crime prevention and control Flashcards
what are historical exmaples of sureveillance
-panoptican prison= circular building with prison cells arounf a tower
-surpivisor sees every cell
-prisoners dont know if theyre being watched
-so in theory theyd regulate their own behaviour; incase they were being watched
contemporary exmaples of sureveillance
-plate recognition
-tap phone calls
-recording, retrieving data
-ring doorbells
-security cameras
-facial recognition
-security guards/dogs
theories of surveillance (foucault)
-surveiallnce monitors, controls and change sbehvaiour of criminals
-people would self discpline themseleves through fear theyre being watched
what does foucault also say on ‘technologies of power’?
-used to exercise discplinary control over the entire nation
-society tranformed into a surveiallnce society ‘age of panopticism’ everyones subject to the discplinary gaze of panoptican.
what were theories of surveillance (lyon)
-tech development has meant new forms of surveiallnce
-people find their dsta is of interest to others and life has become less private
-surveiallnce is apart of everyday life
-ICT enables social control
what is liquid surveiallnce
-society is more fluid
-moevments are monitored, traced and tracked e.g CCTV
how did bauman and lyon suggest surveiallnce is spreading to more areas of life?
e.g its in biometric passports
-check into places using your phone
-scanning QR codes
-posting personal info on media
-using location settings
-during covid e.g track and trace app
how can we evaluate?
-surveillance is so pervasive -people are no longer aware e.g on media (its everywhere people ceased to be aware)
-surveillance has increased but crimes havent decreased
-surv has helped assisiting in fight againsit terrorism and threats posed to public saftey
-help bring justice, bring evidence, keep public safe