Grammar - Conjunctivo vs Infinitivo Pessoal Practice Flashcards
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós terminarmos o projeto, precisamos de mais tempo.
To finish the project, we need more time. Used to express a general condition or requirement, often related to a specific subject.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós terminarmos o projeto, poderemos descansar.
When we finish the project, we will be able to rest. Used to indicate a future event that is probable or envisioned.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós terminássemos o projeto, poderíamos descansar.
If we finished the project, we would be able to rest. Used to express a hypothetical situation or an unreal condition in the past.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ele falar claramente, precisa praticar mais.
For him to speak clearly, he needs to practice more. Indicates a necessity or requirement for the action to happen.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ele falar claramente, todos o entenderão.
When he speaks clearly, everyone will understand him. Implies a future condition that is expected to happen.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ele falasse claramente, todos o entenderiam.
If he spoke clearly, everyone would understand him. Expresses a hypothetical situation; used in conditional sentences.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu ires à festa, tens de terminar o trabalho.
For you to go to the party, you have to finish the work. Shows a prerequisite for performing the first action.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu fores à festa, diverte-te.
When you go to the party, have fun. Anticipates a future scenario where the condition is likely.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu fosses à festa, divertir-te-ias.
If you went to the party, you would have fun. Indicates a hypothetical situation that is not necessarily expected to occur.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós comermos juntos, é preciso combinar um horário.
For us to eat together, we need to arrange a time. Specifies a requirement or condition necessary for the action to take place.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós comermos juntos, será um bom momento.
When we eat together, it will be a good time. Looks forward to a likely future event.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós comêssemos juntos, seria um bom momento.
If we ate together, it would be a good time. Used to describe an unreal condition; often used in hypothetical or contrary-to-fact scenarios.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ela resolver esse problema, precisa de calma.
For her to solve this problem, she needs calmness. Expresses a condition or necessity for the action.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ela resolver esse problema, todos ficarão aliviados.
When she solves this problem, everyone will be relieved. Foresees a future event that is expected to occur given the condition.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ela resolvesse esse problema, todos ficariam aliviados.
If she solved this problem, everyone would be relieved. Portrays a hypothetical situation that is not expected to occur as stated.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para eles vencerem o jogo, devem treinar muito.
For them to win the game, they must train a lot. Indicates a prerequisite for achieving the stated action.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando eles vencerem o jogo, celebraremos.
When they win the game, we will celebrate. Used to express a future occurrence that is viewed as likely.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se eles vencessem o jogo, celebraríamos.
If they won the game, we would celebrate. Describes a hypothetical or contrary-to-fact condition.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu saberes a verdade, terás de investigar.
For you to know the truth, you will have to investigate. Shows the necessity for the action to achieve a certain outcome.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu souberes a verdade, compreenderás a situação.
When you know the truth, you will understand the situation. Anticipates a future event or condition that is likely to occur.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu soubesses a verdade, compreenderias a situação.
If you knew the truth, you would understand the situation. Indicates a hypothetical situation, often not expected to occur.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós terminarmos o projeto, precisávamos de mais tempo.
For us to finish the project, we needed more time. Shows a necessity in the past, expressed in a habitual context.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós terminarmos o projeto, vamos descansar.
When we finish the project, we are going to rest. Indicates a future action planned upon completion of another action.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós terminássemos o projeto, descansávamos.
If we finished the project, we would rest. Used for hypothetical situations expressed with past habitual action.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ele falar claramente, precisava praticar mais.
For him to speak clearly, he needed to practice more. Indicates a past necessity.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ele falar claramente, vai ser entendido por todos.
When he speaks clearly, he is going to be understood by everyone. Future action expected upon another action’s completion.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ele falasse claramente, era entendido por todos.
If he spoke clearly, he would be understood by everyone. Hypothetical situation with a habitual past outcome.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu ires à festa, tinhas de terminar o trabalho.
For you to go to the party, you had to finish the work. Expresses a requirement in the past.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu fores à festa, vais divertir-te.
When you go to the party, you are going to have fun. Future event planned after fulfilling a condition.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu fosses à festa, divertias-te.
If you went to the party, you would have fun. Hypothetical situation expressed using past habitual action.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós comermos juntos, era necessário combinar um horário.
For us to eat together, it was necessary to arrange a time. Indicates a past requirement or condition.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós comermos juntos, vamos passar um bom momento.
When we eat together, we are going to have a good time. Foresees a future condition.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós comêssemos juntos, passávamos um bom momento.
If we ate together, we would have a good time. Used for past hypothetical situations.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ela resolver esse problema, precisava de calma.
For her to solve this problem, she needed calmness. Past necessity for the action to occur.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ela resolver esse problema, vai ficar tudo aliviado.
When she solves this problem, everyone is going to be relieved. Anticipates a future result of an action.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ela resolvesse esse problema, ficávamos todos aliviados.
If she solved this problem, we would all be relieved. Hypothetical past situation with habitual action.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para eles vencerem o jogo, precisavam treinar muito.
For them to win the game, they needed to train a lot. Expresses a past necessity or condition.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando eles vencerem o jogo, vão celebrar.
When they win the game, they are going to celebrate. Future event likely to occur after another action.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se eles vencessem o jogo, celebrávamos.
If they won the game, we would celebrate. Hypothetical past situation used to express a conditional outcome.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu saberes a verdade, tinhas de investigar.
For you to know the truth, you had to investigate. Shows the necessity for the action to achieve a certain outcome.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu souberes a verdade, vais compreender a situação.
When you know the truth, you are going to understand the situation. Anticipates a future event or condition that is likely to occur.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu soubesses a verdade, compreendias a situação.
If you knew the truth, you would understand the situation. Indicates a hypothetical situation, often not expected to occur.
To finish the project, we need more time. Used to express a general condition or requirement, often related to a specific subject.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós terminarmos o projeto, precisamos de mais tempo.
When we finish the project, we will be able to rest. Used to indicate a future event that is probable or envisioned.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós terminarmos o projeto, poderemos descansar.
If we finished the project, we would be able to rest. Used to express a hypothetical situation or an unreal condition in the past.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós terminássemos o projeto, poderíamos descansar.
For him to speak clearly, he needs to practice more. Indicates a necessity or requirement for the action to happen.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ele falar claramente, precisa praticar mais.
When he speaks clearly, everyone will understand him. Implies a future condition that is expected to happen.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ele falar claramente, todos o entenderão.
If he spoke clearly, everyone would understand him. Expresses a hypothetical situation; used in conditional sentences.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ele falasse claramente, todos o entenderiam.
For you to go to the party, you have to finish the work. Shows a prerequisite for performing the first action.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu ires à festa, tens de terminar o trabalho.
When you go to the party, have fun. Anticipates a future scenario where the condition is likely.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu fores à festa, diverte-te.
If you went to the party, you would have fun. Indicates a hypothetical situation that is not necessarily expected to occur.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu fosses à festa, divertir-te-ias.
For us to eat together, we need to arrange a time. Specifies a requirement or condition necessary for the action to take place.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós comermos juntos, é preciso combinar um horário.
When we eat together, it will be a good time. Looks forward to a likely future event.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós comermos juntos, será um bom momento.
If we ate together, it would be a good time. Used to describe an unreal condition; often used in hypothetical or contrary-to-fact scenarios.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós comêssemos juntos, seria um bom momento.
For her to solve this problem, she needs calmness. Expresses a condition or necessity for the action.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ela resolver esse problema, precisa de calma.
When she solves this problem, everyone will be relieved. Foresees a future event that is expected to occur given the condition.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ela resolver esse problema, todos ficarão aliviados.
If she solved this problem, everyone would be relieved. Portrays a hypothetical situation that is not expected to occur as stated.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ela resolvesse esse problema, todos ficariam aliviados.
For them to win the game, they must train a lot. Indicates a prerequisite for achieving the stated action.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para eles vencerem o jogo, devem treinar muito.
When they win the game, we will celebrate. Used to express a future occurrence that is viewed as likely.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando eles vencerem o jogo, celebraremos.
If they won the game, we would celebrate. Describes a hypothetical or contrary-to-fact condition.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se eles vencessem o jogo, celebraríamos.
For you to know the truth, you will have to investigate. Shows the necessity for the action to achieve a certain outcome.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu saberes a verdade, terás de investigar.
When you know the truth, you will understand the situation. Anticipates a future event or condition that is likely to occur.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu souberes a verdade, compreenderás a situação.
If you knew the truth, you would understand the situation. Indicates a hypothetical situation, often not expected to occur.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu soubesses a verdade, compreenderias a situação.
For us to finish the project, we needed more time. Shows a necessity in the past, expressed in a habitual context.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós terminarmos o projeto, precisávamos de mais tempo.
When we finish the project, we are going to rest. Indicates a future action planned upon completion of another action.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós terminarmos o projeto, vamos descansar.
If we finished the project, we would rest. Used for hypothetical situations expressed with past habitual action.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós terminássemos o projeto, descansávamos.
For him to speak clearly, he needed to practice more. Indicates a past necessity.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ele falar claramente, precisava praticar mais.
When he speaks clearly, he is going to be understood by everyone. Future action expected upon another action’s completion.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ele falar claramente, vai ser entendido por todos.
If he spoke clearly, he would be understood by everyone. Hypothetical situation with a habitual past outcome.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ele falasse claramente, era entendido por todos.
For you to go to the party, you had to finish the work. Expresses a requirement in the past.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu ires à festa, tinhas de terminar o trabalho.
When you go to the party, you are going to have fun. Future event planned after fulfilling a condition.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu fores à festa, vais divertir-te.
If you went to the party, you would have fun. Hypothetical situation expressed using past habitual action.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu fosses à festa, divertias-te.
For us to eat together, it was necessary to arrange a time. Indicates a past requirement or condition.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para nós comermos juntos, era necessário combinar um horário.
When we eat together, we are going to have a good time. Foresees a future condition.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando nós comermos juntos, vamos passar um bom momento.
If we ate together, we would have a good time. Used for past hypothetical situations.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se nós comêssemos juntos, passávamos um bom momento.
For her to solve this problem, she needed calmness. Past necessity for the action to occur.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para ela resolver esse problema, precisava de calma.
When she solves this problem, everyone is going to be relieved. Anticipates a future result of an action.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando ela resolver esse problema, vai ficar tudo aliviado.
If she solved this problem, we would all be relieved. Hypothetical past situation with habitual action.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se ela resolvesse esse problema, ficávamos todos aliviados.
For them to win the game, they needed to train a lot. Expresses a past necessity or condition.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para eles vencerem o jogo, precisavam treinar muito.
When they win the game, they are going to celebrate. Future event likely to occur after another action.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando eles vencerem o jogo, vão celebrar.
If they won the game, we would celebrate. Hypothetical past situation used to express a conditional outcome.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se eles vencessem o jogo, celebrávamos.
For you to know the truth, you had to investigate. Shows the necessity for the action to achieve a certain outcome.
Infinitivo Pessoal: Para tu saberes a verdade, tinhas de investigar.
When you know the truth, you are going to understand the situation. Anticipates a future event or condition that is likely to occur.
Futuro do Conjuntivo: Quando tu souberes a verdade, vais compreender a situação.
If you knew the truth, you would understand the situation. Indicates a hypothetical situation, often not expected to occur.
Imperfeito do Conjuntivo: Se tu soubesses a verdade, compreendias a situação.