difference fems Flashcards
key ideas
-criticise other fems for generalising the experience of white women
-ethnic minority have double disadvantage e.g racism and patriarchy
- lesbian may also face alot of discrimination
what movement do difference fems have
metoo movement
difference fems thoughts on the family
-honour based violence
-forced marriage - breast ironing
these cultural practices impact women often lack support
criticisms of difference fems
- men can also face discrimination of an ethnic background
- other fems complain it divided the movement causing it to have less power and removed the influence of fems movement
what do neo liberal fems say
-combine ideas of liberal fems w other ideas and new right
-liberal fems advocate survival of the fittest application and believe all women should have the opportunity to rise to the top and women should try even if not all women hv the opportunity
why is neo liberal fems different
-advocate equality for all women not just the best women and other fems would criticise the approach