head injury vs TBI
head injury: traumatic insult to head resulting in injury to soft tissues or skull
TBI: impairment of brain function
how many bones are in the skull
what is hematopoiesis and where does it take place in the head
blood cell generation, cranial fault
what is a coup-contrecoup injury
brain impacts two sides of the skull
loss of blood flow to the brain for ___seconds will result in unresponsiveness
largest portion of the brain and its responsibility
cerebrum - higher functions and decision making
what is the falx cerebelli
divides cerebrum into right and left hemispheres
what is the cerebral cortex and its responsibility
outer covering of gray matter over cerebral hemispheres - voluntary skeletal movement and LOC
frontal lobe function
voluntary motor action and personality traits - filters emotional impulses from limbic system
parietal lobe function
info processing from sensory receptors - pain and proprioception
occipital lobe function
processing visual info
temporal lobe function
speech center and long term memory, hearing, taste, and smell
cerebellum function
“athlete of brain” maintaining posture and equilibrium in coordinated movements
what does the brainstem consist of
midbrain, pons, medulla
where and what is the reticular activating system
high in the brainstem - maintaining consciousness
meninges function
protective layers around brain and spinal cord
layers of the meninges from outter to inner
dura, arachnoid, pia mater
where does an epidural hematoma take place and what usually causes it
between dura mater and skull - rupture of middle meningeal artery
where does subdural hematoma occur and what usually causes it
between dura mater and arachnoid membrane - rupture of bridging veins in this space
where does subarachnoid hemorrhage take place
below arachnoid membrane
how many bones in the spinal column
33 bones
5 sections (from top to bottom) of the spinal column
cervical (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (5 fused), coccygeal (3-5)
where on the spine is a common cause of injury
lumbar section
spinal cord injury at or above what level in the spine may disrupt flow of sympathetic communication