You have received an order for a dopamine drip. You carry 500cc bags of D5W. How
much dopamine should you add to the bag to create a 1600mcg/1mL dilution?
A. 800mg
B. 1600mcg
C. 1600mg
D. 400mcg
During the absolute refractory period, what happens to the cardiac cell?
A. It is unable to be stimulated.
B. The cell is vulnerable to partial stimulation.
C. Potassium is being pumped out of the cell.
D. Calcium has just rushed into the cell.
A 29 year old female fell from an 18 foot roof. During your rapid trauma assessment,
where are you most likely to find life-threatening injuries?
A. Head, neck, extremities
B. Head, chest, abdomen
C. Abdomen, pelvis, arms
D. Chest, pelvis, extremities
Unequal pupils are a result of pressure on which structure?
A. Central medulla
B. Trochlear membrane
C. Vagus nerve
D. Occulomotor nerve
What is an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide in the blood called?
A. Pneumonia
B. Hypoxia
C. Hypercapnia
D. Emphysema
What is oxygen deficiency in the body called?
A. Hypercarbia
B. Hyperoxia
C. Hypoxia
D. Hypoxemia
What is your initial priority at a trench collapse?
A. Establishing medical command
B. Maintaining control of the crowd
C. Preventing a secondary collapse
D. Protecting the patient’s airway
A 23 year old male complains of neck stiffness and flu symptoms for the past few
days. He also describes a high fever with a severe headache, dizziness and blurred
vision. What should you suspect?
A. Hemorrhagic stroke
B. Migraine
C. Meningitis
D. Influenza
What causes an emphysema patient to have a pink appearance?
A. Elevated PCO2 level
B. Polycythemia
C. Anemia
D. Elevated PO2 level
Which of the following is a musical, squeaking or whistling sound heard in
inspiration and expiration while auscultating lung fields?
A. Wheezing
B. Snoring
C. Stridor
D. Gurgling
You are treating a 82 year old male in hypovolemic shock. In order to increase their
blood pressure you should administer:
A. 0.45% NaCl via IV
B. isotonic fluids orally
C. dextrose 5% in water via IO
D. isotonic crystalloid via IV
A 35 year old man is pulseless and apneic. He was found in a lake after falling
through the ice. His wife says he left the house 3 hours ago. His is cold and rigid. What
should you do?
A. Perform chest compressions
B. Begin active rewarming techniques
C. Obtain IO access and administer a warm fluid bolus
D. Contact the medical examiner
What does a pulsating mass in the abdomen suggest?
A. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
B. Perforated ulcer
C. Hernia
D. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
What is the safest and most effective landing pattern for a helicopter?
A. At a slight angle like that of a jet
B. Nose of the helicopter pointing up with a tail wind
C. Straight up and down in a vertical motion
D. Nose of the helicopter pointing down with a slow descent
During inspiration, what happens to blood flow in the thoracic cavity?
A. afterload increases
B. blood flow increases to the right atrium
C. blood flow through the vena cava is reduced
D. pressure in the aorta increases
What is the period of the cardiac cycle when stimulation will not produce any
A. Impulse refractory period
B. Absolute refractory period
C. Relative refractory period
D. Transient refractory period
While treating a 56 year old male for chest pain, you note a few PVCs on the
monitor. You print a strip and measure the distance between the normal beats on each
side of the PVC. The normal sinus rhythm continues on both sides of the PVC as if it
were the normal beat, even though the PVC happens sooner than the sinus beat would
have. The pause after the PVC would be:
A. A sign of continued ischemia
B. A compensatory pause
C. A non-compensatory pause
D. Reynaud’s Pause
A 5 month old male is in cardiac arrest. Resuscitation efforts have been ongoing for
30 minutes. His heart rhythm is and has been asystolic throughout treatment. What
should you do?
A. Continue CPR and ACLS drugs for another thirty minutes
B. Begin termination of resuscitative efforts
C. Report suspected child abuse to the police
D. Wait for the coroner before stopping CPR
Which of the following requires ATP?
A. Active transport
B. Osmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Facilitated diffusion
A 52 year old male was the unrestrained driver in a frontal impact car crash. Which
of the following injuries would lead you to believe the patient traveled “up and over” the
dashboard instead of “down and under”?
A. Patellar dislocation
B. Cervical spine fracture
C. Ruptured diaphragm
D. Flail chest
How does the blood flow through the heart?
A. Right ventricle to right atrium to lungs to left ventricle to left atrium
B. Right atrium to right ventricle to lungs to left atrium to left ventricle
C. Left ventricle to left atrium to lungs to right ventricle to right atrium
D. Left atrium to left ventricle to lungs to right atrium to right ventricle
As soon as an infant’s head is delivered, what should you do?
A. Determine the location of the umbilical cord.
B. Rotate the shoulders to the anterolateral position.
C. Examine the vulva and perineum for lacerations.
D. Exert strong steady pressure on the fundus.
A patient has aphasia following a stroke, which lobe of the brain was affected?
A. Temporal
B. Occipital
C. Parietal
D. Frontal
. What does the P wave represent with an ECG?
A. Ventricular depolarization
B. Atrial depolarization
C. Ventricular repolarization
D. Atrial repolarization
A lethargic 22 month old male presents with hoarseness and coughing. He has
sternal retractions and his belly and chest move in opposite directions with each breath.
He is breathing at a rate of 64. What should you suspect?
A. Cardiopulmonary failure.
B. Respiratory failure.
C. Cardiopulmonary arrest.
D. Respiratory distress.
A patient was ejected from an automobile and is apneic and pulseless. ECG reveals
a regular rhythm with an R-R interval of 1.24 seconds and a QRS width of 110
milliseconds. You should consider
A. transcutaneous pacing.
B. atropine 0.5 mg IV.
C. epinephrine 1 mg IV.
D. adenosine 6 mg rapid IV.
What organ is located in the upper right quadrant?
A. Kidney
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
D. Spleen
A 24 year old male was stabbed in the thigh. Bright red blood spurts from the
wound. What should you suspect that the patient severed?
A. Vein
B. Artery
C. Ligament
D. Tendon
A 24 year old male was working underneath his car when it fell off of the jack. He
was under the car approximately 20 minutes before being extricated. He has bluish
discoloration of his skin above the nipple line. What should you suspect?
A. Traumatic asphyxiation
B. Pericardial tamponade
C. Cushing’s triad
D. Pulmonary contusion
A unrestrained 24 year old female driver hit an electrical pole and struck the steering
wheel. She appears pale and complains of nausea and abdominal pain. What organ is
LEAST likely to suffer an injury as a result of this impact?
A. Spleen
B. Diagphram
C. Liver
D. Stomach
What causes Down’s syndrome?
A. Brain trauma
B. Extra chromosome
C. Bacterial infection
D. Psychological trauma
Where would you insert the needle to decompress the chest?
A. Below the 3rd rib midclavicular line
B. Below the 4th rib midclavicular line
C. Above the 4th rib midclavicular line
D. Above the 3rd rib midclavicular line
A 67 year old male complains of bloody stool with accompanying nausea and
emesis. He states symptoms began 3 days ago. Vital signs BP 100/86, P 88, R 18.
What should you do?
A. IV fluid bolus
B. Administer a diuretic
C. Administer an antiemetic
D. Apply oxygen
How much time do you have to successfully intubate a patient?
A. 30 seconds.
B. 15 seconds.
C. 60 seconds.
D. 45 seconds.
What condition results when the alveoli collapse?
A. Pneumothorax
B. Pneumonia
C. Effusion
D. Atelectasis
Why should you administer IV fluid to a patient in hypovolemic shock?
A. Increase the blood pressure
B. Maintain adequate tissue perfusion
C. Increase the body’s oxygen carrying capacity
D. Maintain the body’s homeostatic state
What best defines shock?
A. Deficiency of vascular tone due to hemorrhage.
B. Inadequate cerebral blood flow.
C. Hemorrhage exceeding 50% of total blood volume.
D. Lack of adequate perfusion to the tissues.
What causes priapism in a trauma patient?
A. Rupture of the urinary bladder
B. Total autonomic nervous system dysfunction
C. Parasympathetic nervous system dominance
D. Sympathetic nervous system dominance
What is the primary function of insulin?
A. Increase glucose transport out of the cells and increase pancreas glycogen levels
B. Increase glucose transport out of the cells and increase liver glycogen levels
C. Increase glucose transport into the cells and increase liver glycogen levels
D. Decrease glucose transport into the cells and decrease pancreas glycogen levels
A 60 year old male fell onto a coffee table yesterday and he woke up this morning
complaining of diffuse, dull abdominal pain. You note periumbilical bruising. What is this
known as?
A. Crohn’s sign
B. Cullen’s sign
C. Kehr’s sign
D. Grey-Turner’s sign
After placement of an ET tube, you find breath sounds are diminished on the left
side but present on the right side. What should you do?
A. Contact Medical Direction and ask for further instruction.
B. Deflate and withdraw the tube while listening over the left side.
C. Deflate the cuff, remove the tube and ventilate with a BVM.
D. Continue ventilating the patient and secure the tube.
A 25 year old male has a closed head injury and a knife impaled in his back. He is
combative and screams incomprehensible words while thrashing. What should you do?
A. Titrate diazepam administration to gain control of the patient.
B. Use straps and spine board to gain control of the patient.
C. Use rapid sequence intubation to protect the patient.
D. Request the police to restrain the patient for transport.
What does the body use for fuel in diabetic ketoacidosis?
A. Acids
B. Fats
C. Glucose
D. Ketones
What neurotransmitter found in the brain that regulates mood, anxiety, and sleep?
A. Acetylcholine
B. Gamma-aminobutyric acid
C. Norepinephrine
D. Serotonin
A 38 year old female complains of sudden onset of shortness of breath. She has no
previous history and no allergies. Her only medications are birth control pills. Her last
meal was 8 hours earlier at an airport prior to her flight home. What should you
A. Allergic reaction
B. Pulmonary embolus
C. Influenza
D. Undiagnosed asthma
A 35 year old epileptic is actively seizing (full clonic movement). What medication
should you consider?
A. Verapamil
B. Procainamide
C. Lorazepam
D. Calcium
What causes Tuberculosis?
A. Bacteria
B. Fungus
C. Antibody
D. Virus
A 68 year old female with CHF took 400 mg of furosemide, and is now
unresponsive. Vitals signs are BP 110/70, P 100, R 6. What should you do?
A. Perform an IV fluid bolus
B. Begin manual ventilations
C. Administer sodium bicarbonate
D. Administer nitroglycerin
. Which stage of delivery begins with complete cervical dilation and ends with delivery
of the baby?
A. Second
B. Third
C. Fourth
D. First
A 7 year old boy is found supine at the base of 15 foot high jungle gym. His teacher
is unsure if he fell from the equipment. Vital signs are BP 100/90, R 0, P 42, SaO2 93%.
What should you do?
A. Insert an oropharyngeal airway.
B. Open his airway with a head tilt-chin lift maneuver.
C. Open his airway with a jaw thrust maneuver.
D. Start CPR.
What process involves a gas that travels from an area of higher concentration to
lower concentration?
A. Diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Activated Transport
D. Filtration
A 12 year old male has suffered a blast injury. What phase would projectiles have
caused injury to the patient?
A. Primary
B. Quaternary
C. Tertiary
D. Secondary
A 25 year old female began to experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, and
coughing. She has difficulty speaking in full sentences. Vital signs are BP 116/64, P 96
and regular, RR 24 and labored, SpO2 93% on room air. You auscultate her lung
sounds and hear high-pitched lung sounds on exhalation. What should you do?
A. Assist with her prescribed nitroglycerin
B. Administer albuterol via a nebulizer
C. Administer abdominal thrusts
D. Assist ventilations with a bag-valve mask
You have been assigned to triage at an MCI. Your patient is bleeding from a cut on
his head, R 22, P 100 radially, and he keeps asking “What happened?”. What priority
should be assigned to this patient?
A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Black
D. Green
A 32 year old female seated at a restaurant has severe wheezing. She is flushed,
appears anxious, and has a runny nose. She states that she is allergic to shellfish and
peanuts. What should you suspect?
A. Anaphylaxis
B. Epiglottitis
C. Asthma
D. Aspiration
You arrive on scene to find a 14 year old male leaning forward in a chair. He
appears anxious, is drooling and you hear high-pitched sounds when he inhales. His
mother states he has a fever and has been complaining of a sore throat. What should
you suspect?
A. Anaphylaxis
B. Asthma
C. Croup
D. Epiglottitis
How should you ensure that your glucometer is functioning properly?
A. Insert a test strip and ensure that the glucometer turns on.
B. Measure your partner’s blood glucose level and compare to normal.
C. Measure your own blood glucose level and compare to your normal.
D. Insert a test strip and acquire a drop of the glucometer control solution
What is the biggest difference between cardiogenic shock and hemorrhagic shock?
A. Pulmonary edema
B. Hypotension
C. Cardiac Arrest
D. Cyanosis
When you apply an end-tidal CO2 monitor, what are the 3 main items you are
A. Metabolism, perfusion, and ventilation
B. Metabolism, perfusion, and respiration
C. Metabolism, cardiac output, and ventilation
D. Perfusion, ventilation, and oxygenation
. What do you call progressively deeper, faster breathing alternating gradually with
shallow, slower breathing?
A. Kussmaul’s respirations
B. Cheyne-Stokes respirations
C. Biot’s respirations
D. Agonal respirations
What happens during phase 0 of the cardiac action potential?
A. The sodium-potassium pump is initiated.
B. Potassium moves rapidly into the cell.
C. The slow calcium channels close.
D. The fast sodium channels open
A 26 year old female jumped from the second floor of her house. She states she
was getting away from her abusive husband. What should you do?
A. Obtain a set of vital signs.
B. Check for bilateral ankle fractures.
C. Determine if the scene is safe.
D. Asses for compression injury to the spine.
What structure has baroreceptors?
A. Vena cava
B. Ventricular wall
C. Atrioventricular node
D. Aortic arch
. An alert, 78 year old female complains of dyspnea. She speaks in full sentences
and answers all your questions. Vital signs are BP 150/70, P 110 and irregular, R 26
and labored. You note peripheral cyanosis. What should you do?
A. Begin positive-pressure ventilation with a BVM.
B. Sedate and intubate orotracheally.
C. Apply a nasal cannula with high flow oxygen at 2 lpm.
D. Apply high flow oxygen at 12-15 lpm.
When you are caring for more than one trauma patient at a time, when should you
change your gloves?
A. For each new patient
B. For each new procedure
C. Whenever time permits
D. Whenever they become soiled
A 2 year old male has ingested an unknown amount of gasoline. What is your
primary concern in your initial assessment?
A. Establishing IV access TKO.
B. Determining if the ingestion was intentional.
C. Evaluating his cardiac rhythm.
D. Evaluating his airway.
You arrive on scene to find a 4 year old male with a pulse but inadequate respiratory
effort. At what rate do you administer assisted ventilation?
A. 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds
B. 1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds
C. 1 breath every 3 to 5 seconds
D. 1 breath every 1 to 2 seconds
A 55 year old male remains in ventricular fibrillation after three shocks and an IV
epinephrine. What should you do?
A. Epinephrine (1:1000) in the sequence:1mg, 3mg, 5mg.
B. Epinephrine (1:10,00) by endotracheal tube.
C. Epinephrine (1:10,000) every three to five minutes.
D. Epinephrine (1:1,000) every three to five minutes.
A 45 year old male complains of difficulty breathing after being removed from a
home contaminated with carbon monoxide. His SpO2 is paradoxically 100%, what does
this mean?
A. CO affects the nail beds, making SaO2 unreliable.
B. CO is displacing O2 on erythrocyte hemoglobin.
C. CO is binding to the alveoli preventing O2 from being exchanged.
D. Carbonic anhydrase is inhibiting gas exchange.
A 22 year old female complains of joint pain and flu-like symptoms over the past two
days. Her abdomen is soft and non-tender, but she appears to have a circular rash on
her lower left quadrant. What should you suspect?
A. Cholecystis
B. Gastroenteritis
C. Lyme’s disease
D. Influenza
What the mechanism of action for glucagon?
A. Convert glucose to glycogen
B. Reduce blood glucose levels
C. Move glucose into the cell
D. Stimulate gluconeogenesis
When delivering a radio report, it is important to
A. speak continuously in order to expedite the report.
B. provide a field assessment of the patient’s condition.
C. clearly state and spell the patient’s name.
D. provide a comprehensive health history
What is the primary action of insulin?
A. Add a functional group during gluconeogenesis.
B. Reduce the glucose consumption of the cells.
C. Facilitate glucose transport into cells.
D. Increase blood glucose levels.
What cells form the initial clot following vascular injury?
A. Erythrocytes
B. Lymphocytes
C. Thrombocytes
D. Monocytes
What is the first confirmation of tube placement after orotracheal intubation?
A. Condensation in the ET tube.
B. Auscultation of the epigastrium
C. Visualizing the tube passing the vocal cords.
D. End tidal CO2 confirmation.
A 88 year old male is combative and angry. His wife states that he is normally
pleasant and calm. What intervention would narrow your differential diagnosis?
A. A response to oxygen therapy
B. A blood glucose reading
C. If he responds to forceful control
D. Cincinnati stroke scale
What does preload refer to?
A. The pressure in the filled ventricle at the end of systole.
B. The pressure in the filled ventricle at the end of diastole.
C. The pressure in the filled atria at the end of the systole.
D. The pressure in the filled atria at the end of the diastole.
Which immunoglobulin is mainly responsible during inflammation?
A. IgM
B. IgE
C. IgG
D. IgA
What percent of oxygen is delivered with a pocket mask on room air?
A. 23
B. 92
C. 17
D. 10
A 57 year old male complains of chest pain, shortness of breath and nausea. A 12
lead ECG shows ST elevation in Ieads V2, V3 and V4. What should you administer?
A. Dopamine and oxygen.
B. Aspirin and oxygen.
C. Epinephrine and nitroglycerin.
D. Nitroglycerine and oxygen.
Which of the following is an autosomal disorder of the exocrine glands which results
in physiological changes in the respiratory, GI, integumentary, and muscoskeletal
A. Tuberculosis
B. Sickle cell anemia
C. Pneumonia
D. Cystic fibrosis
What structure prevents food or liquid from entering the trachea?
A. Thyroid cartilage
B. Uvula
C. Larynx
D. Epiglottis
What is diphenhydramine HCL?
A. Beta agonist
B. Antihistamine
C. Sympathomimetic
D. Diuretic
An 18 year old male was struck in the head by a large rock. When caring for this
patient, what should you continually reassess?
A. Level of consciousness.
B. Locomotor function.
C. Pulse motor sensory.
D. Quality and degree of pain.
What is the onset of action for succinylcholine?
A. 15-30 seconds
B. 60-90 seconds
C. 3-4 minutes
D. 2-3 minutes
You arrive at a house and find the occupants unconscious with the stove on. You
should suspect
A. carbon monoxide poisoning.
B. carbon dioxide poisoning.
C. medication overdose.
D. cyanide poisoning
A 76 year old female is pulseless and apneic. The ECG monitor shows asystole.
What should you do?
A. Administer epinephrine
B. Start chest compressions
C. Attempt a precordial thump
D. Perform immediate defibrillation
Which of the following structures serves as a passageway for both the respiratory
and digestive system?
A. Trachea
B. Pharynx
C. Esophagus
D. Cricoid cartilage
What is a highly infectious disease that causes bronchiolitis?
B. Pneumonia
C. Common cold
D. Asthma
A 39 year old male has an angulated deformity to the humerus. You cannot feel a
distal pulse and the limb is blue. What should you do?
A. Contact medical control for pain medication orders.
B. Attempt to pull gentle traction and realign the bones.
C. Splint with a sling and swathe, apply ice, and transport.
D. Transport emergently to the closest hospital
A 23 year old male complains of diffuse lower leg pain and tension after a car
accident. Pedal pulses are absent bilaterally and you note slight cyanosis in his feet.
Vital signs are BP 130/90, P 88, R 16. What should you suspect?
A. Iliac arterial rupture
B. Bilateral tibial fractures
C. Compartment syndrome
D. Lower leg embolism
What happens to hemoglobin as the blood pH decreases?
A. Releases oxygen.
B. Releases carbon dioxide.
C. Binds to carbon dioxide.
D. Binds to oxygen
A 24 year old male screams at you to leave after your arrive on scene. He states
that there are people after him and that they can hear his thoughts. He is agitated
nervous, and constantly peering out the windows. His mother states that this is
abnormal for him. What is he suffering from?
A. Organic psychosis
B. Dementia
C. Autism
D. A neurotic disorder
A 62 year old female complains of chest pain and shortness of breath. She is
extremely anxious. Vital signs are BP 80/56, P 118, R 24 with crackles, SpO2 87%.
What is the most likely cause?
A. Pulmonary embolus
B. Hypovolemic shock
C. Right-sided heart failure
D. Cardiogenic shock
A 62 year old female complains of chest pain and shortness of breath. She is
extremely anxious. Lung sounds are present with crackles in the bases. Vital signs are
BP 80/56, P 128, R 24, SpO2 87%. What should you do?
A. Administer nitroglycerin
B. Start a dopamine drip
C. Give a fluid bolus
D. Administer Aspirin
You suspect your partner has intubated the esophagus. What should you do?
A. Check the end tidal CO2 monitor.
B. Leave the tube in place and ventilate by BVM.
C. Extubate and ventilate by BVM.
D. Extubate and reattempt to intubate the patient.
A 79 year old male complains of shortness of breath. He smokes cigarettes for 60
years. On physical exam you notice that he has a barrel shaped chest. What
pathophysiology is most likely causing his symptoms?
A. Collapsed bronchial tubes
B. Spasm of bronchial muscle
C. Inflammation of the trachea
D. Excessive mucus production
Which of the following is NOT part of the Cincinnati Stroke Test?
A. Arm drift
B. Slurred speech
C. Ability to walk
D. Facial droop
During intubation, what is the maximum amount of time to allow without ventilating
your patient?
A. 10 seconds
B. 15 seconds
C. 60 seconds
D. 30 seconds
A 36 year old male with a history of asthma is in respiratory arrest. His carotid
pulse corresponds to the ECG below. After establishing an airway and beginning
ventilations, what should you do?
A. Administer adenosine.
B. Administer an in-line albuterol nebulizer.
C. Perform synchronized cardioversion.
D. Administer epinephrine.
What is the area where the base of the tongue and the epiglottis meet called?
A. Alveoli
B. Vallecula
C. Carina
D. Bronchi
A 54 year old female is trapped in a car and complains of chest pain. You are
unable to open the door, and the fire department is unable to get their extrication tools
to work. What should you do?
A. Break the window farthest from her to gain access.
B. Use the extrication tools without power.
C. Use a hand saw to cut the narrowest part of the frame to gain access.
D. Wait 30 minutes for the replacement tools to arrive.
What occurs during compression of the inferior vena cava?
A. Supine hypotensive syndrome
B. Eclampsia
C. Preeclampsia
D. Pregnancy induced hypertension
What will stimulation of a B1 receptor in the heart do?
A. Slow the heart with an increase contraction strength
B. Speed up the heart rate and increase contraction strength
C. Speed up the heart rate and decrease contraction strength
D. Slow the heart with an decrease contraction strength
What is abnormality of breathing rate, pattern, or effort called?
A. Dysphonia
B. Hypoxia
C. Dyspnea
D. Anoxia
What are you required to report directly to law enforcement?
A. Presence of illegal drugs
B. Trauma caused by alcohol use
C. Suspected child abuse
D. Suspected sexual assault
What is the function of the ductus arteriosus?
A. Provide a way for fetal wastes to leave material circulation.
B. Allow blood to bypass the fetus’s lungs before birth.
C. Allow the neonate to take a breath following delivery.
D. Decrease ambient pressure in the lungs before birth.
You are dispatched to a residence for a 67 year old female complaining of chest
pain. The patient is pale, diaphoretic and describes are pain as crushing. Vital signs are
BP 120/80, Pulse 100, Respirations are 22 and oxygen saturation is 90 percent. Select
the correct medications in order:
A. Oxygen, Morphine, Digoxin
B. Metoprolol, Nitroglycerine, Aspirin
C. Nitroglycerine, Aspirin
D. Oxygen, Aspirin, Nitroglycerine
What inherited metabolic disease of the lungs and digestive system manifests
during childhood?
A. Multiple sclerosis
B. Cerebral palsy
C. Cystic fibrosis
D. Sickle cell disease
Which stage of shock occurs when cardiac output and systolic blood pressures are
maintained by increasing catecholamine production?
A. Compensated shock
B. Uncompensated shock
C. Irreversible shock
D. Diffuse shock
How many people does it take to provide Optimal BVM ventilation?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
During the resuscitation of a 45 year old female you note a change in rhythm and
the ECG now shows sinus bradycardia. What should you do?
A. Assess for a pulse
B. Administer atropine
C. Obtain a blood pressure
D. Begin transcutaneous pacing
A 23 year old alert and pregnant female complains of severe abdominal pain after
an motor vehicle crash. You note her stomach is rigid and distended. There is no
vaginal bleeding or discharge. Vital signs are BP 94/58, P 128, R 30 and shallow, SpO2
90%. What should you suspect?
A. Uterine rupture
B. Placenta previa
C. Placenta abruptio
D. Pre-term labor
A motor vehicle collided with an electrical pole resulting in downed power lines. A
large crowd has gathered around the accident. Whom should you call for support?
A. Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad
B. Local Power Company and State Police
C. Volunteer Fire Department and State Police
D. Local Power Company and Volunteer Fire Department
What effect does reducing preload have in a patient with pulmonary edema?
A. Decreased respiratory demand
B. Decreased cardiac efficiency
C. Increased afterload
D. Improved cardiac efficiency
Which of the following would properly represent a female who has been pregnant
three times, given birth twice, and had one spontaneous abortion?
A. P3, G2, AB1.
B. P5, G2, AB1.
C. G3, P2, AB1.
D. G2, P2, AB1.
A 28 year old male has severe flank pain radiating to his back. He squirms around
on the floor unable to find a comfortable position, rating his pain a 9/10. He has
consumed no fluids over the past day. Vital signs are BP 200/80, P 100, R 18. What
should you do?
A. Administer morphine or hydromorphone.
B. Apply oxygen by nonrebreather mask and transport.
C. Establish IV access and administer a fluid bolus.
D. Administer aspirin and nitroglycerin.
An 18 year old female with a suspected cervical spine injury has a significant
amount of blood in her mouth. What should you do?
A. Stabilize her head and suction her airway.
B. Perform a jaw-thrust maneuver and attempt to ventilate her.
C. Perform a jaw-thrust and finger sweep in order to remove blood from her mouth.
D. Assess the her respiratory rate for no longer than 30 seconds.
A a family calls you to take their 20 year old son to the hospital for an involuntary
psychiatric evaluation. They state that he is physically aggressive and refuses to take
his antipsychotic drugs. He is quiet and refuses to communicate. What should you do?
A. Ask the parents to help you restrain the patient.
B. Talk firmly and tell him that you are going to restrain him now, but you will release the
restraints enroute if he behaves himself.
C. Call for police assistance to get a transport hold.
D. Call another medic or fire unit to assist you.
You are dispatched for a 78 yo male who has fallen. He currently has no
complaints and is alert and oriented. He is unsure if he lost consciousnessness at any
point. He takes metoprolol and atorvastatin. His blood pressure when lying down is
140/90 with a HR of 58 which becomes 100/60 with a HR of 59 when standing. You
suspect which of the following as a the most likely etiology of his fall:
A. hemorrhagic stroke
B. unsteady gait with poor mobility
C. medication side effect
D. acute myocardial infarction
What is an injury to ligaments around a joint called?
A. Dislocation
B. Sprain
C. Fracture
D. Strain
Which structure filters blood into a nephron?
A. loop of Henle
B. Collecting duct
C. Bowman’s capsule
D. Glomerulus
What drug is a specific antagonist to opiate derived drugs?
A. Charcoal
B. Ipecac
C. Midazolam
D. Narcan
A 16 year old was freed from entanglement in a motor vehicle crash. Their right
arm is amputated below the elbow. What should you do with the amputation?
A. Place it into its anatomical position and wrap it with dry gauze
B. Place it in a bag packed with ice and transport it with patient
C. Wrap it in moistened gauze, place it in a bag, and keep it cool
D. Wrap it in dry gauze and keep it warm during transport
During the action potential of a cardiac cell, what causes the initial conformational
change in the sodium-potassium pump?
A. Slow channel ion gates
B. Adenosine triphosphate
C. Calcium
D. Sodium and potassium
A tachypneic 17 year old male has an open gunshot wound to the right anterior
chest. What should you do?
A. Administer high-flow oxygen.
B. Begin bag valve mask ventilation.
C. Apply an occlusive dressing.
D. Decompress the right chest.
What neurotransmitter is responsible for stimulation of the postganglionic fibers in
the parasympathetic nervous system?
A. Norepinephrine
B. Epinephrine
C. Acetylcholine
D. Cortisone
. A 6 year old male complains of belly pain. What should you use to determine his
pain level?
A. 1 to 10 pain rating scale
B. Wong/Baker pain scale
C. Oucher pain scale
D. Analog visual scale
Which of the following substances is most likely to cause premature atrial
A. Caffeine
B. Aspirin
C. Marijuana
D. Phenobarbital
. An alert 17 year old male was struck in the abdomen with a large wrench. Vital
signs are BP 90/78, P 120 R 22. He is cool, pale and diaphoretic. Palpation of the
abdomen reveal bruising, pain, and rigidity to the right upper quadrant. To which organ
should you suspect injury?
A. Spleen
B. Liver
C. Right kidney
D. Small intestine
An intoxicated 45 year old homeless man was hit in the chest. He complains of
pain with inspiration. Bilateral lung sounds are clear. Vital signs are BP 130/80, P 76, R
12, SpO2 94%. What should you suspect?
A. Rib fractures
B. Tension Pneumothorax
C. Head injury
D. Pericardial tamponade
What does over secretion by the adrenal cortex cause?
A. Cushing’s disease
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Myxedema
D. Graves’ disease
What is the main site of drug metabolism?
A. Liver
B. Kidney
C. Spleen
D. Lungs
Your 65 year old male patient presents with a fever and sharp, steady pain along
the upper neck and shoulder that worsens when he takes a breath. Vital signs are BP
144/92, P 99 and regular, R 18 and regular, SpO2 of 95% on room air. What should you
A. Administer nitroglycerin
B. Obtain intravenous access
C. Perform a 12-lead ECG
D. Apply oxygen
A 23 year old pregnant female is pushing when you arrive. You find her bag of
water broke and the fluid was green. Fetal heart tones are 80. What should you do?
A. Encourage her to continue pushing.
B. Start at least one large bore IV.
C. Place her on her side and apply oxygen.
D. Place her in knee-chest position and apply oxygen.
A 16 year old boy tells you that he “caught” his 40 year old mother “holding a
handful of sleeping pills.” The son explains that she is depressed, and he is convinced
that she meant to kill herself. She is extremely agitated and is refusing treatment. What
should you do?
A. Request law enforcement assistance to transport the patient.
B. Contact social services to recommend they follow up on this family.
C. Carefully document the woman’s refusal and have her sign the form.
D. Encourage the patient to see a mental health professional that day
A 56 year old female has an arm injury with arterial bleeding. The dressing
becomes soaked with blood. What should you do?
A. Wrap an elastic bandage around the blood soaked dressing.
B. Apply additional dressing material with direct pressure.
C. Remove and replace the dressing with a thicker dressing.
D. Cover the existing dressing with an occlusive dressing.
A 32 year old female attempted to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills and
cutting her wrists. She has dark red blood oozing from the wrist lacerations. Vital signs
are BP 90/52, P 130 and weak, R 18. What type of bleeding should you suspect?
A. Arterial
B. Superficial
C. Venous
D. Capillary
A 51 year old male with a history of COPD is having difficulty breathing. Vital signs
are BP 136/74, R 22, P 100, SpO2 95%. What should you do?
A. Apply high-flow oxygen by bag-valve mask.
B. Withhold oxygen to avoid decreasing the hypoxic drive.
C. Apply low-flow oxygen by nasal cannula.
D. Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask.
What is the leading cause of cardiac arrest in pediatric populations?
A. Infection
B. Blunt force trauma
C. Respiratory compromise
D. Hypovolemic shock
A 55 year old female has difficulty breathing and is unable to lie supine. She has
pedal edema and bilateral crackles are heard on auscultation. What should you
A. Congestive heart failure
B. Asthma exacerbation
C. Chronic bronchitis
D. Myocardial infarction
An alert, ambulatory, 26 year old female admits to laying her motorcycle down at
25 mph to avoid a crash. She has extreme pain to her left side where you note severe
abrasions. She denies any neck or back pain. What should you do?
A. Sterile dressings and treat her pain with ice.
B. Oxygen and transport in a semi-sitting position of comfort.
C. C-collar and immobilize her fully in the standing position.
D. C-collar and transport her on his left side.
. A 45 year old female has type I diabetes and a non-healing foot ulcer. You find that
she lacks sensation in her foot. What should you suspect?
A. Brown-Sequards
B. Peripheral neuropathy
C. Claudication
D. Ranaud’s syndrome
What environmental emergency is life-threatening?
A. Chilblains
B. Heat exhaustion
C. Heat stroke
D. Frostbite
Where is the blood found during hemoptysis?
A. Stool
B. Esophagus
C. Sputum
D. Urine
What distinguishes pre-eclampsia from eclampsia?
A. Presence of albuminuria
B. Occurrence of convulsion or coma
C. Weight gain of over 40 pounds
D. Systolic blood pressure over 200 mg Hg
A 19 year old female is semi-conscious with snoring respirations. She has
overdosed on benzodiazepines. You should use a/an
A. nasopharyngeal airway.
B. oropharyngeal airway.
C. endotracheal airway.
D. dual lumen airway.
Where does the electrical impulse in the heart begin?
A. Bundle of His
B. AV node
C. Purkinje fibers
D. SA node
In what leads does ST elevation suggest an anterior wall MI?
A. V3, V4
B. II, III, and aVF
C. aVR, aVL, and aVF
D. V1, V2
What is the term used to describe the obligation you have to render assistance to a
A. Advanced directive
B. Standing order
C. Duty to act
D. Good Samaritan law
What type of drug is Verapamil?
A. Beta blocker
B. Antihypertensive medication
C. Angiotension receptor blocker
D. Calcium channel blocker
What is limiting the number of people or resources you are supervising known as?
A. Unified command
B. Command and control
C. Span of control
D. Unity of command
An alert 45 year old female is pale and cyanotic. Her vitals are BP 180/104, P 102
and irregular, R 28 with bilateral crackles. What is the most likely cause of her shortness
of breath?
A. Anaphylaxis
B. Asthma
C. Pulmonary edema
D. Simple pneumothorax
Which of the following medications is an adrenergic agonist that can stimulate
either alpha or beta receptors depending on the dose?
A. Epinephrine
B. Dopamine
C. Dobutamine
D. Atenolol
A 32 year old, 36 week pregnant, female complains of lower back pain. When she
is supine, she complains of feeling short of breath and faint. As you continue to assess
her, she becomes pale and anxious. Vital signs are BP is 92/76, P 102, R 22. What
should you do?
A. Prepare for a rapid delivery
B. Reposition her on her left side
C. Apply oxygen and start an IV
D. Obtain an orthostatic set of vital signs
What are established interventions that can be performed without calling medical
A. Standing orders
B. Scope of practice
C. Protocols
D. Advanced directives
A 20 year old male struck his head on a diving board and is unconscious and
apneic. Vital signs are BP 88/70, P 80. He has a large amount of swelling and deformity
in the cervical spine area. What should you suspect?
A. Increased intracranial pressure
B. Cervical spine injury
C. Cerebral contusion
D. Hypovolemic shock
A 55 year old male was pulled from a burning building. He has difficulty breathing
and is coughing. High flow oxygen does not provide relief. You are hearing bilateral
wheezing the upper lobes of his lungs. What should you do?
A. Obtain a set of vital signs.
B. Insert an oropharyngeal airway.
C. Administer nebulized albuterol.
D. Administer 0.3 mg epinephrine 1:1000 SQ
A man is threatening to beat his wife to death. The police have checked for
weapons and called you to evaluate him. While interviewing the patient, what should
you do?
A. Keep him between yourself and the exit.
B. Quickly expedite transport.
C. Enter his personal space.
D. Keep large furniture between him and you.
What is a contraindication of a traction splint?
A. Potential spinal injury
B. Pelvic fracture
C. Signs of hypoperfusion
D. Swelling or deformity to the thigh
A patient with AIDS vomited blood during transport. How should you disinfect your
A. Soak the mattress pad for 20 minutes in disinfectant, then let the mattress stand for 6
hours before use.
B. Using universal precautions, spray a bleach-based cleaning solution and carefully
wipe down the stretcher.
C. Replace the mattress and throw out the sheets.
D. Place the ambulance out of service until a full OSHA cleaning can be completed.
You are dispatched for a 78 year old person fallen. They have no complaints and
are alert and oriented. They state they are unsure if they lost consciousness at any
point. The patient takes metoprolol and atorvastatin. Vital signs: BP 130/84, P 88, R 16,
SpO2 = 95%. The patient wants to refuse care. You should first:
A. acquire a 12 lead ECG
B. counsel the patient to accept transport
C. repeat the vital signs
D. complete a fingerstick glucose
What is the most effective way to terminate ventricular fibrillation?
A. Defibrillation
B. Cardioversion
C. Chest compressions
D. Amiodarone
A 36 year old male and his 34 year old wife complain of severe headaches,
confusion, and dizziness. He also complains of chest pain. Both are short of breath.
What type of poisoning should you suspect?
A. Organophosphate
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Ammonia
When the vascular container enlarges without proportional increase in the fluid
volume, what type of shock should you suspect?
A. Hypovolemic
B. Decompensated
C. Cardiogenic
D. Distributive
You need to perform a needle cricothyrotomy for transtracheal jet ventilation on an
adult patient. What is the smallest catheter that is recommended for use?
A. 16ga.
B. 12ga.
C. 18ga.
D. 14ga.
A patient has been taking pain medication for several months. To maintain the
desired effect, they must periodically increase his dose. What is this known as?
A. Cumulative effect
B. Tolerance
C. Synergism
D. Additive effect
A 70 year old male with a history of CHF complains of severe dyspnea. During
transport his SpO2 drops to 76% and he starts to cough up pink sputum. What should
you do?
A. Assist his ventilations
B. Increase the flow of oxygen
C. Administer 40mg of Lasix IVP
D. Perform a 12 lead EKG
A 47 year old, 98 kg male has burns on 25% of his body. In the first 8 hours postburn, what fluid treatment should he recieve?
A. 9800 ml of normal saline (NS).
B. 4900 ml of normal saline (NS).
C. 4900 ml of lactated ringers (LR).
D. 9800 ml of lactated ringers (LR)
What is the correct dosage of ipratropium bromide during an asthma attack?
A. 0.3-0.5 mg, subcutaneously
B. 250 mg, by nebulizer
C. 0.5 mg, by nebulizer
D. 0.25 mg, subcutaneously
What structure contains the respiratory center of the brain?
A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Pons
D. Medulla
What is the movement of drugs in the body as they are absorbed, distributed,
metabolized, and excreted called?
A. Biotransformation
B. Pharmacokinetics
C. The mechanism of action
D. Pharmacodynamic
Which cranial nerve is responsible for sensation in the face?
B. V
A known alcoholic is unresponsive and coughing up bright, red blood. Which of the
following would be contraindicated?
A. Dual lumen airway
B. Bag-valve mask
C. Nasopharyngeal airway
D. Endotracheal tube
A 20 year old female was involved in a car crash. She complains of midline neck
pain and is unable to move her extremities. What secondary injury should you suspect?
A. Difficulty breathing
B. Vertebral swelling
C. Subluxation
D. Ruptured vertebrae
What additional resources would you need at a motor vehicle accident with a
trapped 22 year old female?
A. Additional State Police and the Fire Department.
B. Rescue Squad and the Fire Department.
C. Second ambulance and additional State Police.
D. Second ambulance and the Fire Department.
A crew member has thick facial hair. Which of the following is the most appropriate
protection against airborne pathogens?
A. Surgical particulate mask
B. An NH 15 escape hood
C. A slightly larger HEPA (N95) mask
D. Powered air purifying respirator
A 24 year old female responds to a sternal rub by opening her eyes and moaning
incomprehensibly. She tries to push your hands away from her sternum. What is her
Glasgow Coma Scale score?
A. 9
B. 3
C. 6
D. 12
What is the most prevalent cation in the cell?
A. Potassium
B. Sodium
C. Calcium
D. Chloride
. A 23-year old male motorcyclist was struck by a car that ran a stop sign. He is pale
and diaphoretic, and no external bleeding is noted. Vital signs are P 136 and R 28.
Which of the following is most likely?
A. Femur fracture
B. Neurogenic shock
C. Pneumothorax
D. Closed head injury
What genetic disease is characterized by progressive muscle weakness and
skeletal muscle degeneration?
A. Muscular dystrophy
B. Multiple sclerosis
C. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
D. Myasthenia gravis
A 46 year old male is pale, diaphoretic, and complains of light-headedness after
palpitations. An ECG shows paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. When assessing
his perfusion status, what would you suspect?
A. Delayed capillary refill
B. Dry, warm skin
C. Normal vital signs
D. Rapid, bounding pulse
On arrival of a motor vehicle crash, what degree of scene assessment needs to be
A. 90 degrees from the front of the car
B. 180 degrees of the patient
C. 360 degrees of the scene
D. 220 degrees from side of approach
What is the pathophysiological reason behind severe joint and abdominal pain in a
patient with Drepanocytosis?
A. Inflammatory reaction from arthritis
B. Vascular occlusion from abnormal shaped cells
C. Severe infection involving his appendix
D. Microvascular occlusion from nitrogen bubbles
What is the role of angiotensin II in the body?
A. Inhibits the creation of aldosterone increasing blood pressure.
B. Stimulates the creation of aldosterone increasing blood pressure.
C. Stimulates the creation of aldosterone decreasing blood pressure.
D. Inhibits the creation of aldosterone decreasing blood pressure.
A 38 year female is in labor in her car. This is her fourth child, contractions last 30
seconds and occur every 1-2 minutes. What should you do?
A. Tell her to bear down hard and to push.
B. Call for air medical transport.
C. Move her to the ambulance and prepare for delivery.
D. Transport the patient to the hospital for treatment.
A 62 year old man is unresponsive 5 minutes into his dialysis treatment. He has
snoring respirations. Pulses are weak and you are unable to obtain a blood pressure.
ECG reveals a wide-complex idioventricular rhythm at a rate of 50. What should you
A. Administer calcium chloride
B. Check his blood glucose
C. Start CPR
D. Cardiovert at 360J
An alert 18 year old female is trapped in her car after a single car crash. She
complains of hip and left leg pain. When she is finally extricated from the car, her vital
signs decrease. What stages of shock is she transitioning from?
A. Decompensated to hypovolemic
B. Compensated to decompensated
C. Decompensated to compensated
D. Neurogenic to hypovolemic
What is the name of the tracheal ring that sits directly inferior to the larynx?
A. Cuneiform cartilage
B. Cricoid cartilage
C. Thyroid cartilage
D. Corniculate cartilage
What condition is caused by twisting of the spermatic cord, resulting in a sudden
onset of severe scrotal pain?
A. Epididymitis
B. Urinary calculi
C. Priapism
D. Testicular torsion
At a mass gathering several hundred people suddenly began to experience severe
salivation, lacrimation, urination, and vomiting. What should you do?
A. Set up a command post and ensure scene safety.
B. Alert the Center for Disease Control.
C. Contact the Department of Homeland Security.
D. Evacuate all of the patients from the premises.
A 88 year old female has acute onset of diplopia, slurred speech, difficulty
swallowing, and unilateral facial drooping. What should you suspect?
A. Bacterial meningitis
B. An ischemic stroke
C. A subdural hematoma
D. A postictal state
A 13 year old has been found unresponsive on her bedroom floor. She has shallow
respirations at four-times-a-minute, unobtainable radial pulse, pinpoint pupils, and a
slow carotid pulse. Her mother provides you with a prescription bottle labeled morphine.
Assisted ventilations are started with a bag-valve mask and an IV has been established.
What medication would benefit this patient the most?
A. Lidocaine
B. Atropine
C. Naloxone
D. Epinephrine
Which of the following is the MOST common cause of airway obstruction?
A. Trauma
B. The tongue
C. Laryngeal spasm
D. Foreign bodies
What contains detailed information about all potentially hazardous substances
found in a workplace?
B. Placards
C. NFPA labels
D. UN number signs
What ion plays a major role in regulating the distribution of water in the body?
A. Magnesium
B. Calcium
C. Sodium
D. Potassium
After initial treatments of an arterial bleed in the left forearm are unsuccessful.
What should you do?
A. Apply pressure to the radial artery.
B. Apply a tourniquet.
C. Apply pressure to the subclavian artery.
D. Lower the extremity
What complication may occur as a result of incomplete delivery of the placenta?
A. Uterine rupture
B. Chronic urinary tract infections
C. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
D. Postpartum vaginal hemorrhage
Which is a sign of respiratory failure for an adult?
A. Mouth breathing
B. Breathing 16 times per minute.
C. Nasal flaring
D. Skin is pink and dry.
What personal protective equipment is worn during intubation?
A. Gloves, eye protection, mask, and gown
B. Gloves
C. Gloves, eye protection, and mask
D. Gloves and eye protection
An alert and oriented 35 year old female is sitting on the ground after a car
accident. Vital signs are BP 90/62, P 96, R 24 and shallow. She denies any numbness
or tingling in her extremities. What should you do?
A. Transport her immediately.
B. Obtain her medical history.
C. Reassess her vitals.
D. Secure her to a long backboard
What complicates coronary perfusion during in CPR?
A. Hyperinflation of the lungs
B. Esophageal intubation
C. Gastric distention
D. Poor airway management
When completing the narrative portion of your prehospital care report, the “O” in
SOAP stands for:
A. Objection
B. Observation
C. Objective
D. Operation
How do you determine that you are doing adequate CPR on a child?
A. Check for a change in rhythm on the cardiac monitor.
B. Compress the chest at a rate greater than 200.
C. Check for a carotid pulse during compressions.
D. Compress the chest at least three inch minimum depth.
A 72 year old female has altered mental status, irritability, and delirium. Her
husband states she has lost 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks. Vital signs are BP 170/100, P
160, temp 102F, skin warm and dry. What should you suspect?
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Thyrotoxicosis
C. Dementia
D. Cushing’s Syndrome
. A 44 year old female complains of diffuse abdominal pain with cramping. She
states that she has vomited brownish-greenish yellow fluid several times. Her abdomen
is distended and she has been constipated for the last few days. What should you
A. Cholecystitis
B. Diverticular disease
C. Pancreatitis
D. Bowel obstruction
What common site of arteriovenous malformation and aneurysm results in
hemorrhagic stroke?
A. Middle meningeal artery
B. Basilar artery
C. Posterior cerebral artery
D. Anterior cerebral artery
What can rough handling of a patient with severe hypothermia cause?
A. Ventricular fibrillation
B. Ventricular tachycardia
C. Decreased respirations
D. Increased shivering
Prior to a seizure, a patient reported seeing strange flashes of light and hearing
high pitched sounds. What is this phase of the seizure known as?
A. Hypertonic
B. Clonic
C. Aura
D. Tonic
An 18 year old male presents with symptoms of hypoglycemia. What criteria must
be met for him to receive oral glucose?
A. He must be conscious, with a patent airway.
B. He must have a history of type 1 diabetes.
C. He must have a prescription for oral glucose.
D. His blood glucose analysis must be between 70 and 95 mg/dL
A 41 year old female is bleeding profusely from an extremity wound. Vital signs are
BP 78/40, P 130 and weak, R 22. After stopping the bleeding, what should you do?
A. Reassess her vital signs.
B. Begin rapid IV fluid replacement.
C. Place her in the shock position.
D. Apply a tourniquet above the wound.
A 73 year old female complains of shortness of breath. While treating her, she
stops breathing. What should you do?
A. Ventilate with a BVM.
B. Check her pulse.
C. Start CPR.
D. Perform orotracheal intubation.
What process is involved in the formation of a blood clot?
A. Tissue plasminogen activator creates fibrin
B. Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin
C. Hemoglobin is converted to platelets
D. Prothrombin stimulates the release of troponin
What is the inherent rate for the AV node?
A. 150-250/min
B. 20-40/min
C. 60-100/min
D. 40-60/min
Which of the following medications can produce anticholinergic effects.
A. Epinephrine.
B. Atropine sulfate.
C. Etomidate.
D. Nitroglycerin
How quickly should you expect a clot to form from a venous laceration?
A. 1 minute
B. 7-10 minutes
C. 11-14 minutes
D. 4-6 minutes
While assessing a 32 year old pregnant female, you discover fetal heart tones at
98 bpm. What should you do?
A. Obtain a secondary set of vital signs
B. Start a dopamine drip
C. Turn to her left side and apply oxygen
D. Administer atropine
A 42 year old female complains of tinnitus, nausea and vomiting. Her husband
meets you at the door and states that he returned home this morning finding his wife
and two children lying on the floor with nausea and headaches. What type of poisoning
should you suspect?
A. Severe randon gas
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Toxic black mold
D. Hydrogen sulfide
A 30 year old female has recently given birth at home. During transport she has a
sudden onset of shortness of breath and chest pain. Vital signs are BP 96/60, P 130, R
30, SpO2 92%. What should you administer?
A. High-flow oxygen and a fluid bolus.
B. Low-flow oxygen and tocolytic.
C. A bronchodilator and perform a detailed exam.
D. Nitroglycerin and obtain a 12 lead ECG.
A 45 year old female has been sexually assaulted with a blunt object. She
complains of diffuse abdominal pain, and her vital signs are BP 100/60, P 120, R 26.
What should you suspect?
A. Internal hemorrhage
B. Ectopic pregnancy
C. Prolapsed uterus
D. Uterine cramping
How should you manage the airway of an unconscious 55 year old male with
snoring respirations?
A. Head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver
B. Endotracheal intubation
C. Modified jaw-thrust maneuver
D. Sellick’s maneuver
Lead aVR is often discounted. What is the significance of ST elevations in this
B. Proximal LMCA occlusion
C. No significance
D. Significant lateral MI
In which factor of clotting physiology are the clotting proteins, platelets, and red
blood cells “washed out” of the vascular space through ongoing hemorrhage?
A. Medication
B. Hemodilution
C. Hypothermia
D. Acidosis
A patient vomits blood onto your uniform at the hospital. Your service has no more
ambulances available. What should you do?
A. Alert dispatch that you are out of service for the next 6 hours.
B. Rinse your uniform out in the sink and notify dispatch of your location.
C. Wash your uniform only if your patient had a communicable disease.
D. Thoroughly clean yourself, the ambulance and don a pair of scrubs.
During transport a 32 year old pregnant female tells you the baby is coming. You
look and see two feet at the vaginal canal. What should you do?
A. Apply fundal pressure and prepare for a breech delivery.
B. Direct your partner to pull over and come back to assist you.
C. Tell her to pant and have your partner begin rapid transport.
D. Apply oxygen and place her in a knee-chest position.
When measuring the R-R interval, you note three large boxes in between. What
would the heart rate be?
A. 75 beats/min
B. 100 beats/min
C. 150 beats/min
D. 60 beats/min
A 22 year old female complains of body aches, severe headache and blurred
vision. She admits to having large amounts of alcohol the night before. What diagnosis
you should consider LAST?
A. Cerebral vascular accident
B. Hangover
C. Migraine headache
D. Meningitis
A febrile 78 year old male in respiratory distress has a productive cough with
yellow sputum. Lung sounds are absent in the lower third of his lung fields. What is a
DEFINITIVE treatment for this patient?
A. Albuterol
B. Furosemide
C. Ipratropium bromide
D. Antibiotics
You arrive on the scene of a motor vehicle crash involving a car and a bus. You
A. Determine number of patients, determine if any additional resources are needed and
proceed into the scene
B. Assess the scene for any hazards, determine the number of patients while determine
if any additional resources are needed
C. Assess the scene for any hazards, determine the number of patients than start to
hand out triage tags
D. Assess the scene for hazards, call for a mass casualty unit and wait for a second
ambulance prior to entering the scene
What chemical mediator released from mast cells is responsible for producing an
acute allergic response?
A. Acetylcholine
B. Histamine
C. Dopamine
D. Epinephrine
Which glands release their chemical products through ducts for a local effect?
A. Endocrine
B. Adrenal
C. Exocrine
D. Hormone
What is the dose for lorazepam for seizures?
A. 2 g IV
B. 200 mcg IV
C. 2 gr IV
D. 2 - 4 mg IV
A 4 year old female is warm and withdrawn when you arrive. The mother states
that she had a 5 minute seizure prior to your arrival. She has had previous seizures, but
that this one was longer and more violent. What should you do?
A. Administer 4.5 mg diazepam.
B. Suggest that she see her primary care physician.
C. Apply oxygen and obtain a 12 lead ECG.
D. Apply oxygen and give a fluid bolus.
A 62 year old female has difficulty breathing. She is pale, diaphoretic, and has
cyanosis of the lips. Lung sounds reveal coarse crackles. Vital signs are, BP 200/104, P
142, R 40. What is your goal in providing treatment?
A. Decrease preload to reduce oxygen demand.
B. Decrease afterload to increase cardiac output.
C. Increase afterload to increase end systolic volume.
D. Increase preload to increase end diastolic volume.
What condition can present with paranoia, delusions, and auditory hallucinations?
A. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
B. Organic brain syndrome
C. Schizophrenia
D. Bi-polar disorder
Which structure separates the upper airway from the lower airway?
A. Hyoid bone
B. Trachea
C. Carina
D. Vocal cords
What is the antidote for Verapamil overdose?
A. Benadryl
B. Calcium
C. Glucagon
D. Narcan
Which of the following is NOT a communicable disease?
A. Cancer
B. Hepatitis B
C. Tuberculosis
A 20 year old female has burns on her chest, abdomen, and on the anterior side of
her right arm. What percentage of body is burned?
A. 18%
B. 22.5%
C. 40.5%
D. 27%
You find a patient in the tripod position. What should you suspect?
A. A cardiac emergency
B. Gastrointestinal distress
C. Respiratory distress
D. A transischemic attack
After the birth of male child, you note he is blue all over, is not breathing, and has
no pulse. What is his APGAR?
A. 5
B. 8
C. 0
D. 2
A 20 year old male struck his head while jumping into a swimming pool. He is
unconscious and apneic. Vital signs are BP 88/70, P 80. There is a large amount of
swelling and deformity in the cervical spine area. What should you do?
A. Use the head tilt/chin lift to open his airway
B. Administer oxygen via non-rebreather mask
C. Secure him to a long spineboard
D. Apply and inflate MAST
How should you dispose of dressings and bandages that are saturated with blood?
A. A cardboard box and sealed with tape
B. In any normal garbage container
C. In a red bag with a bio hazard seal
D. At a hospital ED trash container
A 43 year old male complains of a stiff neck, persistent cough, and fever for the
past week. He states he has been in and out of homeless shelters for the past 5
months. What should you do?
A. Apply oxygen by non-rebreather mask.
B. Put on eye protection and a surgical mask.
C. Have the patient wear a HEPA mask.
D. Use gloves, gown, and HEPA mask.
What medical term describes wheals on the skin during an allergic reaction?
A. Urticaria
B. Angioedema
C. Pruritus
D. Myxedema
What are the 5 variables needed to interpret cardiac rhythms?
A. Rate, regularity, QRS width, P waves, and P-R interval
B. Rate, irregularity, U wave, P waves, and P-R interval
C. Rate, regularity, ST segment, QRS width, and T waves
D. Rate, regularity, QRS width, ST segment, and P-R interval
A 42 year old male complain of hives and itching on his lower right leg immediately
after mowing the lawn. Vital signs are BP 146/84, P 92, R 16. What should you
A. Anaphylaxis
B. Allergic reaction
C. Eczema
D. Insecticide poisoning
A 25 year old female is in labor and reports an urge to push. Suddenly her
contractions weaken. You should suspect:
A. uterine rupture
B. false labor
C. uterine inversion
D. placenta previa
An 27 year old male suffered a partial amputation of his foot in a farming accident.
Bleeding is controlled. He is alert and oriented but refuses treatment. He speaks directly
with online medical control but still refuses treatment and transportation. What should
you do?
A. Call law enforcement for an assisted transport.
B. Carefully obtain and document the patient’s refusal.
C. Assume implied consent and transport the patient.
D. Call social services and report suspicions of neglect.
An unresponsive 35 year old female has been stabbed in the abdomen. She flexes
her arms when you establish an IV and mumbles incomprehensible words, but her eyes
remain closed. Respirations are 8-10 times per minute. How should you protect her
A. Nasal airway
B. Endotracheal tube
C. Head tilt chin lift
D. Oropharyngeal airway
What does S-T segment elevation greater than 0.1 mV in at least two contiguous
leads indicate?
A. Active ischemia
B. Unstable angina
C. A Mobitz II heart block
D. A myocardial infarction
A 25 year old female is unresponsive and apneic after being ejected from a
vehicle. What is the best way to manage her airway?
A. Jaw-thrust maneuver
B. Endotracheal intubation
C. Sellick’s maneuver
D. Esophageal intubation