Rs and processes within schools Flashcards
what is the interactionalists perspective?
-look at what actually goes on in schools
-e.g interactions between teachers and pupils
what kind of things would be included in ‘ school organisation’, teaching and learning context?
-school ethos
-hidden curriculum
-teacher expectations
-setting and streaming
-pupil subcultures
what is meant by the ethos of a school?
-characters,values, atmosphere and climate of a school
-emphasis on academic success
-equal opportunity
ethos of a school and hidden curriculum
schl reward or punish certain behaviours
-schl can emphasise sport or faith ethos
-displayed through hidddn curriculum e,g religious artefacts and trophies
what is the ethos of GSFG? & how is it supported through hidddn curriculum
-christian= faith based- assemblies, prayers, crosses
-service points- christian values “service” , “community”
-diversity fortnight
-“let your light shine “. (schl song)
what do functionalists say on the hidden curriculum?
-parsons says it transmits society’s core values
-graded exams
-achievements= reward
-value achievement
what do marxists say ab hidden curriculum?
-Bowles and gintis produce workers to accept role in society
-submit to control
- disregard creativity and independence
-transmit ruling class ideology
what do postmodernists say ab hidden curriculum?
-neo liberal ideology(winning at all costs even in ruthless competitiveness)
-schls want to be top of league tables
-climb educational ladder to succeed.
what ab feminists in the hidden curriculum?
-patriarchal ideology(male dominance)
-boys underachieve
-males higher jobs e.g business
-vocational e.g childcare lower paid
-59% experience sexual harassment
-suffering goes un noticed
Why do teachers label students?
-race, ethnicity
-social class
what is teacher labelling?
-actively judge their pupils
-gain impressions of them
- group into ideal or trouble maker
e.g hardworking, lazy, bright or slow
positive label
-positive produces the halo effect
, extra encouragement and support
negative label
-disruptive or lazy
-pupils can under achieve
what is the self fulfilling prophecy?
-positive or negative labels can lead to ‘pivotal identity’
-when bad student behaves normal it’s temporary
-when good student behaves bad it’s out of character
- labelling leads to one accepting it and acting in accordance .
what are the characteristics of an ideal pupil?(Becker)
-hempel-jorgensen said its
-listen to teacher
what other factors are part of an ‘ideal pupil’?
-motivated by education
-academic attainment
social class, ethnicity and ideal pupil?
-white middle class more likely sucessful
-teachers expect less from non white
-didnt see black as sucessful
-asian girls more successful
how did rosenthal and jacobson provide evidence for self fulfilling prophecy?
-chose grp of students which teachers told were bright
-expected to make good progress
-altho they werent diff from other students
-they acc did make great progress than the others due to the label
what were the issues with rosenthal and jacobsons research?
-deception and tampering with the childrens success
how hartley and suttons research be problematic?
not representative- only kent
how did hartley and sutton carry out their research and what was their conclusion?
- gender
-140 kids and primary schls
-first grp told boys dont do aswell as girls
and 2nd group not told
-first grp performed worse
what did Ball(1981) say?(academic vs vocational)
-top stream students found were encouraged to achieve high
-encouraged to be more academic
-lower stream encouraged to follow vocational
what did symth et al say(2006)?(working class zone out)
-lower stream ppl have more negative attitude towards schl
-more likely to disengage from schl
-find it too slow
-negative effect on their aspirtations
what did sutton trust say (2010)?( not enough disadvantaged reaching high)
-while setting help to strecth bright pupils from poor backgrounds
-not enough reached top set
-streaming pupils favoured the middle class
what did keddie say?(lower vs higher sets)
-not all students given same knowledge
-teachers taught higher stream kids differently to lower stream(had to also behave and do more work)
-lower stream students can underachieve as arent given the same knowledge
what did gilborn and youdell say?
-working class & black kids more likely to be lower stream
-unlikely to be higher tiers
-limited achievement
Evaluation of these peoples opinions?
-its not fully known why working class are labelled negative and middle class positive
-small sample - 1 or 2 schls
(pro and anti schl subclutures)
what is a subculture?
-grp w diff norms and values to mainstream
-smaller group within larger grp
pro school subculture behaviour?
-hw on time
-after school clubs
-well dressed
anti schl subculture behvaiour?
-not well dressed
why might pupils behave anti or pro schl?
-teacher labels
-older sibling/peer pressure/friends
-parents attitude
Mac an Ghail pro school subculture?
-found the ‘academic achievers’ and the ‘new enterprisers’
-‘academic achievers were a grp of white middle class boys supported by parents and encouraged
-their grp cared about achieving high and being best
-‘new enterprisers’= mix of white working class and asian boys who wanted to b better than their parents
-did subjects like tech and computers to gain a career and bring financial gain.
(anti school subcultures)
what is a subculture of resistance?
-opposititon of academic aims
-disrupt smooth running of school system
-in return labelled as a failure
how is willis study of the lads an example of anti schl subculture?
-opposed academic schooling
-jus wanted a laugh
-wanted to escape
what did woods say on pupil adaptations?
- not all pupils respond the same to labels
-intgration = become teachers pet
-rebellion= reject school as a whole
evaluation of interactionist
-recognise what happens IN school rather just pupils background,culture
negatives of interactionist explaination?
-too deterministic= claim negative labels always hv negative effect
-FULLER found that negative labels to black pupils made them want to work harder
-dont explain why certain grps are negatively labelled e.g working class and black
-dont account for outisde factors e.g culture, economic
what is woods 1979 pupil adaptations scale?
-intgratiation(fully ideal pupil)
-compliance(behaves well even when not happy)
-opportunism(mostly good but takes chances)
-ritualism(jus goes thru the motions)
-colonization(generally rejects school)
-intransigence(trouble maker)
-rebellion(againist school)
3.halo effect
4.hidden curriculum
1.attaching a meaning to an individual e.g troublemaker
2.simplified view or generalisation of a social grp
3.viewed favourably
4.not part of offcial curriculum
5.ideal pupil
6.pivotal identity
5.BECKER = pupils seen a the perfect pupil - normally middle class
6.identity pupil adopts as a result of being labelled
7.seperate kids of similar ability classes and teach seperate
8.students divided into grp of same ability in certain subjects
9.self fulfilling prophecy
12.pupil adaptations
9.teacher gives label which becomes accepted
10.LACEY= how schls categorise pupils on basis of ability
11.Lacey= the affect of students being seperated into bottom and top and how it affects their outcome
12.WOODS= students may fall in between pro and anti school schl subculture
14.anti schl
15.subculture of resistance
13.grp which focus on ED
14.reject education, dont work hard
15.oppose mainstream culture