keywords Flashcards
situational crime prevention
-strategies which aim to make the cost of offending greater than the reward
environemntal crime prevention
-strategies which make increasing social control so that crimninal gerograhical areas dont develop
routine activity theory
-crime happens when an opportunity emerges and theres no capable guardian present to stop it
target hardening
-making targets for crime more difficult to acess
e.g car immbolisers made it harder to steal cars
desiginign out crime
-aiming to make cost of offedning greater than reward
-criticism of above stratgies for simply moving crime to another area
capable guardian
-someone who has the power or presence to stop or prevent a crime e.g police or member of the public
broken windows theory
-when an area detriorates it can lead to further crime e.g vandalism , drugs etc
zero tolerance policing
-strong police presence in areas w high level crime
-non tolerance of minor crimes
-e.g spitting on street(on the spot fines)
-anti social behvaiour orders
-labour gov to reduce grafitti, youths, frinking in public, noisy neighbours
-penalty notices for disorder
-conservative gov gives on the spot fines for things like swearing in public
social community crime prevention
-left realist
-looks at circumstances causing criminals to commit crime as social and community crime reduction strategies
what works? initiative
-instead of looking at theories about why crime happens
-we should look at research evidence ab what works in reducing crimes
-watching people hoping it will prevent crime , widespread use of CCTV
liquid surveillance
-surveillance happening anywhere
-idea everyones being watched
panoptican prison
-designed so all prisoners are watched at all times
-crime prevention strategies putting people off comitting crimes
-locking up criminals to both prevent further crime and punish them
-reform criminals so they dont offend again
restorative justice
-brings vicitms of crime and offenders face to face
-repair harm
-make offenders relaise consequences of their actions
-study impact of crime on individuals and patterns of victimisation
secondary vicitmisation
-people become victims of crime bc of crime they already a vicitm of
victim proneness
-peoples characterstics making them prone to being victims
victim precipitation
-people seen to blame for their victimisaiton
inverse victimisaiton law
-those w fewer possesions likely to be vicitms of property crime