explanations for white collar and corporate crime Flashcards
what does Gordon(marxist) say?
-society is criminogenic
-society is greedy
-want more or wnt what they dont
what does box(marxist say)?
-ruling class want more prifut
commit fraud or coporate crimes such as tax evasion
-for fincial gain
what else does BOX say about crime?
-law reflects ruling class ideology
-serious crimes seen as those committed by working class e.g property crime and violence
-rather than green crime e.f ruling class env damage
what does chambliss say(marxist)?
-less likely to get caught
-less risk involved
-wilson rational choice theory
-w/c areas more likely to be patrolled
what does box (marxist say) ?
-comapnies cant maximise profits through legal means
-so do illegal instead
-e.g business conditons more difficult
-profitability is squeezed
-tend to break laws
what did Clinard and Yeager find in relation to Box’s point?
-found law violations by large companies increased as money went down
what does the labelling theory say?
-upper class and m/c less likely to have their actions seen as crimes
-m/c can negotiate their labels
what does Croall say?
-corporate crimes harder to detect
-often invisible
-workplace not polcied in the same way as streets
-less likely to be prosecuted or get criminal labels
what else does Croall say
-not often reported bc it doesnt involve an individual victim
-ruling class afford best solicitors and have best connections in legal system
-commit crimes in other countries e,g placing their factories there
breach health and saftey and exploit workers in less developed countries so w.c affected.
-their actions may not be seen as intentionally causing crime so treated lentiently.
what does sutherland say on differential association?
-crimes learnt from others in a social context
-if company justfies comitting crimes to achieve corporate goals then employees socialises into criminality
-becomes companies culture
-accepted to not sacked
what is the seduction of crime and edgework
-KATZ= crime can be seductive as it gives crimnials pleasure e.g finicial gain
-LYNG= criminals do crime for”thrill” and living on “edge”
what does wilson(right realist) say on rational choice theory?
-ppl mamke choice to commit crime
-weigh up the benefits and risks
-e.g benefits is money and status
-risks e.g jail
how can we evaulate the points
-marxists overpredict the extent of business related crime
-marxist theory doesnt explain crime in non profit making agencies e.g police, army etc
-law aibiding may be profitable for some businesses to access more business or markets e.g attratcivness or ethical trading (ppl pay more)
whats the diff between white and corporate crime
-white collar- workplace for personal gain
-corporate crime- done by businesses to boost profits
examples of corporate crime
-green crime, tax evasion
examples of white collar
-tax evasion, fraud, embezzlement