New Grammar - Condicional Composto Flashcards
Se tivesse estudado mais, teria passado no exame.
If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.
Eles teriam vindo à festa se tivessem sido convidados.
They would have come to the party if they had been invited.
Teríamos ajudado, mas ninguém nos pediu.
We would have helped, but nobody asked us.
Ela teria aceitado o emprego se o salário fosse maior.
She would have accepted the job if the salary were higher.
Se soubéssemos, teríamos chegado mais cedo.
If we had known, we would have arrived earlier.
Eu teria terminado o relatório se tivesse tido mais tempo.
I would have finished the report if I had had more time.
Ele teria viajado para o Brasil se tivesse conseguido o visto.
He would have traveled to Brazil if he had gotten the visa.
Teríamos ganho o jogo se tivéssemos treinado melhor.
We would have won the game if we had trained better.
Se ela tivesse explicado melhor, todos teriam entendido.
If she had explained better, everyone would have understood.
Eu teria comprado aquele livro se soubesse que estava em promoção.
I would have bought that book if I had known it was on sale.
Terias resolvido o problema se tivesses ouvido o conselho.
You would have solved the problem if you had listened to the advice.
Eles teriam ficado mais tempo se não precisassem voltar.
They would have stayed longer if they didn’t need to return.
Se tivéssemos planeado melhor, tudo teria corrido bem.
If we had planned better, everything would have gone well.
Ela teria falado contigo se soubesse onde estavas.
She would have talked to you if she knew where you were.
Eu teria enviado a encomenda se tivesse recebido o endereço.
I would have sent the package if I had received the address.
Se tivéssemos treinado mais, teríamos melhorado muito.
If we had trained more, we would have improved a lot.