I have finished cooking, I will call the guests.
Assim que tivermos organizado os documentos, poderemos enviá-los.
As soon as we have organized the documents, we can send them.
Depois que ele tiver explicado a situação, tudo ficará mais claro.
After he has explained the situation, everything will become clearer.
Logo que tiverem recebido o pagamento, enviaremos o produto.
As soon as they have received the payment, we will ship the product.
Quando eu tiver aprendido a lição, não cometerei o mesmo erro.
When I have learned the lesson, I won’t make the same mistake.
Se tiveres terminado antes das 6, podemos sair para jantar.
If you have finished before 6, we can go out for dinner.
Se ela tiver estudado, passará no exame.
If she has studied, she will pass the exam.
Se tiverem feito o trabalho corretamente, o projeto será aprovado.
If they have done the work correctly, the project will be approved.
Caso tivermos completado o treino, participaremos na competição.
If we have completed the training, we will participate in the competition.
Se o João tiver chegado a tempo, ele participará na reunião.
If João has arrived on time, he will join the meeting.
Caso ele tiver terminado o trabalho, poderemos avaliar os resultados.
If he has finished the work, we will be able to evaluate the results.
Se eles tiverem aprendido as novas regras, não haverá problemas.
If they have learned the new rules, there won’t be any problems.
Caso já tiverem resolvido o problema, avisem-me imediatamente.
If they have already solved the problem, let me know immediately.
Se tiveres conseguido falar com ela, avisa-me.
If you have managed to speak to her, let me know.
Se já tivermos feito o necessário, podemos descansar.
If we have already done what is necessary, we can rest.
Quem tiver terminado a tarefa pode sair mais cedo.
Whoever has finished the task can leave earlier.
O aluno que tiver completado a prova primeiro poderá sair.
The student who has completed the test first may leave.
Aqueles que tiverem respeitado as regras serão recompensados.
Those who have respected the rules will be rewarded.
A pessoa que tiver enviado o e-mail pode confirmar os detalhes.
The person who has sent the email can confirm the details.
Quem tiver participado do evento será incluído na lista.
Whoever has participated in the event will be included in the list.
O funcionário que tiver atingido a meta receberá um bônus.
The employee who has reached the goal will receive a bonus.
Quem já tiver respondido à mensagem não precisa de repetir.
Whoever has already replied to the message doesn’t need to reply again.
O projeto que tiver sido concluído a tempo será apresentado amanhã.
The project that has been completed on time will be presented tomorrow.
O candidato que tiver preparado o discurso será o primeiro a falar.
The candidate who has prepared the speech will be the first to speak.
Quem tiver cumprido as tarefas será avaliado positivamente.
Whoever has completed the tasks will be evaluated positively.
When you have finished the report, send it.
Quando tiveres terminado o relatório, envia-o.
As soon as they have arrived, we will start the meeting.
Assim que tiverem chegado, começaremos a reunião.
After you have read the book, lend it to Pedro.
Depois que tiveres lido o livro, empresta-o ao Pedro.
As soon as we have solved the problem, we will inform everyone.
Logo que tivermos resolvido o problema, avisaremos todos.
Until you have completed the task, you cannot leave.
Enquanto não tiveres concluído a tarefa, não podes sair.
When I have finished cooking, I will call the guests.
Quando tiver terminado de cozinhar, chamarei os convidados.
As soon as we have organized the documents, we can send them.
Assim que tivermos organizado os documentos, poderemos enviá-los.
After he has explained the situation, everything will become clearer.
Depois que ele tiver explicado a situação, tudo ficará mais claro.
As soon as they have received the payment, we will ship the product.
Logo que tiverem recebido o pagamento, enviaremos o produto.
When I have learned the lesson, I won’t make the same mistake.
Quando eu tiver aprendido a lição, não cometerei o mesmo erro.
If you have finished before 6, we can go out for dinner.
Se tiveres terminado antes das 6, podemos sair para jantar.
If she has studied, she will pass the exam.
Se ela tiver estudado, passará no exame.
If they have done the work correctly, the project will be approved.
Se tiverem feito o trabalho corretamente, o projeto será aprovado.
If we have completed the training, we will participate in the competition.
Caso tivermos completado o treino, participaremos na competição.
If João has arrived on time, he will join the meeting.
Se o João tiver chegado a tempo, ele participará na reunião.
If he has finished the work, we will be able to evaluate the results.
Caso ele tiver terminado o trabalho, poderemos avaliar os resultados.
If they have learned the new rules, there won’t be any problems.
Se eles tiverem aprendido as novas regras, não haverá problemas.
If they have already solved the problem, let me know immediately.
Caso já tiverem resolvido o problema, avisem-me imediatamente.
If you have managed to speak to her, let me know.
Se tiveres conseguido falar com ela, avisa-me.
If we have already done what is necessary, we can rest.
Se já tivermos feito o necessário, podemos descansar.
Whoever has finished the task can leave earlier.
Quem tiver terminado a tarefa pode sair mais cedo.
The student who has completed the test first may leave.
O aluno que tiver completado a prova primeiro poderá sair.
Those who have respected the rules will be rewarded.
Aqueles que tiverem respeitado as regras serão recompensados.
The person who has sent the email can confirm the details.
A pessoa que tiver enviado o e-mail pode confirmar os detalhes.
Whoever has participated in the event will be included in the list.
Quem tiver participado do evento será incluído na lista.
The employee who has reached the goal will receive a bonus.
O funcionário que tiver atingido a meta receberá um bônus.
Whoever has already replied to the message doesn’t need to reply again.
Quem já tiver respondido à mensagem não precisa de repetir.
The project that has been completed on time will be presented tomorrow.
O projeto que tiver sido concluído a tempo será apresentado amanhã.
The candidate who has prepared the speech will be the first to speak.
O candidato que tiver preparado o discurso será o primeiro a falar.
Whoever has completed the tasks will be evaluated positively.
Quem tiver cumprido as tarefas será avaliado positivamente.