religions Flashcards
key features of hinduism
-worlds oldest religion
- founded in india and nepal
-1.3%. of the GB pop
- polytheistsic - there are thousands of Gods and Godesses
-worship (puja) can either take place at home or temple
-have own customs e.g coming of age, weddings, death
- festivals e.g diwali
key feature of sikhism
-founded 500years ago
-most live in punjab region of india
-0.7% of GB pop
- monotheistic believe in one God
-follow scriptures in a book called adi granth
- worship at gudwara
-have their own customs for births, marriages , deaths as well as their own festivals such as gurpurbs festivals of the Gurus
key features of islam
-worlds oldest religion
-1.6bn muslims
-6.5% of GB POP
-monotheistic = only belief in one God was revealed to ,hammed who then become known as Gods prophet
-muslims follow the Qur’an
- worship at mosques
-calendar, festivals , dress code
-87% sunni muslims (diff ways the way they put teachings into practice)
-small number of muslims known as sufis( diff approach to islam in which they forge a close RS to God)
key features of buddhism
-developed in india by a man known as buddha
“enlightened one”
-spread around the world
-0.4% of GB POP
-follow 5 rules known as “5 precepts “ to guide them in daily life
-worship in temples or rooms at home
-celebrate Vassa 0- mediations retreat
key features judaism
-0.4% GB
- born into their faith -technically born to a jewish mothers is ethnicity jewish wether or not they follow it
-holy day is a saturday worship in a synagogue, key festivals(passover, hanukkah , yam kippur )
-have own custom around births, coming of age , weddings , deaths
key feature of paganism
-believe in sanctity of nature , need to reflect the natural rythms
-follow ancient rituals of early pagans e.g ceremonies to mark winter and summer
- SHAMANISM= encompasses a desire for human to connect the earth, the stars that which is greater than ourselves
-2021 census = showed shamanism and paganism were growing more than any other religion