Who designs the original specs for emergency vehicles
General Services Administration (GSA) DOT KKK 1822
two other current guidelines for emergency vehicle specs
NFPA 1917 and CAAS-GVS V2.0 (commission on accreditation of ambulance services)
Original vehicle guideline color
omaha orange and white
Society of Automotive Engineers
newer safety designs for emergency vehicles
Emergency vehicles:
Type I
Type II
Type III
Heavy duty
Type I: truck-cab
Type II: standard van
Type III: specialty van
Heavy duty: heavy-duty
two types of specialized transport vehicles and their staffing
stroke units and pediatric intensive care
staffed with: RN, medic, EMT
what organization makes recommendations regarding infection control practices
American College of Surgeons
developed first standardized equipment list for emergency vehicles
who currently publishes standardized equipment list for emergency vehicles
American College of Emergency Physicians and National Association of EMS Physicians
why is checking access to outside doors of rig important during truck check
most rigs keep spine stabilization and patient-moving equipment outside
4 S’s of emergency vehicle
emergency vehicle needs to be able to do these four things 100% of the time or immediately be put out of service
Start, Steer, Stay Running, Stop
belt noise
chirping or squealing sound synchronous with engine speed NOT road speed
brake fade
sensation that vehicle has lost its power brakes
brake pull
sensation when you try to depress the brake pedal, someone is trying to jerk the steering wheel to the left or right
vehicle consistently wanders left or right when you let go of steering wheel
steering pull
tug on steering wheel that you can feel as vehicle drifts to one side or another
pulsating break pedal
up/down motion of brake pedal during deceleration
steering play
sensation of looseness or sloppiness in a vehicle’s steering
tire squeal
singing sound when you turn the vehicle at parking speeds (normal on smooth concrete, not on asphalt)
wheel bounce
vibration synchronous with road speed that you can feel in steering wheel or drivers seat
wheel wobble
common finding at low speeds when a vehicle has a bent wheel
4 key factors in “high performance EMS systems”
response times, productivity, unit costs, taxpayer subsidies
response time standard for urban area
less than 8 minutes
what is the goal of System Status Management (SSM)
maximize efficiency and reduce response time
peak loads
increased demand for services during certain hours or locations
strategic deployment
deployment of emergency vehicle to a “posting” location
steps of scene sizeup (5)
1.look for safety hazards
2. determine need for additional units
3. identify MOI or nature of illness
4. determine need to specialized equipment or additional vehicles
5. take standard precautions
how many straps are usually on a gurney
shoulder straps and 3 across body straps
process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface
killing of pathogenic agents by directly applying a chemical made for that purpose to a surface
complete elimination of microorganisms with the exception of a small number of bacterial spores
high-level disinfection
application of heat or UV lighting that removes all microbial contamination
what to clean stretcher with
EPA approved solution or 1:100 dilution of bleach and water
how many emergency medical vehicles are involved in crashes each year
what percent of ambulance crashes happen during emergency response
percent of emergency response crashes that involve injury or fatality of at least one person
where do most injuries/fatalities occur in emergency response accidents
patient compartment
what course is recommended for EMS vehicle operators
what can save more time than driving faster
switching to an alternative route
who should make the decision to drive code 3 or not
the paramedic in the emergency vehicle’s rear compartment with the patient
what 3 things are considered maintaining a cushion of safety
distance between your vehicle and one in front of you
checking for tailgaters
being alert to vehicles hiding in your blind spot
how far should you travel behind another vehicle at average speed in good weather conditions
4-5 seconds
what to do if you are being tailgated
do not speed up or slow down
tell dispatcher to contact law enforcement
3 blind spots and how to fix them on emergency vehicle
rear view mirror in front of you (lean forward)
rear of vehicle (use spotters)
side of vehicle (use convex mirrors and lean forward/backward)
most common source of emergency vehicle damage
backing up
where to park during crash scene
100ft past scene on same side of road
where to park during hazmat scene
when to leave lights on
parking on backside of hill/curve
parking at night
(use only yellow lights if you have them)
what to be careful of when parking off side of the road
dry and wet weather
dry weather: vehicle could start grass fire
wet weather: vehicle could get stuck
as driver of emergency vehicle, what are the only two ways to control the vehicle
changing its direction or changing its speed
what is the apex of a turn
the point at which the vehicle is closest to the inside edge of the curve
always brake in a ___ line
speeds greater than 30mph, tires may be lifted off road as water “piles up” under them making it feel like its floating
what to do after driving out of pool of water
lightly tap brakes until they are dry
if antilock brakes, apply steady light pressure to dry
what headlights to use during smog, snow, heavy rain
low headlight beams
what are the largest source of lawsuits against EMS personnel
motor vehicle crashes
what vehicle are EMS not allowed to pass
school bus with red flashing lights
lights and sirens does not ___ you the right-of-way, it ___ the right-of-way
what is due regard
proceed only if you consider safety of all people on roadway
3 principles that govern use of warning lights/siren
- true emergency
- audible and visual warning devices
- operate with due regard
most common area of crashes
who helps rural EMS systems get to remote locations
Forestry Service
what type of aircraft is used for transport to regional trauma centers
rotor-wing aircraft (helicopters)
what type of aircraft are used to transport patients over long distances
fixed-wing aircraft
when is aircraft transport warranted besides extended transport/extreme condition
spinal injury and rough terrain over which patient would be carried
what patient should be transported by ground due to space limitations
cardiac arrest and peri-arrest conditions
medical/trauma air evacuation
2 things that should be included in medevac request
chief complaint and patient’s weight
how many feet above sea level are helicopter services limited to
10,000ft above sea level
how fast do medevac helicopters fly
area of a landing zone
60x60ft minimum, 100x100ft prefered
hard, level surface
how to mark landing zone
weighted cones or position emergency vehicles at corners of landing zone, headlights facing inward to form an X
what does “hot” mean in reference to helicopters
tail rotor is spinning
proper approach to helicopter
between 10 and 2 oclock as the pilot sits forward
what grade to approach a helicopter from
downhill (rotor’s are closer to ground on uphill side)