educational policies Flashcards
what is a social policy?
-plan and schemes introduced by gov to address issues or problems in society.
what is a educational policy?
-improve some aspect of ED determined by ideas/beliefs
what was the intro of tripartite system?
introduced 3 types of state funded secondary schools.
(students sat exams which determined the school)
-grammer school= passed 11+ academic system - middle class
-secondary modern- failed 11+, practical curriculum,working class
-technical schools/colleges (very few in system)
how can we evaluate the tripartite system?
-not a good test - rate of sucess was low
-culturally bias - referred more to what middle class would know
-middle class got in most
-narrow range of questions e.g verbal reasoning
what were comprehensive schools?
-eductaion for all under one roof
-accepeted anyone regardless of their ability
evaluate comprehensive schools
-recreated divisions of tri partite system
-setting and streaming introduced - had to teach all abilties in one class
-BALL- said it was unequal as middle class dominated top sets
poor children going to school hungry?
-free school meals
girls underachieving in male dominated subjects?
-WISE and GIST helped with this
britiains pupils falling behind those in european countries?
-extended school leave - now stay till 18
what are left wing ideologies?
-construct better society
-optimisitc in general about society
-favour group rather than individual
-labour party
-focus on equality
what are right wing ideologies?
-desire not to change but rather accept
-empahsise authority
-change is too dysfunctional
-prefer individual
-conservative party
-raise standards and marketisation of schools to encourage competition
what was the labour democratic?
(social democratic)
1964-1970 and 1974 -1979
-led by harold wilson
-promote equality and opportunity
-introduced comprehensive ED(1965)
what was conservative (new right)?
-margret thatcher
-raise standard in ed
-believed in marketisation to achieve
-intro of ed reform act
e.g national curriculum and league tables
what was new labour?
(3rd way)
-tony blair
-raise standards and provide equal opportunity
-policies e.g excellence in cities, ed action zones
what was the coalition (neo liberal)
-david cameron
- raise standards abd compete in glocal market
-intro of FSM
-make a levels and GCSE’s harder
-intro FSM for children of low income background
what is the conservative (new right)
-led how by rishi sunak before boris and theresa
-raise standards and market ED
-not made much policies due to brexit
-intro of Tlevels
-and talk from theresa may have expanding grammer school place
What are the 3 educational policy aims?
1.raising standards/marketisation/increasing parental choice
-bussiness like
-create competition
-raise standards
-encourage more facilties to attract
-give parents freedom to choose school
-e.g league tables,ofstead
2.creating equality of opportunity?
-reduce gap in achievement between classes,gender, ethnicities
-adress material deprivation by creating policies e.g FSM,bursary, scholarships
-address cultural dep e.g SURESTART
-policies try to adress ethnocentric curriculum
3.meeting needs of global economy/prep young people for work
-create skilled and qualified workforce
-prepare young people to compete in glocal economy
-other countries have better ecomony and better league tables then UK
1.what is comprehensive ED
2.whats marketsation?
3.whats parentocracy
1.ed for all regardless of ability schools encouraging competiton and raise standards
3.give parents power to choose the school they go