how to position vehicle when you are first to arrive at an incident
minimum 21ft behind stopped vehicle and at a 45 degree angle with driver’s side pointed toward road, turning all wheels to the left
who approaches the motor vehicle responding to an unknown problem parked car
lead of EMS crew while rest of crew remain with ambulance in case there’s a problem
what to do if trunk is open when approaching a vehicle
retreat to ambulance
how to approach a car
from rear passenger-side trunk to C post if backseat occupants and B post if only front seat occupants
what do law enforcement call the driver’s door area
kill zone
how to safely approach a van
10-15ft away, remaining clear of van’s side door, walk parallel to van until you are 45 degrees forward of the A post
minimum amount of info for call for help
unit identifier and current location
how to approach a door to a residence
inward swinging: stand on the doorknob side
outward swinging: stand on the hinge side
what is contact and cover
one medic provides patient care, the other monitors environment and bystanders
how far for staging, treatment, and triage away from active shooter scene
0.5-1 miles
cover vs. concealment
cover: objects difficult for bullets to penetrate
concealment: hiding areas
where on car to use for cover
behind engine block or front wheel area
difference between testimonial and real/physical evidence
testimonial is the oral documentation by a witness of a criminal act
real/physical ties a suspect or victim to a crime (includes materials on body, objects, and impressions)