realists theories of crime and deviance Flashcards
what are the relaists theories of crime?
-focus on reality of crime
-why its happening
-imapct on victims and communties
what are the left relaists?
-‘labour party’
-tough on crime and the cuases
‘ understand causes’
‘job options’
‘social inequaltiies’
what are the right realists?
-conservative party
-tougher on the criminal
‘longer sentences’
‘stop and search’
how is left realism diff to marxist or neo marx?
-neo marx believe modern day crimnicals steal from rich to give to poor
-left realists criticise marx for saying only way to get rid of crime is to abolish capitalism
-marx neglect street crime
evaulate(how is left realism diff to marxist or neo marx?)
TRUE= crime occurs in communist areas
marx are wrong to suggest ruling class victims of propery crime, its acc the w/c
how do left realists explain the inaccuracies in crime stats?
-socially constructed
-needs more explnation
why does crime happen?
-left realism
(relative dep)
-advertises stress economic sucess
-promote middle class lifetsyle
-others feel deprived in relation to others
-inequalties impact contrbuting drug dealing
-cant afford some goods
-drug based subculture= increase crimnality
-religious sub= discourage crime
-variety of subcultures claim their values are legit - increases crime
-marginal grps- lack organisation to reprsent their interets in polcitical way
-lack power and infulence
-lead to violence and riots
(the square of crime)
model to try and explain crimes
-between interactions between what offenders do and social reaction
-both informally from members of public
-formally from members of state e.g police or court
how to evaluate left realism?
-theory doesnt include much on offenders motive
-doesnt explain why many people are relatively deprived are law aibding and dont commit crime
how does Akala clip reflect left realist approach?
-causes of gang crime?
-lack of ED
-being in care
doesnt believe its good to increase polcing and harsh sentences as it hasent had an impact
BUT right relaists support it
how are right realist theories diff to left?
-RR blame offender
-LR blame society
right realists approaches ?
(wilson- rational choice theory)
-individuals weigh up the benefits of the crime e.g increase status or money and the consequences of being caught
-WILSON says street crime has increasesd bc the chances of getting caught and punishments not harsh enough
(wilson and kelling - broken windows)
-social disorder is not repaired
-further neglect happens
-unless anti social behvaiour is kept to a minimum then theres gradual detrioation of neighbourhoods as no one is caring
-so safe neighbourhoods is good to keep things in order
(cohen and felson- routine activities theory)
-if individuals see an opportunity in their daily routine to commit a crime then they most likely will
2.opportutnies available e.g little security
3. lack of capable guards are around e.g police, parents
(charles murray-the underclass)
-have parents on welfare benefits
-children liekly to commit crime
-dont have good male role model
evalaute right realism
-infulential on polcies e.g UK and US
- zero tolerance and more police do have impact on stopping crime
weakness of right realism
-little evidence that leaving broken windows leads to more crime
e.g not investing enough some areas leads to crime
-over policing can cause bad relations which can lead to crime unreporting
e.g black community and over use of stop and search