57. Joint Disorder (26%) Flashcards
In a patient presenting with joint pain, distinguish benign from serious pathology. Name examples of serious pathologies. (2)
- sarcoma
- septic joint
In a patient presenting with a monoarthropathy, rule out what ?
infectious causes. (e.g., sexually transmitted diseases).
In patients presenting with musculoskeletal pain, include referred and visceral sources of pain in the differential diagnosis.
Name some examples (3)
- angina
- glissement de l’épiphyse fémorale capitale se présentant comme une douleur au genou (dlr référée)
- neuropathic pain
Describe use of X-ray in ligamentous injuries
Clinically diagnose ligamentous injuries. Do NOT do an X-ray examination.
In a patient presenting with joint pain, include systemic conditions in the differential diagnosis.
Name examples
- Granulomatose de Wegener
- Lupus
- Ulcerative colitis
In assessing patients with a diagnosed rheumatologic condition, search for disease-related complications.
Name example (1)
Differentiate joint vs. soft tissue pain
- Arthritis: Pain on ROM, decreased ROM, swelling, erythema
- Soft tissue: ROM preserved, tendernes over bursae, tendons, or ligaments
Name DDX Monoarthritis (7)
- Trauma
- Infection (Septic arthritis)
- Crystal-induced arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Systemic (Gonoccocal, non-gonococcal, mycobacterial, fungal, lyme)
- Mechanical derangement
- Neoplasm
Hemarthrosis is associated with which conditions ? (3)
- fractures intra-articulaires
- luxations
- lésions ligamentaires
Gonoccocal joint infx presents how?
- present as purulent arthritis
- or a triad of tenosynovitis, vesiculopustular skin lesions, and polyarthralgias
Non gonococcal bacterial joint infections should be suspected in who? (3)
in IV drug users, immunocompromised, prosthetic joint
List Crystal-induced arthritis (2)
Gout (cristaux d’urate monosodique )
Pseudogout (CPPD)
Name causes of Systemic arthritis (4)
- Spondylarthrite séronégative (Arthrite réactive, Arthrite psoriasique, Arthrite associée aux maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin)
- Polyarthrite sarcoïde
- Polyarthrite rhumatoïde
- Troubles myélodysplasiques et leucémiques
Name redflags of joint pain (6)
- Articulations chaudes/enflées
- SX B
- Raideur matinale > 30 minutes
- Douleur nocturne
- Faiblesse
- Neurologique (douleur brûlante, engourdissement ou paresthésie)