role of education Flashcards
what does education do for us?
-skilled workforce built
-practical skills taught
-helps intellectual development
-basics taught e.g literacy, numeracy
-lang for communication
-norms and values taught
-socialise and create bonds
what is the purpose of education?
-meets needs of insidtrial economy
-prepare children to be engaging and collabrative
is education achieving the purpose?
not rlly- only teaches how to memorise to pass exam
issues with education?
-putting ppl in grp and label them to be the same
-not putting alot of attention on those struggling
-too much reading and writing(demotivates)
-not creative enough
-mainly acdemics
-do what ur told
-doesnt teeach how to be good citizen
what is functionalists key ideas?
-society is like human body - all bits interlink and work together
-society normalised in norms and values by diff institiutons
who are the functionalists?
durkheim(norms and values), parsons(values and socialistaion), davis and moore(job allocation)
what ideas does durkheim present of education?
-prepares the kids for adult life
-transmit norms and values(key functional prerequisite)
-social soldarity
-teach knowledge and skills
what ideas does parsons present in education?
-secondary socilaisation- takes over as kids get older from families
-bridge between particularisitc and universalistic values- to achieve meritocracy
-judged by universalstic
-achieve staus not given
-meritocracy nature of society
evaluate durkheim and parsons
-multi cultural society so more than one set norms and values
-only acdemic subjects in schl no specialist knowledge taught
-too positive ignore bullying
what did davis and moore say about education?
-allocate roles for adult life
-sorts pupils into roles reflecting their talent and ability
-most talented and hard working = most rewarded w good jobs
-high paid jobs and high status is the reward
(meritocractic sytem)
what does schultz say on education?
- high level spending on eductaion to imporve ppls knowledge
-high lvl human capital = successful economy
-eductaion = meet economy needs
-treained, qualified and flexible workforce
-range of jobs arising from specialised division of labour
evaluate davis and moore?
- not all important jobs are well rewarded e.g teachers and nurses
-well rewarded jobs important e.g footballers are well payed.
whats the new rights perspective on education?
(a conservative party)
-reward the hardworking
-prepare young people to work
-socialise young ppl in competition
-create sense of national identity
why are the new rights parlty different to the functionalists?
-dont believe functions are being achieved
-ed is being ran by gov
-they ignore local needs and pupils and parents
-even w bad results teachers continue being paid
how do the new right think problems in ED can be solved?
-marketise ED
-schls should compete w eachother for pupils
-have to try and improve and be the best they can to attract pupils
how have schools been providing pupils & parents w autonomy?
-ofstead report
-exam results
-open days
recent changes in ED that reflect new right ideas?
-made GCSES and ALEVELS harder
-expand apprentiship scheme (ensure young people prepared for careers)
-promote british values - democracy, respect, rule of law
-chocie of schls - free schools & academy
who are the marxists?
bowles and gintis(hidden curriculum), rikowski(ed is business like) and althusser(working class vs middle class), willis(the lads) and Illich
key ideas of the marxists
-dislike capitalism= creates inequalities
-bourgeoise(upper class) has conflict with proletariat(working class)
-upper class advatged e.g private schls and tuition
-expolited due to low pay
-higher class more encourgaed
-teaches norms and values e.g meritocracy
how can marxs ideas on economics be relevant to ED?
-product of inequal class found in economic base
-institiutions in superstructure feed to the dominant class
how are young people manipulated in ED?
-learn to conform to auhtority
-expect eductaional failure
how to capitalists benefit from ED?
-ED transimist capitalist ruling class ideology
-children consumed by way of ‘doing and thinking’
what is cultural capital?
-broad vocab
-standard english
-experience galleries & musuems
how does cultural capital benefit kids in ED?
-high grades & positive reinforcement
-rewarded for cultural capital - secure educational and economical capital
what does bowles and gintis say pupils learn?
-teachers promote hidden curriculum
-time keeping and rules
-students adjust to behavior and attitudes
how does willis contrast w bowles and gintis?
-unstructured interview, hanging around the school in the midlands
-children often colluded their own ED by breaking rules and challenging teachers
how is school similar to the workplace?
-rewarded or punished to be created into certain traits
-motivated by grades/ by wages
-broke into abilites/ specialist functions in factory
why might bowles and gintis ideas not be very relvant anymore?
-employers more attracted to those w knowledge and skills
how did Rikowski say ED was part of capitalist economy?
-transformed into commodiites w aim of producing profit
-uni admissions are bussiness like
-uni admission fees
-high ED- students choose best deal
-unis compete to attract high end customers
whats Althusser’s view on ED?(marxist)
- 1st function= reproduce class inequality
-ED is for the middle class= they thrive bc they are advantaged by their cultural and economic capital
-2nd function= legitimate class inequality(made to seem okay)
-teaches norms and values so working class accpet their position in society
-believes meritocracy is a myth
-ED is a “ideological state appartus”
evaluation on Althusser?
-working class can be part of upper class e.g Alan sugar
-no research evidence to support his claims
what did Illich say on ED? (marxist view)
-socialise children to accpet in equality
-doesnt teach children to have critical thinking
-those who dont conform are excluded from success
what do bowles and gintis say on ED?(marxist)
-produce workers who can be exploited
-working class taught values, attitiudes and be easily exploited and accept low apy
-does this by hidden curriculum
“corespondence princple”- what we learn at schl corresponds to workplace
evaluate bowles and gintis
-not everyhting learn teaches us to be exploited - e.g politics, sociology(can question the system)
what does willis say on ED?(marxist)
-studied grp of 12 boys
-focus grp,overt
-the lads
-has little value to the aim of schl
-wanted to be free from schl env
-wanted to work quickly
-classic workplace culture (sexism, lack of authotity respect)
-actively reject school
- end up in working class jobs if ur disobedient
evaluate willis?
-opposite to bowles and gintis as they say students are prepared to be easily expolited and dont challenge it
-not reprsentative only small number studied
-see it today w ppl bunking
Bowles and Gintis correspondence princple
schools- hierarchies e.g head teacher, head of dep, teacher, assistant
work-boss, ceo, manager
schools- teachers hv staff room- students cant enter, teachers comfy chairs
work place - boss hv office, better chairs
schools- obey w/o question or penalised
work- obey or fired
schools-rewards e.g interesting lessons
work- days off, promotion, high pay
schools-students hv to break off from unfinished tasks
work-bell ring for break/lunch
schools - high schls superivse students
elite schl- students trusted to behave
work- managers supervise
high status more freedom
school-punished for lateness
work- warnings, deduct pay
what is vocational ED?
-TEACH skills for particualr job
SCHULTZ helps developement of human capital
examples of vocational ED?
-english GCSE re sit
functionalist view on voc ED?
-create skilled workforce
-helps prepare kids to meet needs of ECO
-develop human capital
marxist view on voc ED?
-Serves capitalist society
-can lead to exploitation
-work experience provides free labour
-lower status then academic
what do feminists believe ab ED?
ED system is male dominated and reinforce patriarchy
exmaples of feminists ideas?
-more male principles in schls
-curriculum more focused on male achievements
-girls still called ‘slags’ and ‘sluts’ to reinforce gender norms - LEES
- girls subejcted to ‘male gaze’
-suffer sexual harassment
evaluate feminist perspective?
-teachers pay more attention to girl dress code
-boys asked to do more heavy tasks e.g moving chairs
-girls do better than boys in GCSEs
- more encouragement to girls then boys(BECKER)
statistics in ‘when kids abuse kids’
-4603 cases (2013-2017)
-225 rapes
-200,000 cases a year of child sexual abuse
-a 6y/o suffered digital rape and coudlnt sit
-rapists under age dont suffer a criminal reponsiblity bc theres no ‘register’ as theres no ‘crime’
post modernist ideas on ED?
-ED shld meet needs of rapidly changing glocal ECONOMY
-Tlevels intro:
equivalent to 3 alevels
2 year course colab w employers
mixed learning and experience
diff subject areas e.g beauty, health
what more do postmodernists say?
-ED has become a consumer product itself
-UNiversities are opening campuses in diff countries e.g dubai, malta
-Rikowski says ED has become capitalised, privatised
-ED can help shape our identities e.G USHER says people may use adult course for this purpose - italian classes to appear sophisticated
1.what is value consesus?
2.what is social mobility?
3.what is functionalist prerequisites?
1.shares some values and norms(agreement)
2.movement of individuals up or down class ladder
3.basic needs which shld be met for society to survive
4.particulartstic standards?
5.universalstic standards?
4.standards appplied to an individual
5.applied to everyone regardless allocated based on talent, skills- then rewarded solidarity?
8.human capital?
9.hidden curriculum?
7.feeling a part of sm
8.having skills making u valuable to employers
(more qualifications= more human C)
9.things u learn in schl not part of official curriculum e.g respect,values
10.the division of labour?
11.eqaulity of opportunity
10.divided work into large number of specilaised tasks
11.everyone has equal chance of developing skills regardless gender, class
(new right key words)
12.schls operate on free market and compete for customers
13.schls compete for pupils insintiuates them to raise standards
(marxists key words)
15.false consciousness?
14.everyone makes as much money as they can & gov control limited
15.workers not aware of true position(exploited)
16.repressive state appartus?
17.ideological state apparatus?
16.institiution which force rule of bourgeoise e.g police, army
17.enforce bourgeoise by transmitting their ideas/beliefs
19.cultural capital?
20.correspondence princple?
18.set of ideas of ruling class are rewarded in ED system
19.advantage in terms of knowledge, lit, music, art etc
20.correspond to what we need to accept to be exploited in workplace
22.hegemonic control?
21.dominance of ruling class and their ideas
22.working class controlled by ruling class ideas
23.grp w diff norms and values then mainstream cultures
24.anti schl culture
25.vocational ED
24.opposition to mainstream e.g norms and values - willis and the lads
25.ED that leads to learning particular skills for jobs
26.not in education/employment or training
27.growing interconnectdness, communication, culture (ED teaches ppl to compete in global economy)