domestic violence Flashcards
marxist femnisits
product of capitalism
males exploited for their labour
frustration on partner
lack of resources- inequalities in income and housing
stress in low income households - at risk
ganley and schetcher
male violence againist women is a sign of sociteies inequalities; men controlling womans feelings
Dabash and Dabash
(womens submissive role)
violence againsit woman is the way that the womens subordinate role is enforced
why dont victimis seek help?
1.scared of partner
3.police wont take it serious
4.feel dependant on partner e.g finance
what is domestic vio?
patterns of contorlling, coercive, threatning and violent behvaiour by partner, ex or fmaily memebr
1 in 4 women suffer
1 domestic violence phone call evry min
more women are victims
2 women killed a week my former partner
few cases convicted?
1.diffcult to gain evidence
2. police reluctant to report
3. no specfifc legal offence of DV
children present
1.loss of sleep risk of trauma
3. in 40% of cases theyre also abused
forms of DV
- stalking abuse
3.reproductive control
3.physical and mental
4.finsical abuse
widespread control of female libido and pre marital virginity
evaluate FGM
- not all men agressive
- men also victims of female abuse
- not all women victims likely in low income fmailies
how to be free of DV?
radical fem- seperate from men and become policitcla lesbians