five requirements of disaster management
preparedness, planning, training, response, after-action review
three phases of any response
before, during, after
what are mutual aid agreements also called
automatic fill-in/send-up policies
what allows representatives from multiple jurisdictions to share command authority and responsibility
unified command system
what is a CERT
community emergency response team to help EMS fill different roles during disaster
who does the Medical Reserve Corps consist of
medical/public health professionals who volunteer and are trained in disaster response
what is an ICS-211 form for
tracks personnel, noting who reported and when and where they were assigned
whose responsibility is gear replacement
personal and command
where is assessment of new resource personnel preferably done at
staging areas
if a crew is sent from another area, how long may it need to be self-sustaining for
24hrs-14 days
what weather trends affect EMS call volume
increased temp and snow/rain
what is the proper documentation of a patient transport during a disaster consist of
triage tag and PCR
what is the official internal report of the entire disaster event
after-action report (AAR)
what may open the door to state or federal disaster relief funds and low-interest loans
“declaration of disaster”
what is they key to reimbursement
accurate and specific documentation