the media and violent crime Flashcards
how many actos of murder and on screen violence will an american child have seen by the age of 18?
-8,000 murders
-200,000 acts of violence on TV
what are the problems with trying to identify ‘copycat crimes’
-hard to distiguish the degree that theres a link between of media portrayal of violence and promotion
-issues w trying to prove it
how did the murder of james bulger highlight the link between the media and crime?
-similarities of scenes shown in childplay 3 and the video and killing of james
-exposure of violent film may have been a factor
how did the hungerford masscare highlight the link between the media and crime
-obssesed with firearms and owned magazines
-fan of ‘first blood’
-he owned copies of violent films
-similar scenes to events in hungerford
what did surette conclude from previous research about impact of media on violence
-we are being educated by the media rather than real life experience
what did surette conclude from his own research
-likely the media infulenced HOW people commit crime rather than WHY they commit crimes in the first place
if the media is blamed for crime what other causes may this conceal?
-lack of ED
- greed