education and ethnicity Flashcards
3.ethnic minority group?
1.percieved biolgical or phsyical differences in groups e.g skin colour
2.cultural differences e.g food, origins, langauge
3.ethnic grps who arent the main group in the country where they reside
progress between ks1 and ks4
ethnic differences
-start of primary schl Ethnic minority lags behind white british
-ethnic m make good progress throughout primary
-expect black caribean boys progress to detriorate
achievement at GCSE
ethnic differences
-white british score= 48
-chinease - 66
-indian= 61
-carribean = 42 lower than average
-gypsy roma/ traveller= 21 and 29 lowest
special need schools
ethnic differences
-black carribean over reprsent special needs
-1.5 times more likely to be categorised as having emotional, behavioural or social difficulties as white pupils
exclusions from school
ethnic differences
black pupils more likely to be excluded than white pupils for same offence
setting and streaming
ethnic minorities (except indian and chinease) more likely to be in lower streams and sets
vocational ED
ethnic differences
-ethnic minorities more likely to do this apart from indian and chinease
higher ED
ethnic differences
-ethnic minorities were less likely to go UNI (excpet indian and chinease) but now more likely
whats the difference between achievement for ethnic minorities on FSM and white on FSM ?
-average score 49
-white british hv lowest attainment 33.2
-46.3 for black
-47 for asian pupils
Reasons for variations in achievement by ethnicity?
-pupil & teacher interactions
-sterotypical views held by teachers
-external factors e.g deprived background
-language barrier
-culturally deprived
-institutional racism
-parents expect more highly from child in some cultures
“they did well but not asian well”
1.which subjects were popular w indian parents and why?
-science based provided respect
-high status career
2.what kind of pressure did indian pupils face?
-family background
-made to feel own ambitions werent worthwhile did pakistani and bangali parents respond?
-pakistani parents gave more freedom - allowed child own choice
-bengli- more encouraging of child sp, medicine/science not rlly pushed
4.How was competiton strong in asian cultures?
-pressure to get A or A*s
-particular subjects provided honour
-had to meet parent expectations did gender roles tie in with pressures?
-females expected to get married after degree
-embarassment to family if not married
-males more freedom
-females career likely to be forgotten
-if unmarried had to respect domestic roles and family status
6.why can we not generalise asian experience?
-topics complex and findings small
-more research into diff generations needed
-achieve reprsentative findings
strenghts of “they did well but not asian well”
-elaborate on experiences
-semi structured interviews on asian doing alevel/higher ED/ GCSES
-follow up Qs
-build rapport(south asian herself)
-informed consent
-snowball method
weaknesses of “they did well but not asian well”
-hard to find male participants
What is the material deprivation explaination for ethnic minorities?
-half of those from pakistani and bangladeshi backgrounds lived in poverty
-a third of black carribbeans also lived in poverty
-more likely to live in poor social areas; require FSM
How does material deprivation impact education according to howard?
-pupils evaluated according to their stereotype of ideal pupil by teacher; middle class closest to ideal
How does material deprivation impact education according to smith and noble?
-poorer pupils face barriers to achieving high so grades are low
How does material deprivation impact education according to callendar and jackson?
-poverty puts off poorer pupils from applying to uni due to fear of debt
-uni is expensive
What did driver and ballard say about family attitudes and values?
-south asian parents high aspirations for kids
-want them to into medicine
-high status career
What did basit say about family attitudes and values?
-indian and pakistani families
-high value on education
-saw education as a blessing
-gave opportunity
-put effort into helping kids e.g internet, desk and quiet space
What did archer and francis say about family attitudes and values?
-semi structured with british chinese
-passionately committed to provide opportunites for their kids
-time, money and energy on childrens ED
-private tuition and supplementary schooling
cultural explanations - language
-lack of fluency in english
-caused issues for some at schl especially when not spoken at home
-prevented sophisticated lang & academic skills
evaluate cultural explanations - language
-multiple lang use is good actually
-gilborn and mirza state it doesnt prevent pupils suceeding e.g indian & chinese
-schools also provide EAL support
cultural explanations- family structure
-may explain black male afro caribbean underachievement
-berthoud- single parent headed by mothers
can be turbulent and unstable
lack of male role may impact negatively on black boys
evaluate cultural explanations- family structure
-study is dated
-white boys in this situ worse at school than other ethnic groups
cultural explanations - peer culture
-black male youth culture based around “hyper masculinity”
-promotes immediate gratification and consumenism
-black boys imitate msgs promoted by rap e.g “get rich quick”
and being violent & disrespectful to women
- dont seep the point in ED as it doesnt provide same rewards as for rap music
Tony sewell and peer culture
-50 cent - i get money “have a baby by me baby be a millionaire”
-digga d - chinga its whatever- “seen an opp right there and get chingy chingy chingy”
evaluate sewell
-jasper says its blaming the victim but instead they fail due to poverty and racism
-sewell however presents it as their choice
-other ethnic grps/girls listen to it aswell
-sewell theory describes this pattern w/o explaining its origin
what are the internal factors affecting ethnic groups?
-interventions (extra help sessions)
-talk more about learning
-some have anti school subculture involving silly behaviors
what are the external factors affecting ethnic groups?
-less community and distanced from older men role models(young black boys)
-may begin to celebrate more black culture
-media and “bling” lifestyle promoted
What do Gilbourn and youdell say on labelling of black students?
-white female teachers have lower expectations of black pupils
-give detentions- more likely
-lower sets
-getting entered for higher tier is unlikely
What does wright say on the labelling of asian?
-teachers label them inferior to british culture
-assume they lack english
so not always fully included in class
evaluate labelling of black and asian pupils explanations
-wrights idea contradicted my becker as ideal pupils seen to be either white or asian
-small samples are not reprsentative
-widespread racism unlikely now more likely to get fired and feel guilty
-racism is more subtle or private now
What are the four subcultures tony sewell sugested are amongst black boys?
rebels, conformists, retreatists, innovators
What is meant by the term ‘rebels’?
rebels= anti school and status of rough black macho stereotype(rap vids)
What is meant by the term ‘conformists’?
tried to escape stereotypes by conforming to school and following the rules (biggest grp)
What is meant by the term ‘retreatists’?
dropped out of school, black subculture and didnt fit in
What is meant by ‘innovators’?
anti school and anti teacher but still try to get something out of school
what did margaret fuller say
-she studied black pupils in year11
-they didnt accpet negative labels
-instead fought againisit it
-worked hard to prove teachers wrong
‘self futing prophecy’
what is institutional racism?
-discrimination embedded into policies, procedures, practices of organisation
-built into schools unconsciously
-may be set in curriculum and school processes and policies
what is the ethnocentric curriculum?
-Coard says whats taught in schools mainly reflects white culture
-black culture mainly ignored
-black ppl may view whats taught as insulting and may switch off
What supports Coard’s idea?
-AQA english lit spec gcse
-only looks at 2 books from BAME ethnicity
-no black authors
what is the black curriculum and what is it trying to achieve?
-aims to teach black british history all year round to 8-10 year olds
-offer perspective of black history not just slavery and windrush
-black history should be taught all year not just one month
whats the problem with the black curriculum?
-only focus on black history
-not much on Indian and Chinese history
what does sewell say about staffing?
-lack of positive ethnic minority role models in school causing black boys underachievement
what is lewis hamilton scheme to do with staffing?
-boost recruitment black teachers in STEM subjects
-recruit 150 STEM teachers to work in disadvantaged communities
-they found 46% of schools have no racial diversity
evaluate ethnicity and education?
- ethnic minorities wont experience the same in all schools
-some multi cultural areas of london
-white british may be minority in some areas
-theres little mention on middle east, mixed and south america
-its not only white teachers to label students negatively, asian teachers also can.
key ideas around white working class underachievement?
-only 10% white working class go uni more likely to go prison or end up as addict
-industry declined in some uk areas so some children watched parents grow w no job - welfare dependancy culture
-some feel pressure to leave schl and get jobs dont apply for UNI.
what is racism/racial prejudice?
-act discriminatory towards a group due to their race/ ethnicity
what is institutional racism?
-policies, principles and procedures of an organisation discriminate against certain grps (often unintentionally)
what is external factors?
-factors out of ED system e.g language, attitudes and values, family structure and material factors.
what is internal factors?
-factors in school e.g labeling, racism, pupil subcultures and ethnocentric curriculum
what is ethnocentric curriculum?
-focused on culture and achievements of one particular ethnic group and disregards the others
what is multicultural ED?
-recognizes diversity of cultures and teaches about them as well as the main culture in society