evaluation of the marxists view Flashcards
why might religion not have functions descirbed by marxists in the contemporary UK
-religion can only act as drug if people believe in it - secualrisation
-in 2011 37.2% said they had no religion
what do neo marxists argue
-religion can be a force for change as well as stability
what does engels say
-religion can disguise inequalities
but may also challenge status quo and encourage social chnage
-e.g reliigon preaches libertaion frpm slavery and misery
-lower ranks in church hiercarchy have often supported or even inspired popular protest
what does maduro
-religious ideas may promote social change and override ruling class ideology
-toletarian dictatorhsips where all politicla proetst can be banned and only safe places to meet is religous places e.g church
-sermons can icnlude speaking out on inequalities but less liekly to be arrested or killed bc seen as ‘sacred’
e.g martin luther king = involved in civil rights movement
what was the libertaion theology movement in south america
-it was a reposnse to the fialure of the vatican to respond critically to oppression of the poor by right wing dictators
-combined teachings of marx and jesus
-encouraged ppl to change society even via violence
how was the libertaion theology movement evident in sandinista revolutio in nicragua
-many priests encourgaed civil war and even took weapons themselves
-those priests involved were later expelled from catholic church by the pope
how does the libertaion theology contradicts the marx view of the function of religion
-goes againist the idea of false class cosncince as they were being told to rebel and begin a revolution
-giivng ruling class less power over them