Which benzo drug is often related to sexual assault cases?
1. Ketamine
2. Rohypnol
3. GHB
4. Ecstasy
Which of the following patient’s physical appearance would be obvious by his or her
past medical hx?
1. Nerosis pt
2. Quadriplegic
3. Pt with Down syndrome
4. Pt with myasthenia graves
At the scene of a multi-vehicle collision, you area attempting to evaluate a young teen
age boy who was a belted backseat passenger. He has no obvious external injuries. The driver
of this vehicle is severely injured. As you question the boy, he does not respond to your
questions but continues to rock back and forth in his seat. He also avoids any eye contact. As
you attempt to take vital signs he pushes you away. One issue to conducer with this child is
that he:
1. Has a head injury
2. Is in a state of shock
3. Has some autistic disorder
4. Has chest and abdominal injuries
Which of the following terms implies that the pt is unable to speak but can understand
what is being said?
1. Motor aphasia
2. Global aphasia
3. Sensory aphasia
4. Articulation dysphasia
Hyperthyroidism is managed by which medications in the hospital and home setting?
1. Iodine, Methimazole (Tapazole), Propylthiouracil (Propacil)
2. Aminoglutethimide (Cytodren), Metyrapone (Metopirone)
3. Dexamethosone (Decadron), Fludrocortisone (Forinef acetate)
4. Levathyroxine (Synthroid), Liothyronine (Cytomel), Liotrix (Euthroid)
Which statement reflects the physiology of ventricular tachycardia in a child?
1. Electrical conduction through the bundle branches is impaired, causing ectopy
2. Ventricular output is inadequate during systole, so cardiac after load is diminished
3. Blood supply through he coronary arteries is insufficient during systolic activity
4. The right atrium is unable to deliver adequate volume to the lungs for oxygenation
Which of the following statements best describes developmentally disabled as a
1. Persons who appear cognitively impaired usually as a result of brain damage
2. Ab ehavior that is a die effect of poor upbringing or psychological abuse/neglect
3. A pt who loses contact with reality at times to due abnormal brain activity
4. Conduct that results nan inability to cope with normal responsibilities of daily life
While transporting a pt with a suspected thyroid disorder to the hospital, you are
attempting to differentiate between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. What assessment
would offer you the most insight?
1. Blood pressure
2. EKG
3. Blood gas readings
4. ETCO2
ALS providers are treating a 3yo female who is unresponsive and breathing with atonal
type breaths. Pulse is 90 and there is no palpable blood pressure. What condition best
summarizes their finding to medical control during a radio report?
1. Respiratory dyspnea
2. Distress
3. Failure
4. Arrest
You are attempting to assess a geriatric pt who has extreme hearing difficulties. Which of the
following strategies would be best for providing psychological support for this pt?
1. Talk louder to be heard by the pt
2. Call for a sing interpreter and delay assessment
3. Write every assessment question on a pice of paper
4. Communicate empathy with your body language and perform the assessment
During an in home delivery of a baby, the mother asks you if her baby will suffer brain damage
following a brief nuchal cord event. What would be the best response that demonstrates that
you are empathetic if the child is acting normal right now?
1. I don’t know, the child seems fine to me. I don’t think you ned to worry until we get more
information at the hospital
2. I do not suspect there will be any complications. I can imagine that this uncertainty may be
very stressful though
3. No, a nuchal cord is pretty common during deliveries and does not cause brain damage if
corrected quickly
4. There is no way to tell right now, but we will have the baby tested as soon as it is possible
Which of the following descriptions is true and must be remembered when treating a
geriatric pt versus a younger person?
1. Geriatic pt do not tolerate being asked many questions
2. Geriatric pt brain size and weight reduces over a lifetime
3. Geriatric pt will have a higher likelihood of committing suicide
4. Geriatric pt have a higher white blood cell concentrations in their blood
Knowing that geriatric puts commonly have decreased central blood flow secondary to
progression of cardiovascular disease is critical to remember when dealing with which situation
1. Managing hypertension during an ascetic stroke
2. Delivering vasopressor agents during heart attack
3. Administering crystalloid fluid during shock resuscitation
4. Determining whether the pt will tolerate an orthostatic tilt test
During the assessment of a child who has “fallen out of a tree”, which injuries would lead
you to suspect the possibility of child abuse?
1. Evidence of bilateral femur and pelvic fx
2. An open, grossly deformed ulna/radius fx
3. A closed head injury with a depressed skull fx
4. Impalement of a stick into the abdominal/chest area
When it is determined that a neonate has a diaphragmatic hernia, the most appropriate
tx is:
1. Endotracheal intubation
2. Gastric decompression
3. BVM ventilation
4. Atropine 0.02mg/kg for bradycardia
You have a 6yo male who has an isolated fx left lower leg. which of the following times
would be the most appropriate to initiate pain management medications?
1. Duirng transport
2. After manipulating and pointing the extremity
3. Prior to manipulating and splinting the extremity
4. Pain medications are contraindicated in pediatric patients
EMS responders are on the scene of a 3yo with a central line that they suspect is
malfunctioning. Which treatment is most prudent for this patient?
1. Assure the absence of obvious hemorrhage and transport
2. Draw a small amount of food from the red colored adapter to verify potency
3. Infuse 10cc of sterile saline into the blue capped hb and assure catheter is sutured in place
4. Contact medical control for permission to aspirate 1cc of blood to confirm proper
A parent reports that his infant has had a lot of vomiting. When should an
immediate EMS transport be recommended?
1. When a baby is also having more than 3 bowel movements a day
2. If there is evidence of forceful ejection of stomach contents
3. Any time a baby is unable to keep regular breast milk down
4. If the parents report that there is no odor to the baby’s emesis
Which description of vomiting would be the most dangerous if found while
assessing a newly delivered infant?
1. Any ejection or forceful type of vomiting after delivery
2. Presence of clear secretions in the mouth during transport
3. Regurgitation immediately following normal breast feeding
4. Traces of blood in clear phlegm while suctioning the mouth
6 A baby has been born at a safe house for battered women. You arrive to find the infant
seizing. Which condition is most likely responsible for the seizure?
1. Hypotension
2. Hypothermia
3. Hypoxia
4. Hypercalcemia
Which of the following EKG descriptions will you most likely find in the pediatric
1. Bradycardias
2. Bifascicular heart blocks
3. Idioventricular rhythms
4. Ventricular tachycardias
According to national experts, which factor is most beneficial of premature infant
1. Being delivered in a cooler delivery room
2. Reversing or preventing bradycardic events
3. Extending gestation by 2-3 weeks
4. Early ALS intervention by the paramedic following delivery
A paramedic has opted to deliver a smaller dose of pain medication to a geriatric pt with
a probably hip fx. How can he BEST defend his decision to start out conservatively with pain
medication administration to the general geriatric pt if he is operating on standing orders?
1. Research shows older pt will be able to tolerate pain better than younger patients will
2. Hip fx pts have a tendency to experience hypovolemic shock quicker than those with other
3. Older puts frequently experience profound hypotensive complications following pain
4. Geriatric pt have a higher fat to muscle ratio which, negatively affects drug metabolism
Which treatment guide line is critical for advanced life support personnel to remember
when handling a GI hemorrhage in the geriatric population?
1. To recognize an upper GI bleed, you will often find presence of melena
2. Pneumatic anti shock garments are considered a high priority of treatment
3. Vasopressor agents should be withheld if an internal hemorrhaging risk is identified
4. IV fluids should be restricted until the pt becomes hypotensive and tachycardia
EMS is transporting a pt with multiple sclerosis to the hospital for tx. of a decubitus
ulcer on her hip. Which of the following treatments would benefit the pt most?
1. Take time to clean and dry the area of excessive moisture
2. Dress the wound with a moist, sterile dressing and bandage
3. Remove dressing from the affected area and allow it to dry out
4. Clean the ulcer with diluted hydrogen peroxide and saline
Which of the following newborn conditions will most likely benefit from blow-by delivery
oxygen early on?
1. Newborn with a second apgar score of three
2. Newborn with a glasgow coma scale of three
3. Newborn responding slowly to tactile stimulation
4. Newborn with a heart rate of 50 bp
During assessment of a neonate who is acting “strangely” according to the parents,
your partner suggests checking a blood glucose level as soon as possible. What do you
suspect your partner found that suggests and early one of hypoglycemia?
1. Bradycardia, hypotension, and acrocyanosis
2. Circumoral cyanosis aroudn the eyes and mouth
3. Two obese parents who are at risk of diabetes
4. Eye rolling and twitching of the patients arms
A child has aspirated a foreign object into the lower airway. Which assessment finding
would you most likely expect to find?
1. Fever
2. Drooling
3. Inspiratory stridor
4. Unilateral wheezing
How should an EMS provider easily recognize a common birth-related injury in a large
newborn following an explosive delivery?
1. Epistaxis
2. Convulsions
3. Hemi paralysis
4. High-pitched crying
A 90yo cancer pt has reportedly tried to kill himself by drinking an unknown amount of
an alkaloid cleaning chemical. He denies any complaints and is stable. Which treatment is
absolutely required to properly treat this pt if you are unsure about whether a toxic ingestion
took place?
1. Transport the pt to the hospital
2. Call poison control for treatment advice
3. Give 50G of activated charcoal orally
4. Draw up an anticonvulsant medication to counteract possible seizures
AN EMS helicopter has been called to transport a critically ill neonate to a neonatal
specialty hospital. Family members are unable to fly with the baby because of a sheer lack of
cabin room. How should the flight crew relate this information to the family?
1. Spend extra time explaining the transfer process to make sure the family understands how
to get tot eh hospital and to let them know what to expect when they arrive
2. Prepare the pt for transfer as they normally would and let the family know the situation as
they are departing toward the EMS helicopter
3. As the hospital staff to handle the family’s questions and prepare to depart as soon as the
pt is secured to the stretcher and ready for transport
4. Have a crew member stay behind at the sending hospital and allow a family member to fly
with the pt to the receiving hospital.
You have a 6yo pt requiring intubation. Which of the following would be the most
appropriate size endotracheal tube?
1. 4 cuffed
2. 4.5 cuffed
3. 5.0 uncuffed
4. 5.5 uncuffed
A child with special health care needs who depends on medical devices to support
bodily functions will best fit which of the following terms?
1. Critically ill child
2. Chronically ill child
3. Special needs child
4. Technology assisted child
In the geriatric population, a pt with a femur fx will often have:
1. An open fx site
2. A hematoma formation
3. A distinct lateral foot rotation
4. A complaint of little pain when compared to other age groups
During treatment of a 6mo in a suspected SIDS case, EMS rescuers quickly recognize
that the pt outcome will be death. The infant shows signs of lividity and remains in cardiac
arrest after two rounds of emergency resuscitation medication. Which action would you
implement next if you were in charge of this call?
1. Contact medical control for permission to transport to the local emergency department for
further treatment
2. Offer the family the opportunity to witness the resuscitation effort and explain the
procedures that are being done
3. Deliver additional medications classified as possibly helpful and not harmful, like sodium
bicarbonate IVP
4. Continue resuscitation efforts until you have exhausted the prescribed medications
indicated for cardiac arrest
You determine that a pt is non-compliant with taking her medications because she is
unable to pay for them. You are aware of community resources available to help her. What is
the best advice if she refuses transport?
1. While on scene, attempt to locate a clinic that serves the poor.
2. Transport the pt agains her will to the ED
3. Contact medical control for a suggestion on what you should do
4. Give the pt a personal donation to help offset the costs
During transport of a bed ridden geriatric pt with pneumonia, her nurse reports that the
pt has a stage three decubitus ulcer. Where do you suspect the ulcer will most likely be found
during exam?
1. Back of the scapula
2. Distal end of the humerus
3. Anterior proximal tibia
4. Posterior aspect of the heel
1 During emergency treatment of a pediatric trauma pt, the pt’s heart rate begins to drop
precipitously. What do you suspect has happened to cause this sudden change?
1. The providers overdosed the child on pain medications
2. The rescuers were attempting to insert an endotracheal tube
3. The child has internal bleeding that is causing compensatory shock
4. This is a normal response to a standard IV bolus of an isotonic solution
Paramedics are called to an adult foster care home to treat a quadriplegic pt who
appears to be in septic shock because of a bladder infection. Which of the following
accommodations will most likely be required for this type of pt if he is wearing a halo traction
1. The pt will have to be transported on his right side while on the EMS stretcher
2. Paramedics should anticipate using dopamine sooner to support systolic blood pressure
3. Paramedics will need to support ventilation with a BVM if the pt is positioned supine
4. The rescuers may need to consider alternative means of transportation other than their
You are called to care of confused man at the local homeless shelter. The staff says the
72yo man appears to be passing out and he was cold when they brought him in from outside.
They question if he may have alzheimer’s. The pt has no complaints when questioned What
action would be most appropriate for this pt?
1. Obtain a BGL and establish an IV
2. Evaluate the pt’s peripheral capillary refill time
3. Rapidly undress the pt to prevent further heat loss
4. Attempt to determine the pt’s core body temperature
Which of the following is correct regarding pediatric anatomy?
1. The smallest portion of the airway is at the larynx in the pediatric patient
2. Pediatric patients have a larger surface area to volume ratio
3. The opening to the lower airway is more posterior and inferior in a pediatric pt
4. The extremities are proportionally longer in the pediatric pt than n the adult
During the assessment of a pregnant female, the pt suggests she is worried her baby
may be delivered prematurely. Which of the following complications would be a reasonable
concern if her baby was delivered at 36 wks?
1. Pulmonary hypertension
2. Hypothermia complications
3. Intraventricular hemorrhage
4. Atrial septal wall malformations
Which of the following SAMPLE answers would indicate a neonate is MOST likely
dehydrated related to diarrhea?
1. Mother mentioning the infant has not urinated today
2. Mother indicating the child has 5-6 bowel movement per day
3. Evidence of watery, yellow, and foul smelling feces in her baby’s diaper
4. Reporting that her infant has required encouragement to breast feed in the last two days
EMS is called to the home of a 78yo female complaining of severe dizziness. She is
unable to stand without assistance and her daughter is very concerned for her well being.
Which of the following assessment would most likely reveal significant peripheral vascular
disease hx?
1. Bradycardia
2. Carotid bruits
3. Heart murmur
4. Orthostatic hypotension
ALS providers are assessing a geriatric female who fell and injured her hip. According to
the pt, she fell and hurt her hip yesterday and was found on the floor by the mailman. Your
assessment reveals an obviously deformed, shortened right leg and evidence she is incontinent
of urine. Which of the following is a true statement regarding hypothermia and this particular
1. The pt will most likely shiver, indicating she is losing body heat via the conduction
2. The risk of complications related to hypothermia are less likely to be seen in trauma pt her
3. Hip fx in geriatric pt will have a transient hyperthermic event before the pt develops
4. EMS should expect the pt is taking medications that will affect the pt’s ability to control her
body temperature
EMS responders are called to a nursing care enter for an 85yo female who has
overdosed on her blood pressure medication. Which for eh following statements best reflects
the way the providers should handle this pt?
1. Quickly administering activated charcoal as the preferred tx for blood pressure medication
overdoses to reverse anticipated side effects
2. Questioning staff about signs and symptoms they noticed prior to the medication
administration will be the most valuable information to collect
3. Determine the risk of suicidal intentions by asking the family, staff, and pt about why the od
4. Obtaining serial 12 leads is necessary to predict the side effects of the medication on this
Rescuers are assessing a 10yo experiencing dyspnea after ingesting “uppers” he found
at a friend’s house. He is tachycardia, pale, and diaphoretic. His blood pressure is high and his
EKG reveals a wide-complex ventricular tachycardia of 188. What treatment will most likely
prevent this rhythm from worsening? (flag)
1. Performing vagal maneuvers
2. Administering an anti-arrhythmic
3. Placing him with his legs elevated
4. Administering high concentration of O2
The latest sign of hypovolemia in a newborn would be:
1. Tachycardia
2. Diminished peripheral pulses
3. Oliguria
4. Cool, pale skin
You have a 4yo pt who is showing clear signs of hypoperfusion secondary to
hemorrhage. Which of the following best describe the expected findings if the pt is still able to
1. A HR of 70
2. Weak central pulses
3. Blood pressure of 98 systolic
4. A capillary refill time of less than 2 seconds
Responders are called to treat a 78yo male found at the bottom of the stairs in his
basement. The pt is complaining of hip and pelvic pain during movement to the prone position.
Which of the following nervous system assessment findings would be considered abnormal for
this scenario?
1. Decreased pain sensation
2. Slower reaction time
3. Mild memory loss
4. Difficulty speaking
2 You have a newborn who is blue in the and but pink centrally, pulse is 80, respirations
are 10, movement is weak, and he has a slight facial grimace when you flick the feet. What
would the APGAR score be for this newborn?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
Choose the best reason for understanding the anatomical difference between adults
and children
1. CPR standards vary for some population groups
2. It will affect the way you obtain most of your vital signs
3. It helps us appreciate the limitations EMS has when responding to sick or injured children
4. It establishes guidelines and standards that can be used to defend rescuers in court during
a civil law suit
Which pt is most likely using an assist control ventilation setting?
1. A conscious pt with late stage cystic fibrosis disease
2. An infant recovering from ARDS and RSV
3. A semi alert pt healing from a recent spontaneous tension pneumothorax
4. A comatose adult who is completely paralyzed following a long fall one year ago
Ambulance personnel are called to the woods to treat a 92yo male who is possibly
confused and hypothermic, according to a neighbor. Which of the following would be the best
indicator of early onset hypothermia for this normally healthy pt?
1. Bradycardia
2. Hypotension
3. Tachycardia
4. Arrhythmias
With a hx of being very weak, a 30yo female pt also has drooping eyelids. She
complains of difficulty swallowing and chewing, along with double vision. The pt may be
suffering from :
1. Poliomyelitis
2. CP
3. Muscular dystrophy
4. Myasthenia gravis
During tx of a female pt who has been sexually assaulted by a stranger, a male rescuer
attempts to demonstrate caring sensitivity toward his pt. How best should this be done if the pt
is going to be transported to an emergency room?
1. Assure that a female attendant will be present during assessment and transport
2. Tell the pt you understand how difficult this must be and then wait for a response
3. Offer the pt an opportunity to shower or change her clothes before leaving for the ER
4. Ask the pt if she is hurting anywhere using non-clinical terminology and anatomical
According to a home health aid, your medical pt is normally paralyzed from the neck
down and requires tube feeding 3-4 times per day. What situation would most commonly
require EMS intervention and transport to the ED?
1. Peritonitis
2. Aspiration
3. Esophageal atresia
4. Bowel obstructions
Which of the following is a common lower airway issue in the pediatric patient?
1. Bronchiolitis
2. Emphysema
3. Epiglottitis
4. Croup
Which condition is LEAST likely to occur in a normal progression of age in a geriatric
1. Increase of acid production within the stomach 1
2. Decrease in saliva volume in the oral cavity
3. Increase in emptying time of the gastric tract
4. Decrease in the effectiveness of taste buds
A pediatric pt is presenting with a decreased LOC and an abnormal breathing pattern.
Family relays the pt has had polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria. Which condition most likely
exists within this pt?
1. Inadequate circulation of blood glucose to the brain tissue
2. The body is breaking down alternative sources of fuel
3. The pt is developing a relative cellular alkalosis
4. Hypoperfusion of the kidneys and skin tissue
Which of the following describes the correct number of attempts and time spent trying
to obtain venous access before attempting intraosseous access in the critically injured
pediatric patient?
1. 2 attempts and 60s
2. 2 attempts and 90s
3. 3 attempts and 60s
4. 3 attempts and 90s
At 5lpm and 1/2” away, blow-by O2 will yield approximately what concentration of O2
1. 33%
2. 40%
3. 50%
4. 80%
In the newborn with asphyxia, which of the following would be the most common cause
of insufficient respiratory perfusion?
1. Hypothermia
2. Airway obstruction
3. Meconium aspiration
4. Compression of the umbilical cord
After one dose of Dextrose 50%, your hypoglycemic geriatric pt is now alert and fully
oriented but refusing transport. A neighbor say the pt has been very depressed for several
weeks. The pt wants to stay home, promising to take better care of her diabetes. What is the
best treatment plan for this pt who seems outwardly depressed?
1. Call family or friends to be with her and make sure she eats right later on today
2. Consult medical control to grant you permission to obtain a refusal from her
3. Document the neighbor’s comments on our run form and follow up with her later on in the
day with a home visit
4. Try to convince the pt to go with you to the hospital voluntary or transport her against her
wishes if she refuses
An ambulance crew is evaluating an 81yo male who, according to relatives, seems
depressed, lazy, and very confused over the last couple of weeks. Which description most
likely suggests an acute endocrine problem and is an abnormal finding for a pt in this age
1. BP 148/78
2. CHF x
3. EKG is sinus arrhythmia
4. Lower back and joint pain
Paramedics from a private advance life support agency are dispatched to these four
potential emergency calls. Which of these descriptions would best match a spousal abuse
1. A wife reporting her husband had nonconsensual sexual contact with her tonight
2. A husband failing to call 911 immediately after his wife began to experience a probably
3. A court appointed legal guardian threatening a pt with physical harm after a verbal
4. A parent refusing to grant permission for her son to be transported by EMS with a serious
leg fx
Which of the following treatments would benefit a neonatal pt most if he is lethargic
secondary to hypoglycemia?
1. IV bolus of D50
2. IV bolus of D25
3. IV bolus of D10
4. IV bolus of D5
Domestic violence is least likely related to which condition?
1. Background of past sexual abuse
2. Feelings of low self esteem
3. Hx of alcohol abuse
4. Schizophrenia diagnosis
A full term infant is unresponsive, limp, and barely breathing. His condition is
unimproved despite one minute of BVM ventilations and oxygen. Which of the following
treatments would be the most appropriate if the rescuers suspect long-term maternal narcotic
intoxication and observe symptomatic bradycardia?
1. Administer sodium bicarbonate 4.2% 1mEq/kg IV bolus
2. Perform additional ventilations and intubate the pt
3. Pace the pt with external transcutaneous pacer pads
4. Deliver 0.01 mg/kg of naloxone until the breathing rate increases
Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the elderly and their living
1. Most elderly over age 65 are in skilled nursing facilities
2. the majority of those over 85 living independently are women
3. Only 10% of those over age 85 live independently
4. Most elderly in their 80s and 90s are divorced
Nurses request you transport a pt with a vascular access port that is malfunctioning.
They suggest the catheter needs to be repaired. Which of the following situations would
confirm the staff was most likely correct?
1. New tenderness and pain near and around the injection site
2. Presence of a 5cm hematoma near the injection site
3. Evidence of a fever, poor appetite, and high white blood cell count
4. the pt describes numbness and tingling around the insertion point
Strong links have been tied to the causes for emotional impairment and mental
retardation. Choose the event or situation that is least likely to cause these two conditions to
1. Childhood diseases like whooping cough and measles
2. Sudden degeneration of the cerebellum portion of the brain
3. Use of alcohol or illegal drugs by the mother during pregnancy
4. Excessive exposure to lead, mercury, and other toxic materials
A pt care advocate dials 911 to assist a 90yo female with dyspnea. According to the
guardian, the pt has been short of breath all ay and was refusing help until now. The pt is
conscious, severely hypoxic, and has rapid, labored breathing. The providers suspect her
COPD has exacerbated the point of being critical. What is the most important intervention for
this pt?
1. Administration of inhaled steroids via nebulizer
2. Delivery of a Beta2 agonist via IV push
3. Rapid emergency mode transport to an ED
4. Requesting permission to consciously sedate the pt and intubate
A single rescuer is managing a complete airway obstruction on a 3yo conscious pt. He
suspect the pt is chocking on a partially chewed piece of food. After performing 5 abdominal
thrusts the pt becomes unresponsive. The provider should next:
1. Do a blind finger sweep of the oral cavity
2. Begin chest compressions at 100/min
3. Roll the pt onto his side
4. Give 5 additional back blows
You are called to transport a sick child how has a hx of CA. During secondary
assessment you discover a small raised area near the left clavicle about the size of a watch
battery. There is no obvious swelling or discoloration to the are. What would be the best
explanation of this finding?
1. It is an implantable defibrillator and paceaker
2. The object could be an implantable injection device
3. There is a foreign object infected just beneath the skin surface
4. The object under his skin is a localized chemotherapy responder
You have administered Narcan IVP to a newly born infant who was exposed to narcotic
pain medications given to housemother prior to delivery. Which of the following conditions
would best indicate the infant’s urgent need for a second dose of Narcan?
1. Bradycardia
2. Hypotension
3. Pupil dilation
4. Petit mal seizures
Which of the following conditions will increase the liklihood a neonate will experience
1. Development of a large diaphragmatic hernia
2. Recent hx of a systemic bacterial infection
3. Maternal use of stimulants during pregnancy
4. Newborns suspected of having Down’s syndrome
You are preparing to intubate a 4yo apnea pt. Which of the following uncured
endotracheal tube sizes would be most appropriate?
1. 2.5
2. 3.5
3. 4.0
4. 5.0
During a long-distance transfer of a pt with a feeding tube you suspect the G-tube is
either kinked or obstructed. The feeding machine is giving an alarm of “obstruction”. How
should you first confirm whether the problem is with the G tube or the machine?
1. Attempt to flush the tube with 50cc of warm water to see if it passes without resistance
2. Disconnect the pump from the feeding tube and see if the machine pumps while
3. Palpate the abdomen and visualize the presence of increased gastric contents backing up
the tube
4. Instill 10cc sterile saline down the feeding tube, then aspirate back stomach contents for
Which of the following is an antepartum factor presenting potential complications in
1. Prolonged labor
2. Post term gestation
3. Prolapsed cord
4. Meconium staining
A neonate has a fever. which of the following statements is TRUE?
1. A neonate’s temperature is normal at 96.5
2. A newborn baby is unable to sweat when febrile
3. A newborn baby is at risk of hypoglycemia in the presence of a fever
4. Febrile seizures are most prevalent i the first two weeks of life
Advance life support providers are assessing a hypoglycemic child who is mildly
confused. Which option best describes this pt’s situation?
1. His capillary blood glucose level is at least 160
2. The victim will also show signs of dehydration
3. An intramuscular injection of glucagon is contraindicated
4. This pt is at risk of experiencing a grand mal seizure
EMS has been called to an independent living center for an elderly female who appears
to have broken her hip. According to the staff, the pt rolled over on her own in bed and they
heard a crack. What do you suspect happened prior to EMS arrival
1. She really did dimply break her hip rolling over in bed
2. The staff was likely neglectful and she fell to the floor
3. The pt has a pelvic or hip cancer that has weakened her bones
4. The pt is a victim of battery and an investigation needs to occur
While assessing a 35yo female who was beaten up by her husband, you find the pt
crying uncontrollably. What should the rescue team do to overcome the district of her crying to
reduce interference during pt assessment?
1. Tell her to calm down so you can do your work correctly
2. Ask the pt to think about something else for a short time
3. Explain the difficulty in assessment given her uncontrolled crying
4. Let the pt know you understand this must be difficult, but she must be quiet
During a newborn resuscitation, the rescuers believe the pt has lost pulses and
respirations but are unsure. What additional signs/symptoms might help confirm this?
1. Peripheral cyanosis
2. Skin becoming mottled
3. Blood in the baby’s mouth
4. Delayed capillary refill time
EMS responds to a daycare center for a child with altered mental status. Caretakers
describe a 9yo female “acting like she is on drugs”: There is very little to indicate a toxicological
emergency. What symptom would confirm a suspicion of hypoglycemia instead of drugs?
1. Kussmaul respirations
2. Pt complaint of a headache
3. Sunken eyes and dry looking skin
4. Fruity odor on the pt breath
You have recently delivered a newborn who is now apnea and pulseless. As you start
compressions, which of the following compression rates is correct?
1. 80-100
2. 100 per minute
3. 120
4. 120-160
Respiratory distress in the pediatric pt is best defined as which of the following?
1. The complete cessation of breathing
2. The mildest form of respiratory impairment
3. Noticeable accessory muscle use on inspiration
4. Respiratory impairment where the demands of the body for oxygen are not met
Which of the following reasons best explains why we avoid confrontation with a parent
at the scene when we suspect child abuse?
1. It may upset the parent and therefore the child
2. The child may become defensive and refuse treatment
3. The parent may become violent toward us or the child
4. The parent may refuse to allow us to transport the child
As of 2010, where does pneumonia rank in the leading causes of death in the geriatric
1. 4th
2. 5th
3. 6th
4. 7th
As you prepare to move a pt from her home bedroom, a first responder suggests that
you use a stair chair. You feel that a stair chair would unnecessarily delay the pt movement.
What should you do?
1. Ask the first responder why she thinks that device is necessary
2. Tell the first responder and pt you believe a stair chair is unneeded
3. Ask the pt what she thinks should be done to move her to the stretcher
4. Explain that the stair chair will take a few more minutes to set up and that you want to take
no longer than necessary
What common complication should paramedics expect to encounter while treating a pt
with quadriplegia?
1. Uncontrolled leg tremors
2. Ischemic EKG changes
3. Bladder incontinence
4. Diaphragmatic spasms
You are assessing a 2yo who has been healthy up until today. He is ow pale, lethargic,
and difficult to arouse. Earlier he was anxious, clammy, and acting inappropriately. The pulse is
now fast and thready. what do you expect to see on the cardiac monitor
1. Idioventricular
2. Ventricular fibrillation
3. Ventricular tachycardia
4. Supraventricular tachycardia
A new born baby is experiencing short episodes of apnea lasting less than 20 seconds.
Which of the following conditions would you suspect to find following each apnea event?
1. Coughing or gagging
2. Cyanosis and bradycardia
3. Petit mal seizure activity
4. Tachycardia with EKG changes
Meconium staining occurs in approximately what percentage of deliveries?
1. Less than 1%
2. 1-5%
3. 5-25%
4. 25-45%
Your pt has at the following: hypertension, dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing,
presence of a rash, muscle cramps, swelling of the heand, face, or eyes, cough, headache
stomach up set, fatigue, and a loss of taste. He is showing side effects of which of the
1. Diuretics
2. Lidocaine
3. Beta blockers
4. ACE inhibitors
If an EMS provider was to report what they believed to be obvious neglect, they would
most likely choose which description below?
1. 6yo who has not had any prescribed vaccines
2. 5yo pt with an obvious pelvic fx
3. 3yo male who has been sexually assaulted
4. 4yo female with cigar burns on her arms
Your elderly patient’s wife secretly reports that her husband always drinks excessively
on Tuesdays and Thursdays after a social club meeting. She think that is why he has chest pain
today. Your pt denies using any alcohol at all. What is the most critical reason for clarifying his
alcohol drinking habit?
1. By law, you are compelled to recommend participating in an alcohol support group if you
suspect geriatric alcohol abuse
2. This information must be documented on your EMS run form as the suspected cause/effect
for his chest discomfort
3. Use of even a small amount of alcohol is considered more risky for geriatrics than
younger-aged pt
4. Nitrates are contraindicated in pt who abuse alcohol on a regular basis
Rescuers are preparing to deliver a newborn they suspect will be distressed. Which of
the following will be the least helpful to obtain in preparation for resuscitation of this newborn?
1. IV does of naloxone
2. 500cc slef inflating BVM
3. Meconium aspirator attachment for suction
4. Assorted sizes of intraosseous infusion needles
ALS personnel are assisting in the obstetrical delivery of a large baby. Which of the
following birth injuries would be the most preventable during the expulsion process?
1. Liver rupture
2. Cranial injuries
3. Clavicle fx
4. Spinal cord injuries
In children over one year of age, what is the leading cause of a accidental death?
1. Drowning
2. Motor vehicle collisions
3. Gunshot wounds
4. Burns
According to the DOT curriculum, EMS responders should engage in which type of
activity to measurably reduce childhood mortality and morbidity related to illness or injury?
1. Epidemiological research
2. Safety belt enforcement efforts
3. Confiscating illegal drugs from pt
4. Offering a blood pressure clinic at headquarters
Paramedics are trying to confirm an ET tube is in place immediately following an
intubation attempt. If the setting is noisy and the patient is a neonate, choose the most reliable
indicator the tube lies within the trachea.
1. The pt begins crying and becoming more active
2. HR increases from 115 to 160 bpm
3. There is visible mist of moisture on inner lumen of tube
4. Positive inflation results from an EDD
EMS providers are stabilizing a conscious geriatric patient experiencing severe
shortness of breath related to emphysema. they have applied high-flow O2 via NRB and
confirm there is no ectopy on the ECG. what is the HIGHEST priority during transport?
1. Positioning the PT left lateral recumbent
2. Administering racemic Epi via nebulizer
3. Establishing a peripheral IV of an isotonic solution.
4. Delivery of an antipyretic medication via IV.
Which of these would be considered a public health program on injury and illness
prevention that EMS could participate?
1. CPR training
2. First Aid training
3. Car seat installation
4. Disease outbreak monitoring
You are called to a 3yo pt who is having difficulty breathing. The pt is beginning to show
signs of cyanosis. The pt is resisting the administration of O2 through a NRB mask. Which of
the following would be an appropriate solution?
1. Administer flavored O2
2. Negotiate with the child b using a reward system
3. Change the O2 administration to a nasal cannula
4. Defer the O2 administration to the arrival at the hospital
You have a pt with a lower GI bleed. The cause could be:
1. Peptic ulcer
2. Duodenal ulcer
3. Ulcerative colitis
4. Esophageal varices
Which of the following would lead you to suspect that a pt is going to have an allergic or
anaphylactic reaction involving swelling of the airway and blood vessel dilation?
1. Slow development of signs and symptoms after first exposure
2. Second exposure after a previous incident where the body formed antibodies
3. The first time a person is exposed he has hives, itchy eyes, and a runny nose
4. A development of diarrhea two days after eating a substance the pt was allergic to
Which of the following is a branch of the RCA?
1. Anterior descending
2. Left coronary artery
3. Circumflex artery
4. Marginal artery
You are assessing a pt with carotid bruits who is currently in a narrow complex
tachycardia at a rate of 200. Which of the following would most likely occur if a carotis sinus
massage was performed?
1. Embolic stroke
2. Thrombotic stroke
3. Carotid vasospasm
4. Pulmonary embolism
Which of the following would be contraindicated in the pt with thyrotoxicosis?
1. Beta blockers
2. Glucocorticoids
3. Active rewarming
4. Fluid resuscitation
Which of the following would best describe expected results from an asthmatic in the
middle of an attack?
1. Decreased peak flow and decreased forced expiratory volume
2. Decreased peak flow and increased forced expiratory volume
3. Increased peak flow and decreased force expiratory volume
4. Increased peak flow and increased forced expiratory volume
Which of the following is the terminology utilized to describe a cancer that grows
quickly and can easily migrate to other sites within the body?
1. Benign
2. Malignant
3. Congenital
4. Metastases
Electrokardiogram leads I, II, III are also known as the:
1. Precordial leads
2. Augmented leads
3. Unipolar leads
4. Bipolar leads
What is the medical term used to refer to lung sounds auscultated in the mid axillary
1. Tracheal
2. Vesicular
3. Bronchial
4. Bronchovesicular
You have an adult pt in status epilepticus after failing to take his prescribed
anticonvulsant medication. Which of the following is the appropriate treatment for this pt?
1. Administer Valium 5mg
2. Administer 5-10 midazolam
3. Insert a padded tongue blade to protect the airway
4. Restrain the pt to a backboard to protect from injury
In the adult, which of the following organs is responsible for the production of
1. Liver
2. Spleen
3. Kidneys
4. Bone marrow
Which of the following is of the greatest clinical significance for pt with neurological
1. Paralysis
2. Cognitive ability
3. Circulatory compromise
4. Respiratory compromise
Which of the following would be a medication likely to be administered in cases of a
black widow spider bite?
1. Sodium bicarb
2. Calcium chloride
3. Diazepam
4. Mag Sulfate
Which of the following would be the best educational advice you could give to a pt who
has a severe food allergy?
1. Wear a medic alert bracelet
2. Recognize and avoid that food
3. Carry an epinephrine auto-injector
4. Consult a MD about desensitization
Which of the following medications is considered useful in the treatment of a pt with a
thyrotoxic crisis by reducing the level of circulating Thyroxine?
1. Glucagon
2. Naloxone
3. Propranolol
4. Dexamethasone
Which of the following is the most likely to develop as a result of a stroke or other injury
to the brain or spinal cord?
1. Multiple sclerosis
2. Alzheimer’s
3. Central pain syndrome
4. ALS
Which of the following occurs as a result of an increase in pulmonary pressure and
hypertension by changes in blood flow at high altitude?
1. AGE
2. AMS
Which of the following drugs is typically omitted in the tx of a pt with acute congestive
heart failure?
1. Nitroglycerin
2. Morphine
3. Furosemide
4. ASA
You are called to treat a pt who is feverish and indicates he is suffering from anuria. He
is complaining of severe abdominal pain that you would describe as positive bilateral Lloyd’s
sign. He has no significant medical hx. Which of the following assessment findings would you
expect to see in this pt?
1. Hypotension
2. Uremic frost
3. Foul smelling urine
4. Tall, peaked T waves
A pt with a recent diagnosis of a neoplasm within the brain is now experiencing
paralysis on the left side of the face. Which of the following is occurring in this situation?
1. The tumor is impacting the afferent fibers of cranial nerve V
2. The tumor is impacting the efferent fibers of cranial nerve V
3. The tumor is impacting the afferent fibers of cranial nerve VII
4. The tumor is impacting the efferent fibers of cranial nerve VII
Upper GI bleeding is separated from lower GI bleeding by the:
1. Ileocecal valve
2. Ligament of Treitz
3. Cardiac sphincter
4. Pyloric sphincter
Your patient presents with wheezing, coughing and increased respiratory effort. This
occurred following inhalation of chlorine gas. What pathophysiological process is involved?
1. Asthmatic attack caused by irritants
2. Atelectasis secondary to chlorine gas exposure
3. Pulmonary edema caused by chlorine chemical exposure
4. Acute respiratory distress secondary to lack of oxygenation
What water temperature is utilized when a frost bitten part must be rewarmed?
1. 94-96
2. 98-100
3. 102-108
4. 108-112
You are dispatched to a 55yo male with a complaint of lower abdominal pain. You are
surprised when you arrive on scene and find the man to be in the end stages of shock. He is
wet, pale, and unresponsive with a barely palpable carotid pulse. His breathing is agonal. Yo
begin CPR and quickly load for transport and ALS intercept Te wife reports that the man had
severe lower abdominal pain that came on quickly. He was rolling around on the floor before he
became unresponsive. As you try to put all of this together, you believe that most likely this
man has suffered a/an:
1. Stroke
2. Heart attack
3. Aortic aneurysm
4. Brain hemorrhage
Which factor is primarily responsible for causing aortic aneurysms?
1. Infection
2. Congenital
3. Hypertension
4. Atherosclerosis
Your assessment of a victim of an MVC reveals difficulty breathing, redness across
upper chest, JVD, with clear lung sounds. Pulse is thready at 128, BP 80/60. Which
assessment finding from the scenario best determines the appropriate diagnosis of cardiac
1. JVD
2. Clear bilateral breath sounds
3. Narrowed pulse pressure
4. Pulse of 128 and thready
You have just contacted medical direction for permission to terminate a resuscitation
attempt. Which of the following information is the physician LEAST likely to consider when
deciding to terminate the resuscitation?
1. Therapy rendered
2. Medical condition of the pt
3. Quality of life evaluation performed by EMS
4. Resistance or uncertainty on behalf of the family
Which of the following supplies blood to the inferior wall of the left ventricle in the right
coronary dominant pt?
1. RCA
2. CX
3. Anterior descending
4. LCA
Which of these is a peripheral thermoreceptor location?
1. Spinal cord
2. Great vessels
3. Abdominal viscera
4. Mucus membranes
At which of the following altitudes does high altitude illness typically begin to manifest
1. 4000
2. 6000
3. 8000
4. 10000
You have a pt demonstrating a new complete heart block secondary to a myocardial
infarction as a result of damage to the left and right bundle branches. Which of the following
coronary arteries is most likely involved?
1. Left circumflex
2. Posterior descending
3. RCA
4. LAD
How many Americans are affected by renal and urologic disease?
1. 250,000
2. 500,000
3. 1,000,000
4. 20,000,000
The sympathetic NS will o which of the following when stimulated?
1. Decrease HR
2. Decrease force of contractions
3. Increase stomach secretion
4. Increase HR
Which of the following GI emergencies would be the most difficult to diagnose in the
prehospital setting?
1. Appendicitis
2. Crone’s
3. Diverticulitis
4. Esophageal varices
Which of the following best describes angina pectoris?
1. When chest pain is relieved with NTG or rest
2. When cerebral tissue perfusion is temporarily decreased
3. When coronary vasospasm decrease blood supply to the heart
4. Chest pain that results when the heart’s demand for O2 exceeds the blood supply available
Which of the following stages of syphillis typically begins 5-6 weeks after the chancre
has healed?
1. First stage
2. Second stage
3. Third stage
4. Fourth stage
Correctly identify the pathophysiology of ingestion poisoning:
1. Poison absorption occurs mostly in the stomach
2. Poison absorption occurs mostly in the large bowel
3. In the small intestine
4. Depends on the specific medication
For which of the following would you use sodium bicarb to eliminate the poison?
1. ASA
3. Theophylline
4. Acetaminophen
According to the centers for disease control and prevention which ranking does
drowning have in the causes of accidental death in the united states?
1. 1st
2. 3rd
3. 5th
4. 7th
Which of the following best describes after load?
1. The resistance against which the heart must pump
2. The volume filling the ventricles during systole
3. the volume filling the ventricles during diastole
4. the decrease in pressure in the coronary arteries
You have a newborn who is breathing slowly and has a heart rate of 64. What is the
FIRST step in neonatal resuscitation for this newborn?
1. Administer O2
2. Begin chest compressions
3. Assess and assure a clear airway
4. Begin BVM ventilation
Which of the following conditions is the most common cause of acute renal failure?
1. Renal failure
2. Pre-renal failure
3. Post-renal failure
4. Chronic renal failure
Which of the following is the most likely to develop as result of a stroke or other injury to
the brain or spinal cord?
1. Multiple sclerosis
2. Alzheimer’s disease
3. Central pain syndrome
4. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Which of the following signs would be an inconsistent assessment finding for a pt with a
hx of a neoplasm within the brain?
1. Double vision
2. Irregular breating
3. Behavioral changes
4. Abnormal blood sugar
Which of the following should be your highest priority in assessing and treating a
conscious pt you suspect is having an MI?
1. Administration of ASA
2. Collection of complete hx
3. Assessment of equal radial pulses
4. Identification of pt risk factors
Which of the following is a pre-delivery emergency?
1. Nuchal cord
2. Prolapsed cord
3. Placenta previa
4. Limb presentation
The visible indication of a pt’s mood is termed:
1. Mood
2. Affect
3. Mental status
4. Psychosocial status
You are called to treat a pt who initially complained of mild, diffuse, periumbilical pain,
which is now more severe and localized to the right lower quadrant. The pt has a low-grade
fever, nausea, and vomiting. Which of the following would be the most appropriate treatment?
1. Position of comfort
2. Rapid fluid infusion
3. Application of PASG
4. Administration of MS
You are treating a pt with multifocal, premature ventricular contractions. The pt is
experiencing approximately 10-15 per minute. After application of O2, which of the following is
MSOT appropriate?
1. Atroping
2. Epinephrine
3. Lidocaine
4. Adenosine
What is the clinical significance for a pt with a hx of a brain abscess who now has a
high temperature, severe headache, and nuchal rigidity?
1. The pt can be expected to become hypotensive
2. The abscess is affecting the occipital lobe of the cerebrum
3. The infection has migrated to the meninges of the spinal cord
4. The pt is showing signs consistent with an increase intracranial pressure
Which of the following is considered the universal blood recipient?
1. A
2. B
3. AB
4. O
Identify the bodily systems affected by influenza and its resulting symptoms.
1. Neurological system; increased confusion
2. Respiratory system; non-productive cough
3. Cario-respiratory system; pulmonary edema
4. GI system; vomiting and diarrhea
Contraction of cardiac muscle tissue occurs after which of the following?
1. Polarization
2. Repolarization
3. Conduction
4. Depolarization
Polycythemia is defined as which of the following?
1. A decreased number of white blood cells
2. An overproduction of platelets
3. An overproduction of red blood cells
4. A decreased number of red blood cells
Your pt has been in bed all day following a three-day history of intractable vomiting and
diarrhea. The pt just returned from a business trip to a developing country. Assessment reveals
a pt that is responsive to verbal stimuli, has sunken eyeballs, warm, dry skin, a shallow
respiratory rate of 22, a HR of 128 with weak peripheral pulses, and BP is 92/64. Your treatment
1. High-flow O2 via face mask, IV access, and Dopamine started at 10mcg/kg/min to treat
2. Ventilatory assistance with high-flow O2, IV access, and fluid administration with D5W at
100cc/hr to treat malnutrition
3. An advanced airway and application of PEEP in order to minimize respiratory secretions
4. High-flow O2 via face mask, IV access, and volume resuscitation to replace fluid loss and
to re-expand the intravascular space
A specific problem that atherosclerosis can cause is:
1. Arterial rupture
2. Ventricular rupture
3. Coronary blood vessel rupture
4. Interference with dilation/constriction of arteries
What is the name of the tissue that covers the outside of the lungs?
1. Parietal pleura
2. Visceral pleura
3. Peri-pulmonary sac
4. Parenchymal tissue
Which of the following gastroenterological disease processes results from the formation
of granulomas of the mucosal lining and then fibrosis and hypertrophy of the muscles
underlying the submucosa?
1. Crohn’s disease
2. Diverticulitis
3. Gastroenteritis
4. Ulcerative colitis
Which of the following is the functional portion of the urinary system?
1. Bowman’s capsule
2. Glomerulus
3. Nephron
4. Urethra
Which of the following is the responsible mechanism for the formation of ketone
1. Anabolism of glucose
2. Catabolism of glucose
3. Anabolism of fatty acids
4. Catabolism of fatty acids
After leaving the sinoatrial node an electrical impulse is next conducted to the:
1. Purkinje fibers
2. Bundle of HIS
3. Internodal pathways
4. AV junction
What is the name for the time period between exposure to a disease and
1. Latent period
2. Window phase
3. Disease period
4. Communicable period
You are called to the scene of a 70yo female patient complaining of lower left-sided
colicky pain. the pt has a low grade fever, nausea, and vomiting, and she called you because
she had a bloody bowel movement. She describes the stool as bright red. This pt is most likely
suffering from:
1. Appendicitis
2. Crohn’s disease
3. Diverticulitis
4. Hemorrhoids
You have an 81yo pt with rales in both lower lobes and you have rules out pneumonia
as a cause. Acute pulmonary edema would be best described by which of the following?
1. Plasma in the alveoli, usually caused by left heart failure
2. Blood in the alveoli, usually caused by right heart failure
3. Plasma in the alveoli, usually caused by right heart failure
4. Phlegm in the alveoli, usually caused by left heart failure
Which of the following is an accessory digestive organ disease?
1. Bowel obstruction
2. Kidney stones
3. Pancreatitis
4. Diverticulitis
At the scene of a private residence you have an elderly male pt that has collapsed into
an unresponsive state. His wife says he complained of a severe headache and then
immediately collapsed. This pt is most likely suffering from a/an:
1. Embolic stroke
2. Cluster headache
3. Thrombotic stroke
4. Hemorrhagic stroke
A local outbreak of influenza has struck your community. Which organization will be
responsible for monitoring this outbreak and educating the public?
1. Medical control
2. Local public health
3. CDC
4. Public information systems
Which of the following causes of chronic gastroenteritis would be responsive to
antibiotic therapy?
1. Rotavirus
2. Enterobacter
3. Giardia lamblia
4. Cryptosporidium parvum
Which of the following best describes where most neoplasms in the brain originate?
1. From a benign tumor present at birth
2. Metastasized from benign tumors located elsewhere in the body
3. Metastasized from malignant tumors located elsewhere in the body
4. From a malignant tumor formed in the brain that metastasized to other parts of the body
Which of the following would provide the best relief of the colicky pain experienced by a
pt with ulcerative colitis?
1. Oxygen
2. Antiemetics
3. Antihistamines
4. Antispasmodics
Your pt is taking a medication that is designed to increase blood calcium levels by
increasing hormone production. Which hormone is involved?
1. Thyroxine
2. Calcitonin
3. Triiodothyronin
4. Parathyroid hormone
The best way to describe the effects of Candida that has caused an infection is to say
that there is:
1. An imbalance in the normal bacteria
2. Lack of good personal hygiene
3. Lack of the proper nutrients
4. Spread of colon bacteria
Which of the following would be abnormal for a pregnant female in her last trimester of
1. An elevated bp
2. A blood loss of 30% with no signs of shock
3. A respiratory rate that is greater than her normal rate
4. A pulse rate that is 10-15 beats faster than her normal rate
You are called to treat a pt complaining of a HA, facial drooping, confusion, and
aphasia. The BP is 120/80, pulse ox is 98%, HR 70, RR 16. If the symptoms seem to be
resolving, which of the following describes the most appropriate treatment?
1. Supine position, advanced airway, and rapid transport
2. Supine position, high-flow O2, rapid transport
3. If symptoms resolve, no tx or transport necessary
4. Left lateral position and transport
Your pt has paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. With which of the following is this most
commonly associated?
1. Pneumonia
2. Left heart failure
3. Right heart failure
Which of the following vascular disorders would most likely have a hx of recent
1. Vasculitis
2. Varicose veins
3. DVT
4. AAA
You are dispatched to a 55yo male with a complaint of lower abdominal pain. You are
surprised when you arrive o the scene and find the man to be in the end stages of shock. He is
wet, play, and unresponsive with a barely palpable carotid pulse. His breathing is agonal. You
being CPR and quickly load for transport and ALS intercept. The wife reports that the man had
severe lower abdominal pain that came on quickly. He was rolling around on the floor before he
became unresponsive. As you try to put all of this together, you believe that most likely this
man has suffered a/an:
1. Stroke
2. MI
3. Aortic aneurysm
4. Brain hemorrhage
Which of the following signs or symptoms would best lead you to suspect you pt has
pain associated with abdominal bleeding?
1. Cullen’s sign
2. Referred pain
3. Fetal position
4. Distention of the abdomen
If your pt is able to loo in all directions with his eyes, which cranial nerves are intact?
1. II, III, IV
2. II, IV, VI
3. III IV, V
4. III, IV, VI
Which of the following is the terminology for the cell from which other blood cells form?
1. Erythrocyte
2. Erythropoietin
3. Hematopoiesis
4. Pluripotent stem cell
You are called to the scene of a pt with a head injury who has a temp of 104 F. Your pt
has a blood pressure of 120/80, respirations of 16, and a pulse of 70. Which of the following
best describes the results of these assessment findings?
1. These would be expected findings in head injuries
2. The pt has stabilized and should not be considered critical
3. The head injury and heat illness are canceling each other’s effects on vital signs
4. The pt is probably taking a medication that is preventing the body from responding
Which of the following types of artifact will make identification of the presence of a
paced rhythm virtually impossible?
1. Muscle artifact
2. Patient movement
3. Wandering baseline
4. 60 cycle interference
The clotting cascade is interrupted by the administration of which of the following and
thus prevents clot formation?
1. Ticlid
2. ASA
3. Vitamin K
4. Coumadin
Which of the following is the MOST serious physical manifestation of anaphylaxis?
1. Urticaria
2. Wheezing
3. Pruritus
4. Hypotension
You have a pt who has just completed hemodialysis and now has profound
hypotension. Why would this pt need immediate transport to the emergency department?
1. Renal diagnostics
2. Fluid replacement
3. Monitoring for seizures
4. Renal failure monitoring
Which of the following is a leukocyte disorder?
1. Neutropenia
2. Polycythemia
3. Multiple myeloma
4. Thrombocytopenia
Which of the following would you anticipate as a result of decreased insulin levels in the
1. Hypoglycemia
2. Fat catabolism
3. Decreased urination
4. Pale, cool, clammy skin
Which of the following would be responsible for humoral immunity?
1. T cell monocytes
2. B cell monocytes
3. T cell lymphocytes
4. B cell lymphocytes
You are called to treat a pt who has ingested a belladonna leaf. What would you most
likely expect to see as signs and symptoms from this ingestion?
2. CNS excitation
3. Flu-like symptoms
4. Dry skin and mucous membranes
Which of the following terms is most closely associated with “systemic vascular
1. Afterload
2. Cardiac output
3. Preload
4. Stroke volume
You are called to assess a pt who had a sudden onset of severe headache while
exercising and, prior to losing consciousness, also complained of profuse sweating, nausea,
and vomiting. Which of the following is most likely occurring?
1. The pt is suffering from heat stroke
2. The pt is suffering from an embolic stroke
3. The pt is suffering from a thrombotic stroke
4. The pt is suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke
Which of the following people described below would most likely risk suffering from
exertion heat stroke?
1. 20yo diabetic on a hot day
2. 26yo shoveling snow on a cold day
3. 56yo CHF on diuretics on a hot day
4. 20yo well-hydrated football player on a warm day
You are assessing a pt with a heat emergency who is presenting with hot, moist skin,
seizure activity, deep, rapid respirations, a rapid pulse, an increasing core temperature, and a
low bp. Which of the following would best describe this pt’s condition?
1. Heat stroke where the pt has lost the ability to cool himself
2. Heat stroke where the pt still has the ability to cool himself
3. Heat exhaustion where the pt has lost the ability to cool himself
4. Heat exhaustion where the pt still has the ability to cool himself
An idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease limited in location to the rectum would be
known as:
1. Proctitis
2. Pancolitis
3. Crohn’s disease
4. Ulcerative colitis
You are called to assess a 40yo male who had crushing chest pain while he was
working out. After rest, the pain has diminished, but it is still present. The pt informs you he has
a hx of angina and takes one nitro to have relief. Your 3-lead ECG shows sinus tachycardia of
110, ST elevation in Lead I, and ST depression in Leads II and III. After two nitro and O2 the ST
segments are normal and the pt is pain free. Which of the following would be the most
appropriate field impression and tx?
1. Stable angina; no intervention necessary
2. MI; O2, ASA, NTG, and transport
3. MI; O2, ASA, MS, and transport
4. Unstable angina, MI; O2, ASA, and transport
Which of the following represents the appropriate maintenance regimen for
amiodarone in a post resuscitation phase?
1. 0.5mg/min
2. 150mg/min
3. 1-4mg/min
4. 2-10mg/min
Which of the following is the most common cause of non-traumatic abdominal pain in
the female?
1. Mittelschmerz
2. PID
3. Endometriosis
4. Ectopic pregnancy
Which of the following accurately represents a normal PR interval?
1. Measured from the beginning of the P to the beginning of the Q or R, and normal is 3-5 little
2. Measured from the end of the P to the beginning of the Q, and normal is 3-5 little boxes
3. Measured from the beginning of the P to the beginning of the R, and normal is 0.04 to 0.12
4. Measured from the end of the P to the beginning of the R, and normal is 0.12 - 0.20
A cluster headache would be classified as which of the following types of headache?
1. Tension
2. Organic
3. Migraine
4. Vascular
You are called to a pt with Cushing’s syndrome. Which of the following should you
avoid doing if the pt is stable?
1. Adminstering O2 via nasal cannula
2. Initiating IV access
3. Evaluating blood sugar
4. Attaching cardiac monitor
A SCUBA tank typically contains which of the following?
1. Compressed oxygen
2. Compressed oxygen and helium
3. Compressed oxygen and nitrogen
4. Compressed oxygen and hydrogen
This virus can exist only if the Hep B virus is present
1. Hep A
2. Hep C
3. Hep D
4. Hep E
Which of the choices listed refers to intractable nausea and vomiting, which can result
in dehydration that may be experienced by a female pt during her first trimester of pregnancy?
1. Ketosis
2. Morning sickness
3. Emetic dehydration
4. Hyperemesis gravidarum
Which of the following is the pathophysiological cause of myxedema?
1. Too little circulating thyroid hormone
2. Too much circulating thyroid hormone
3. Too little adrenocorticotropic hormone
4. Too much adrenocorticotropic hormone
Which of the following would be an expected response from a histamine release? (Flag)
1. Bronchodilation
2. Vasoconstriction
3. Increased gastric motility
4. Decreased capillary permeability
After passing through the duodenum which of the following is the next anatomical structure
that food passes through?
1. Cecum
2. Colon
3. Ileum
4. Jejunum
During depolarization of the heart muscle, which of the following ions enters the cell?
1. Magnesium
2. Sodium
3. Potassium
4. Phosphate
Anemia is defined as a deficiency in production of which of the following?
1. Iron
2. Platelets
3. White blood cells
4. Red blood cells