moral panic Flashcards
what is deviancy amplification?
-societys reaction which often involves involving themselves in acts to amplify the panic
-media makes it worse or create deviance as a result of causing moral panic
what is moral panic
-concern amongst the public caused by media exagerating an event
who were the mod and rockers and how did they come to be seen as moral panic?
-medias reaction kept the panic going
-potentially amplified panic
-police by going along w it added to drama
-drama attracted kids to engage in disputes that occured
exmaples of recent moral panics
-asylum seekers
-acid attacks
-gun and knife crime
-internet paedophiles
-msulim terrorists
-welfare benenfit fraudsters
is moral panic still relevant concept? BECK
-in society theres alot of risks and concerns , ppl are concerned by so much rather than specific moral panics
is moral panic still relevant concept? HALL
-crime reporting is reflecting real life and legitimate fears by vicitms of crime e.g violent -stats show violent crimes hv increased by 10% since last year