16. MPOC Flashcards
Describe MPOC
Persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation due to airway/alveolar abnormalities usually caused by exposure to noxious particles/gases
Describe diagnosis : MPOC (1)
Spirometry FEV1/FVC <0.70 post-bronchodilator
Describe grades : MPOC (4)
- Mild = FEV1>80% predicted
- Moderate = 50-80%
- Severe = 30 to <50%
- Very Severe <30%
Name symptoms : MPOC (4)
- Dyspnea
- Cough
- Wheeze
- Sputum production
Name scores/ways to assess symptoms : MPOC (2)
- mMRC
- COPD assessment test
Describe : mMRC (5)
- Grade 0 = Symptoms on strenuous exercise
- Grade 1 = Symptoms on hurrying on level or walking up slight hill
- Grade 2 = Walk slower than people same age because of breathlessness, or stop to breathe when walking at regular pace on level
- Grade 3 = Stop after 100m or after a few minutes on level
- Grade 4 = Unable to leave house or breathless when dressing/undressing
Describe : COPD Assessment Test (8)
Quantifies impact of COPD symptoms on patients’ overall health.
* Cough
* Phlegm
* Chest tightness
* Breathlessness
* Activities
* Confidence
* Sleep
* Energy
When to screen for Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD)
WHO recommends all patients with COPD should be screened once, especially if high prevalence area
Consider if
* early onset COPD
* family history of AATD
* <20py smoker
* asthma poorly responsive to therapy
Describe classic patient : Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD)
Classic <45yo with panlobular basal emphysema
Describe tx : MPOC (7)
- Smoking cessation, exercise
- Yearly influenza vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine (>65yo or risk)
- Bronchodilators
- Réadaptation pulmonaire pour les patients limités à l’exercice ou FEV1<50%
- Oxygen therapy for severe resting chronic hypoxemia (PaO2 <55mmHg, SaO2<88%)
- Non-invasive ventilation (CPAP) for OSA or chronic hypercapnia with history hospitalization
- Bronchoscopic and surgical treatments for advanced COPD
MPOC exacerbation most commonly triggered by what?
- respiratory viral infection (rhinovirus)
- environment (pollution, temperature)
Treatment of exacerbation MPOC : Mild
SABA (eg. 4-8 puffs inhaled q20mins up to 4h then q1-4h PRN)
+/- LAMA
Treatment of exacerbation MPOC : Moderate (2)
- Antibiotics and corticosteroids (Pred 40mg PO daily x5d) indicated if increased sputum purulence with one of: sputum volume or dyspnea (or if requires ventilation)
- Consider : Procalcitonin, Sputum cultures if recurrent or severe, r/o pseudomonas
In mild MPOC exacerbation, describe ATB tx if simple COPDE (6)
- Amoxicillin 500mg TID x 7d
- or clarithromycin 500 BID x 7d
- or azithromycin
- or cefuroxime
- or doxycycline
- or TMP-SMX
In mild MPOC exacerbation, describe ATB tx if complicated COPDE (3)
If complicated (FEV1<50%, more than 3 COPDE/y, comorbidity, oxygen needs, chronic inhaled steroid, recent antibiotic use)
- Moxifloxacin 400mg PO daily x 5d
- Levofloxacin 500mg PO daily x 7
- or Clavulin
Treatment of exacerbation MPOC : Severe (2)
- Magnesium sulfate 2g IV over 20 minutes may reduce hospitalizations (NNTB = 7)
- Hospitalization/ER visit
Describe prevention MPOC (5)
- Stop smoking
- Exercise
- Influenza
- Pneumococcal 23-valent
- LA bronchodilators/anticholinergics
- Teach inhaler technique
- Action plan
When to go to Emergency Department
- Pulmonary Rehab
- Resp therapy/Respirology/Specialty clinic
- Smoking cessation group
Décrire risque exacerbation aiguë (2)
Le risque d’exacerbation aigüe est élevé si, au cours de la dernière année :
* 2 exacerbations aiguës ou plus ont nécessité la prise d’un corticostéroïde oral et/ou d’un antibiotique (c.à.d. ≥ 2 exacerbations modérées) OU
* 1 exacerbation aiguë ou plus a nécessité une hospitalisation (c.à.d. ≥ 1 exacerbation sévère)
Décrire tx pharmaco initiaux MPOC
Décrire ajustement du tx pharmacologique du MPOC si : Dyspnée ou limitation à l’exercise
Décrire ajustement du tx pharmacologique du MPOC si : Risque élevéé d’exacerbaiton aigüe