what are the CBRNE agents
chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear, explosive
international vs. domestic terrorism
international: aka cross-border terrorism, foreign agents
domestic: operation originating within borders of target country
what is the motivation behind state terrorists
established government using terror to control all or part of its populace
motivation behind religious extremists
see other religions or “nonbelievers” as worthy targets for death
right-wing extremists motivation
formed as militias or gangs and motivated by conspiracy theories
left-wing extremists motivation
want to overturn traditional establishment and corporations
issue-oriented groups motivation
seek to effect change through legal/socially acceptable means
smaller group may break off and look toward violence
separatists motivation
seek political, economic, social freedom
seek to kill or evict foreigners
nacroterrorists motivation
use of terror to take control of region, politics, government for drug trafficking
pathologic terrorists motivation
none besides desire to terrorize others
small groups or lone wolves
National Terrorism Advisory System
Dept of Homeland Security issues alerts through this in response to threats to US
elevated vs imminent terrorist threats
elevated: no specific info about time or location
imminent: believed to be impending or occurring soon
the most senior paramedic act as _____ on terrorism scene until relieved by ______
medical branch director
supervisor or EMS physician
what is the patient generator
source that is causing people to become sick or injured
what toxin laces mailed letters
ricin (chemical agent)
biotoxins and examples
poisons derived from plants or animals
examples: ricin
blister agents and examples
aka vesicants, cause blisters
example: gas or lewisite
blood agents and examples
poisons absorbed by and affecting function of blood
examples: CO, cyanide
caustic agents and examples
chemicals that burn or corrode human tissue
examples: hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen chloride
chocking/pulmonary agents and examples
chemicals that cause severe irritation and swelling of respiratory tissues
examples: ammonia, chlorine, bromine, phosgene
incapacitating agents and examples
cause sedation and altered consciousness
examples: fentanyl, opioids
long-acting anticoagulants and examples
poisons that prevent blood clotting
example: superwarfarin
poisonous metals and examples
metals inherently poisonous to living creatures
examples: arsenic, mercury
nerve agents and examples
chemicals that disrupt nervous system and function of acetylcholine
examples: sarin, soman, VX, novichok
organic solvents and examples
chemicals that damage living tissues by dissolving fats and oils
example: benzene
riot control agents and examples
highly irritating by nonlethal
examples: mace or tear gas
toxic alcohols and examples
alcohols inherently poisoning by targeting heart, kidneys, nervous system
example: ethylene glycol
vomiting agents and example
chemicals that induce uncontrollable nausea and vomiting
example: adamsite