Por - Conjugation Practice Flashcards
Eu punha os livros na estante todos os dias depois da escola.
I used to put the books on the shelf every day after school.
Tu punhas os documentos na gaveta antes de sair do trabalho.
You used to put the documents in the drawer before leaving work.
Ele punha a roupa no armário sempre que terminava a lavanderia.
He used to put the clothes in the wardrobe every time he finished the laundry.
Nós púnhamos as cartas na caixa de correio durante a manhã.
We used to put the letters in the mailbox in the morning.
Vós púnhamos as cadeiras na varanda nos dias de sol.
You all used to put the chairs on the balcony on sunny days.
Eles punham os brinquedos no baú antes de dormir.
They used to put the toys in the chest before going to sleep.
Eu tinha posto os documentos em ordem antes da reunião.
I had put the documents in order before the meeting.
Tu tinhas posto as flores na mesa para decorar.
You had put the flowers on the table to decorate.
Ele tinha posto o chapéu na prateleira ao entrar.
He had put the hat on the shelf upon entering.
Nós tínhamos posto os equipamentos na sala antes da apresentação.
We had placed the equipment in the room before the presentation.
Vós tínheis posto as ferramentas no lugar depois do trabalho.
You all had put the tools in place after work.
Eles tinham posto os presentes sob a árvore de Natal.
They had placed the presents under the Christmas tree.
Eu terei posto os papéis na pasta antes do início da aula.
I will have put the papers in the folder before the class starts.
Tu terás posto o casaco no cabide antes de sair.
You will have put the coat on the hanger before leaving.
Ele terá posto o celular para carregar antes da viagem.
He will have put the phone to charge before the trip.
Nós teremos posto os planos no papel até amanhã.
We will have put the plans on paper by tomorrow.
Vós tereis posto as decorações no salão antes da festa começar.
You all will have put the decorations in the hall before the party starts.
Eles terão posto as malas no carro antes de partir.
They will have put the suitcases in the car before leaving.
Eu estou pondo os papéis no arquivo agora.
I am putting the papers in the file now.
Tu estás pondo os pratos na mesa para o jantar.
You are putting the plates on the table for dinner.
Ele está pondo as malas no carro para a viagem.
He is putting the suitcases in the car for the trip.
Nós estamos pondo as ideias em conjunto para o projeto.
We are putting the ideas together for the project.
Vós estais pondo os livros nas prateleiras para organizá-los.
You all are putting the books on the shelves to organize them.
Eles estão pondo os instrumentos no palco para o concerto.
They are placing the instruments on the stage for the concert.
Eu já tinha posto as chaves no gancho.
I had already placed the keys on the hook.
Ela disse que tinha posto as malas no quarto.
She said she had placed the suitcases in the room.
Eles confirmaram que tinham posto as encomendas no carro.
They confirmed that they had placed the packages in the car.
Todos sabemos que ele já tinha posto a carta no correio.
We all know that he had already posted the letter.
Vós tínheis posto tudo em ordem antes de sair.
You all had placed everything in order before leaving.
Nós tínhamos posto as ferramentas no depósito ao final do dia.
We had placed the tools in the storage at the end of the day.
Eu ponho o livro na mesa antes de sair.
I put the book on the table before leaving.
Tu pões a tua mala no sofá quando chegas em casa.
You put your bag on the sofa when you get home.
Ele põe as chaves no bolso depois de trancar a porta.
He puts the keys in his pocket after locking the door.
Nós pomos sempre as ideias em prática durante os projetos.
We always put ideas into practice during projects.
Vós pondes as cadeiras no lugar depois da reunião.
You all put the chairs back in place after the meeting.
Eles põem os pratos na mesa antes do jantar começar.
They put the plates on the table before dinner starts.
Eu pus a carta no correio esta manhã.
I put the letter in the mail this morning.
Tu puseste os óculos na estante antes de dormir.
You put your glasses on the shelf before sleeping.
Ele pôs o casaco no cabide ao entrar em casa.
He put the coat on the hanger upon entering the house.
Nós pusemos os papéis na gaveta para organizá-los.
We put the papers in the drawer to organize them.
Vós pusestes os cadernos na mochila antes de sair da aula.
You all put the notebooks in your backpacks before leaving class.
Eles puseram a mesa para o jantar de família ontem.
They set the table for the family dinner yesterday.
Eu porei todos os documentos no arquivo amanhã.
I will put all the documents in the file tomorrow.
Tu porás o chapéu antes de sair ao sol.
You will put on the hat before going out in the sun.
Ele porá as malas no carro antes de irmos para o aeroporto.
He will put the suitcases in the car before we go to the airport.
Nós poremos as nossas ideias no papel durante a reunião.
We will put our ideas on paper during the meeting.
Vós poreis os livros nas prateleiras para arrumar a sala.
You all will put the books on the shelves to tidy up the room.
Eles porão as plantas no jardim para decorar o espaço.
They will put the plants in the garden to decorate the space.
Espero que eu ponha tudo em ordem antes da inspeção.
I hope I put everything in order before the inspection.
É importante que tu ponhas o lixo para fora todos os dias.
It’s important that you take the trash out every day.
Espero que ele ponha as prioridades certas no trabalho.
I hope he puts the right priorities at work.
É essencial que nós ponhamos as crianças em segurança durante o passeio.
It’s essential that we put the children in safety during the trip.
É necessário que vós ponhais os materiais no armário antes de saírem.
It’s necessary that you all put the materials in the cabinet before leaving.
Desejo que eles ponham os interesses da comunidade em primeiro lugar.
I wish they put the community’s interests first.
Se eu pusesse mais esforço, poderia alcançar o objetivo.
If I put more effort, I could achieve the goal.
Se tu pusesses os documentos no lugar certo, seria mais fácil encontrá-los.
If you put the documents in the right place, it would be easier to find them.
Se ele pusesse o celular no carregador, teria bateria suficiente.
If he put the phone on the charger, it would have enough battery.
Se nós puséssemos mais tempo no projeto, o resultado seria melhor.
If we put more time into the project, the result would be better.
Se vós pusésseis mais atenção na aula, entenderíeis o conteúdo.
If you all paid more attention in class, you would understand the content.
Se eles pusessem o foco nas prioridades, teriam melhores resultados.
If they focused on the priorities, they would have better results.
Quando eu puser os papéis no arquivo, tudo ficará mais organizado.
When I put the papers in the file, everything will be more organized.
Quando tu puseres os óculos, poderás ver melhor os detalhes.
When you put on the glasses, you will see the details better.
Quando ele puser as chaves na mesa, saberemos que ele chegou.
When he puts the keys on the table, we will know he has arrived.
Quando nós pusermos as ideias em conjunto, avançaremos no projeto.
When we put the ideas together, we will advance in the project.
Quando vós puserdes os equipamentos no local correto, o trabalho fluirá melhor.
When you all put the equipment in the correct place, the work will flow better.
Quando eles puserem a comida na mesa, todos ficarão satisfeitos.
When they put the food on the table, everyone will be satisfied.
I used to put the books on the shelf every day after school.
You used to put the documents in the drawer before leaving work.
He used to put the clothes in the wardrobe every time he finished the laundry.
We used to put the letters in the mailbox in the morning.
You all used to put the chairs on the balcony on sunny days.
They used to put the toys in the chest before going to sleep.
I had put the documents in order before the meeting.
You had put the flowers on the table to decorate.
He had put the hat on the shelf upon entering.
We had placed the equipment in the room before the presentation.
You all had put the tools in place after work.
They had placed the presents under the Christmas tree.
I will have put the papers in the folder before the class starts.
You will have put the coat on the hanger before leaving.
He will have put the phone to charge before the trip.
We will have put the plans on paper by tomorrow.
You all will have put the decorations in the hall before the party starts.
They will have put the suitcases in the car before leaving.
I am putting the papers in the file now.
You are putting the plates on the table for dinner.
He is putting the suitcases in the car for the trip.
We are putting the ideas together for the project.
You all are putting the books on the shelves to organize them.
They are placing the instruments on the stage for the concert.
I had already placed the keys on the hook.
She said she had placed the suitcases in the room.
They confirmed that they had placed the packages in the car.
We all know that he had already posted the letter.
You all had placed everything in order before leaving.
We had placed the tools in the storage at the end of the day.
I put the book on the table before leaving.
You put your bag on the sofa when you get home.
He puts the keys in his pocket after locking the door.
We always put ideas into practice during projects.
You all put the chairs back in place after the meeting.
They put the plates on the table before dinner starts.
I put the letter in the mail this morning.
You put your glasses on the shelf before sleeping.
He put the coat on the hanger upon entering the house.
We put the papers in the drawer to organize them.
You all put the notebooks in your backpacks before leaving class.
They set the table for the family dinner yesterday.
I will put all the documents in the file tomorrow.
You will put on the hat before going out in the sun.
He will put the suitcases in the car before we go to the airport.
We will put our ideas on paper during the meeting.
You all will put the books on the shelves to tidy up the room.
They will put the plants in the garden to decorate the space.
I hope I put everything in order before the inspection.
It’s important that you take the trash out every day.
I hope he puts the right priorities at work.
It’s essential that we put the children in safety during the trip.
It’s necessary that you all put the materials in the cabinet before leaving.
I wish they put the community’s interests first.
If I put more effort, I could achieve the goal.
If you put the documents in the right place, it would be easier to find them.
If he put the phone on the charger, it would have enough battery.
If we put more time into the project, the result would be better.
If you all paid more attention in class, you would understand the content.
If they focused on the priorities, they would have better results.
When I put the papers in the file, everything will be more organized.
When you put on the glasses, you will see the details better.
When he puts the keys on the table, we will know he has arrived.
When we put the ideas together, we will advance in the project.
When you all put the equipment in the correct place, the work will flow better.
When they put the food on the table, everyone will be satisfied.