where? pupils & keywords Flashcards
WHERE (pupils home) issues and how will it impact research
-noisy and crowded
-hard for researcher
- hard to elaborate
- hard to understand questions
WHERE (pupils home) issues and how will it impact research
- family members getting involved and influence answers
-peer pressure; reduces validity
WHERE (pupils home) issues and how will it impact research
-lack of control over variables
-reduces reliability
WHERE (pupils home) issues and how will it impact research
-too intrusive
- unethical and distressing
- presence of interviewer makes them uncomfortable creating dishonest answeres
- ppl drop out
WHERE (pupils home) issues and how will it impact research
-comfortable at home
-increase validity
-but may only get small sample of ppl as its time consuming and expensive
- completing questionnaires at home also may have ppl misunderstand questions
WHERE (pupils home) issues and how will it impact research
-access to certain people
- easier access to female muslims from certain backgrounds
-reduce representativeness
WHAT?( bullying )
issues and impact
-victim embarrassed to speak up
- witness and bully also wouldn’t speak up
WHAT?( labelling )
issues and impact
- teacher puts on an act
may not be
-aware ‘ unconscious’
-reduce validity and hawthorne effect
WHAT?( parental school choices )
issues and impact
-limitations on social class
-awkward to speak on the topic
-lack of awareness /. not much detailed thought
- time consuming
WHAT?( racism )
issues and impact
-indirect = hidden racism
- subtle insults/ bad treatments
WHAT?( truancy )
issues and impact
-pupils aren’t present in school to be studied
-visit families? or locate students? ethical issues
-privacy is key
parental school choices
too intrusive
certain people
lack control
family infulence answers